azure developer cli
8 TopicsNLP London Meetup - Microsoft Reactor
Hey everyone! Thanks for joining out session today at the NLP London meetup in the Microsoft Reactor. Here you can find the resources that we have shared during the session and our contact links. Resources Azure OpenAI Docs The Azure Developer CLI azd AI App Templates Azure AI Search Docs Azure OpenAI Assistants Responsible AI Contoso Creative Writer Example Application Our next event London Reactor meetup - 10th December Liam Hampton LinkedIn Chris Noring LinkedIn65Views0likes0CommentsAI Community Day - Boost AI Workflow Productivity
Hey everyone! Thanks for joining out session today at the AI Community Day. Here you can find the resources that have been shared during the session and our contact links. Resources Gen APIM Samples Repository The Azure Developer CLI Azure OpenAI Assistants Liam Hampton LinkedIn Chris Noring LinkedIn137Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Build UK Developer Day 2024 - Developer Tools Session
Hey everyone! Thanks for joining the Developer Tools session today and listening to our session on DevBox, Azure Developer CLI and GitHub Actions. Here you can find all of the resources we shared during our session. UK Build Cloud Skills Challenge Resources: Learn about AZD AZD main GitHub repository Template Library AI AZD Templates Demo repository - OpenAI GPT Productivity App GitHub Actions on the marketplace Contact: Christoffer Noring LinkedIn Daniel Roe LinkedIn587Views0likes0CommentsLiam Hampton - Duke University - Developer Tools session
Hi Everyone! Thanks for joining my session on Developer Tools with Azure today. Below you can find resources on the topics I covered in the session. Azure Developer CLI Awesome-azd templates GitHub CLI GitHub Codespaces Contact me LinkedIn X (Twitter) GitHub234Views0likes0CommentsLiam Hampton code.talks Session Resources
London Reactor Meetup | AI Edition September 2023 Hey Everyone! Thanks for joining my session at code.talks! Here you can find the resources that I shared and my contact details. Resources: Azure Developer CLI September 2023 Release Getting started with the Azure Developer CLI Azure Developer Templates GitHub Developer Tools (Copilot, Codespaces etc.) Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub Benefits Other Relatable resources: Microsoft Reactor Events Microsoft Reactor Meetup Contact the speakers: Liam Hampton, Senior Cloud Advocate @ Microsoft Twitter (X) LinkedIn360Views1like0Comments