azure functions
216 TopicsAnnouncing App Service Environment v3 GA
We are happy to announce the GA of App Service Environment v3 (ASEv3) along with Isolated V2. The ASEv3 was developed in response to customer feedback and has many improvements over the earlier versions while still providing an isolated single tenant web application hosting platform. As part of the Azure App Service, the ASEv3 provides a PaaS experience to host your Windows or Linux applications. You can deploy Windows or Linux applications as code and Microsoft will manage the OS your applications run in. If you want greater control over your app, you have the ability to host Linux containers as well. Just like with earlier versions, the ASEv3 deploys into a subnet in one of your Azure Virtual Networks (VNets). You can choose to deploy the ASE with an internal VIP in your VNet or with an external VIP that faces the internet. Apps that are deployed into an ASEv3 can access resources within the same VNet without any additional configuration. The inbound and outbound traffic to your apps can be controlled completely with Network Security Groups (NSGs) or any supported type of routes.90KViews5likes5CommentsUse managed identity instead of AzureWebJobsStorage to connect a function app to a storage account
In a function app, usually we use appsetting AzureWebJobsStorage to connect to storage. This blog shows you how to configure a function app using Azure Active Directory identities instead of secrets or connection strings, where possible. Using identities helps you avoid accidentally leaking sensitive secrets and can provide better visibility into how data is accessed. This will not work if the storage account is in a sovereign cloud or has a custom DNS. IMPORTANT! When running in a Consumption or Elastic Premium plan, your app uses the WEBSITE_AZUREFILESCONNECTIONSTRING and WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE settings when connecting to Azure Files on the storage account used by your function app. Azure Files doesn't support using managed identity when accessing the file share. That is to say, if your functio app is running on Consumption/EP, plan, you can only delete and recreate function app on app service plan to avoid using File Share. For more information, see Azure Files supported authentication scenarios Below are the steps to do configuration. 1. Enable system assigned identity in your function app and save it. 2. Give storage access to your function app. Search for Storage Blob Data Owner, select it. 3. If you configure a blob-triggered function app, repeat the step 2 to add Storage Account Contributor and Storage Queue Data Contributor roles which will be used for blob trigger. 4. Return to Access Control (IAM), click Role assignments, search for your function app name to confirm the roles are added successfully. 5. Navigate to your function app. Select Configuration and edit AzureWebJobsStorage. Change the name to AzureWebJobsStorage__accountname. Change the value to your storage account name. (The new setting uses a double underscore ( __ ), which is a special character in application settings.) 6. Delete the previous AzureWebJobsStorage. Then you will find your function app still works fine.76KViews7likes54CommentsConnect to private endpoints with Azure Functions
This article demonstrates one approach for Azure Functions to connect to Azure resources such as Azure Storage and CosmosDB using a private endpoint. Additionally, this article demonstrates how to configure the Azure Storage accounts required by Azure Functions so that they're accessible via private endpoints.53KViews10likes15CommentsHow to connect Azure SQL database from Python Function App using managed identity or access token
This blog will demonstrate on how to connect Azure SQL database from Python Function App using managed identity or access token. If you are looking for how to implement it in Windows App Service, you may refer to this post: Note that Azure Active Directory managed identity authentication method was added in ODBC Driver since version for both system-assigned and user-assigned identities. In Azure blessed image for Python Function, the ODBC Driver version is 17.8. Which makes it possible to leverage this feature in Linux App Service. Briefly, this post will provide you a step to step guidance with sample code and introduction on the authentication workflow. Steps: 1. Create a Linux Python Function App from portal 2. Set up the managed identity in the new Function App by enable Identity and saving from portal. It will generate an Object(principal) ID for you automatically. 3. Assign role in Azure SQL database. Search for your own account and save as admin. Note: Alternatively, you can search for the function app's name and set it as admin, then that function app would own admin permission on the database and you can skip step 4 and 5 as well. 4. Got to Query editor in database and be sure to login using your account set in previous step rather than username and password. Or step 5 will fail with below exception. "Failed to execute query. Error: Principal 'xxxx' could not be created. Only connections established with Active Directory accounts can create other Active Directory users." 5. Run below queries to create user for the function app and alter roles. You can choose to alter part of these roles per your demand. CREATE USER "yourfunctionappname" FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER; ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER "yourfunctionappname" ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER "yourfunctionappname" ALTER ROLE db_ddladmin ADD MEMBER "yourfunctionappname" 6. Leverage below sample code to build your own project and deploy to the function app. Sample Code: Below is the sample code on how to use Azure access token when run it from local and use managed identity when run in Function app. The token part needs to be replaced with your own. Basically, it is using "pyodbc.connect(connection_string+';Authentication=ActiveDirectoryMsi')" to authenticate with managed identity. Also, "MSI_SECRET" is used to tell if we are running it from local or function app, it will be created automatically as environment variable when the function app is enabled with Managed Identity. The complete demo project can be found from: import logging import azure.functions as func import os import pyodbc import struct def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:'Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.') server="" database="your_db" driver="{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}" query="SELECT * FROM dbo.users" # Optional to use username and password for authentication # username = 'name' # password = 'pass' db_token = '' connection_string = 'DRIVER='+driver+';SERVER='+server+';DATABASE='+database #When MSI is enabled if os.getenv("MSI_SECRET"): conn = pyodbc.connect(connection_string+';Authentication=ActiveDirectoryMsi') #Used when run from local else: SQL_COPT_SS_ACCESS_TOKEN = 1256 exptoken = b'' for i in bytes(db_token, "UTF-8"): exptoken += bytes({i}) exptoken += bytes(1) tokenstruct = struct.pack("=i", len(exptoken)) + exptoken conn = pyodbc.connect(connection_string, attrs_before = { SQL_COPT_SS_ACCESS_TOKEN:tokenstruct }) # Uncomment below line when use username and password for authentication # conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER='+driver+';SERVER='+server+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query) row = cursor.fetchone() while row: print(row[0]) row = cursor.fetchone() return func.HttpResponse( 'Success', status_code=200 ) Workflow: Below are the workflow in these two authentication ways, with them in mind, we can understand what happened under the hood. Managed Identity: When we enable the managed identify for function app, a service principal will be generated automatically for it, then it follows the same steps as below to authenticate in database. Function App with managed identify -> send request to database with service principal -> database check the corresponding database user and its permission -> Pass authentication. Access Token: The access toke can be generated by executing ‘az account get-access-token --resource= --query accessToken’ from local, we then hold this token to authenticate. Please note that the default lifetime for the token is one hour, which means we would need to retrieve it again when it expires. az login -> az account get-access-token -> local function use token to authenticate in SQL database -> DB check if the database user exists and if the permissions granted -> Pass authentication. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy it.52KViews6likes17Comments