azure maps
8 TopicsAzure Distance Matrix API - Limiting miles
We have a software vendor replacing our bing maps API with Azure Distance Matrix API. We are currently running into an issue where it is not returning any distances that are more than 248 miles. I'm guessing there is some sort of change that needs to be made to extend that to unlimited. Can anyone assist. Thank you37Views0likes1CommentAzure maps Address Search API formatted address
Hello, I'm using the Azure Maps Address search API ( It returns all the necessary information except the address in the standard format. Is there a way to get the formatted address? I checked the geocoding API. it gives a formatted freeform address but doesn't give a numeric value for match confidence. Thanks!730Views0likes1CommentIs Address ID Unique?
I am using the Azure Maps Get Search Address API. For each possible match returned, there is a field "id". Here's an example: { "results": [ { "type": "Geography", "id": "US/GEO/p0/89698", "score": 4.4519996643, "entityType": "PostalCodeArea", ... } ] } I have tried to learn more about the id returned, but the documentation only describes it as an "id property". Mainly I want to know if I can expect the id to be unique per address. The first two parts of the id come from the country and the address result type. I don't know what the third part is, and the end just looks like an integer generated for the address. So, it appears on the surface that it could be unique, but I need stronger confirmation than that before I rely on it. Does anyone have further information on this id field?876Views0likes1CommentMap, search tab,center marker and geolocation are perfect, but location markers are not displayed
//The maximum zoom level to cluster data point data on the map. var maxClusterZoomLevel = 11; //The URL to the store location data. var storeLocationDataUrl = 'data/ContosoCoffee.txt'; //The URL to the icon image. var iconImageUrl = 'images/CoffeeIcon.png'; //An array of country region ISO2 values to limit searches to. var countrySet = ['US', 'CA', 'GB', 'FR','DE','IT','ES','NL','DK' ,'IN']; var map, popup, datasource, iconLayer, centerMarker, searchURL; var listItemTemplate = '<div class="listItem" onclick="itemSelected(\'{id}\')"><div class="listItem-title">{title}</div>{city}<br />Open until {closes}<br />{distance} miles away</div>'; function initialize() { //Initialize a map instance. map = new atlas.Map('myMap', { center: [-90, 40], zoom: 2, view: 'Auto', //Add authentication details for connecting to Azure Maps. authOptions: { //Alternatively, use an Azure Maps key. Get an Azure Maps key at NOTE: The primary key should be used as the key. authType: 'subscriptionKey', subscriptionKey: '<key>' } }); //Create a popup but leave it closed so we can update it and display it later. popup = new atlas.Popup(); //Use MapControlCredential to share authentication between a map control and the service module. var pipeline = atlas.service.MapsURL.newPipeline(new atlas.service.MapControlCredential(map)); //Create an instance of the SearchURL client. searchURL = new atlas.service.SearchURL(pipeline); //If the user presses the search button, geocode the value they passed in. document.getElementById('searchBtn').onclick = performSearch; //If the user presses enter in the search textbox, perform a search. document.getElementById('searchTbx').onkeyup = function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { performSearch(); } }; //If the user presses the My Location button, use the geolocation API to get the users location and center/zoom the map to that location. document.getElementById('myLocationBtn').onclick = setMapToUserLocation; //Wait until the map resources are ready.'ready', function () { //Add the zoom control to the map. map.controls.add(new atlas.control.ZoomControl(), { position: 'top-right' }); //Add an HTML marker to the map to indicate the center used for searching. centerMarker = new atlas.HtmlMarker({ htmlContent: '<div class="mapCenterIcon"></div>', position: map.getCamera().center }); map.markers.add(centerMarker); //Create a data source and add it to the map and enable clustering. datasource = new atlas.source.DataSource(null, { cluster: true, clusterMaxZoom: maxClusterZoomLevel - 1 }); map.sources.add(datasource); //Load all the store data now that the data source has been defined. loadStoreData(); //Create a bubble layer for rendering clustered data points. var clusterBubbleLayer = new atlas.layer.BubbleLayer(datasource, null, { radius: 12, color: '#2d00aa', strokeColor: 'white', strokeWidth: 2, filter: ['has', 'point_count'] //Only render data points which have a point_count property, which clusters do. }); //Create a symbol layer to render the count of locations in a cluster. var clusterLabelLayer = new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(datasource, null, { iconOptions: { image: 'none' //Hide the icon image. }, textOptions: { textField: ['get', 'point_count_abbreviated'], size: 12, font: ['StandardFont-Bold'], offset: [0, 0.4], color: 'white' } }); map.layers.add([clusterBubbleLayer, clusterLabelLayer]); //Load a custom image icon into the map resources. map.imageSprite.add('myCustomIcon', iconImageUrl).then(function () { //Create a layer to render a coffe cup symbol above each bubble for an individual location. iconLayer = new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(datasource, null, { iconOptions: { //Pass in the id of the custom icon that was loaded into the map resources. image: 'myCustomIcon', //Optionally scale the size of the icon. font: ['SegoeUi-Bold'], //Anchor the center of the icon image to the coordinate. anchor: 'center', //Allow the icons to overlap. allowOverlap: true }, filter: ['!', ['has', 'point_count']] //Filter out clustered points from this layer. }); map.layers.add(iconLayer); //When the mouse is over the cluster and icon layers, change the cursor to be a pointer.'mouseover', [clusterBubbleLayer, iconLayer], function () { map.getCanvasContainer().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); //When the mouse leaves the item on the cluster and icon layers, change the cursor back to the default which is grab.'mouseout', [clusterBubbleLayer, iconLayer], function () { map.getCanvasContainer().style.cursor = 'grab'; }); //Add a click event to the cluster layer. When someone clicks on a cluster, zoom into it by 2 levels.'click', clusterBubbleLayer, function (e) { map.setCamera({ center: e.position, zoom: map.getCamera().zoom + 2 }); }); //Add a click event to the icon layer and show the shape that was clicked.'click', iconLayer, function (e) { showPopup(e.shapes[0]); }); //Add an event to monitor when the map has finished moving.'render', function () { //Give the map a chance to move and render data before updating the list. updateListItems(); }); }); }); } function loadStoreData() { //Download the store location data. fetch(storeLocationDataUrl) .then(response => response.text()) .then(function (text) { //Parse the Tab delimited file data into GeoJSON features. var features = []; //Split the lines of the file. var lines = text.split('\n'); //Grab the header row. var row = lines[0].split('\t'); //Parse the header row and index each column, so that when our code for parsing each row is easier to follow. var header = {}; var numColumns = row.length; var i; for (i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { header[row[i]] = i; } //Skip the header row and then parse each row into a GeoJSON feature. for (i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { row = lines[i].split('\t'); //Ensure that the row has the right number of columns. if (row.length >= numColumns) { features.push(new[parseFloat(row[header['Longitude']]), parseFloat(row[header['Latitude']])]), { AddressLine: row[header['AddressLine']], City: row[header['City']], Municipality: row[header['Municipality']], AdminDivision: row[header['AdminDivision']], Country: row[header['Country']], PostCode: row[header['PostCode']], Phone: row[header['Phone']], StoreType: row[header['StoreType']], IsWiFiHotSpot: (row[header['IsWiFiHotSpot']].toLowerCase() === 'true') ? true : false, IsWheelchairAccessible: (row[header['IsWheelchairAccessible']].toLowerCase() === 'true') ? true : false, Opens: parseInt(row[header['Opens']]), Closes: parseInt(row[header['Closes']]) })); } } //Add the features to the data source. datasource.add(features); //Initially update the list items. updateListItems(); }); } function performSearch() { var query = document.getElementById('searchTbx').value; //Perform a fuzzy search on the users query. searchURL.searchFuzzy(atlas.service.Aborter.timeout(3000), query, { //Pass in the array of country ISO2 for which we want to limit the search to. countrySet: countrySet, view: 'Auto' }).then(results => { //Parse the response into GeoJSON so that the map can understand. var data = results.geojson.getFeatures(); if (data.features.length > 0) { //Set the camera to the bounds of the results. map.setCamera({ bounds: data.features[0].bbox, padding: 40 }); } else { document.getElementById('listPanel').innerHTML = '<div class="statusMessage">Unable to find the location you searched for.</div>'; } }); } function setMapToUserLocation() { //Request the user's location. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) { //Convert the geolocation API position into a longitude/latitude position value the map can understand and center the map over it. map.setCamera({ center: [position.coords.longitude, position.coords.latitude], zoom: maxClusterZoomLevel + 1 }); }, function (error) { //If an error occurs when trying to access the users position information, display an error message. switch (error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: alert('User denied the request for Geolocation.'); break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: alert('Position information is unavailable.'); break; case error.TIMEOUT: alert('The request to get user position timed out.'); break; case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR: alert('An unknown error occurred.'); break; } }); } function updateListItems() { //Hide the center marker. centerMarker.setOptions({ visible: false }); //Get the current camera/view information for the map. var camera = map.getCamera(); var listPanel = document.getElementById('listPanel'); //Check to see if the user is zoomed out a lot. If they are, tell them to zoom in closer, perform a search or press the My Location button. if (camera.zoom < maxClusterZoomLevel) { //Close the popup as clusters may be displayed on the map. popup.close(); listPanel.innerHTML = '<div class="statusMessage">Search for a location, zoom the map, or press the "My Location" button to see individual locations.</div>'; } else { //Update the location of the centerMarker. centerMarker.setOptions({ position:, visible: true }); //List the ten closest locations in the side panel. var html = [], properties; /* Generating HTML for each item that looks like this: <div class="listItem" onclick="itemSelected('id')"> <div class="listItem-title">1 Microsoft Way</div> Redmond, WA 98052<br /> Open until 9:00 PM<br /> 0.7 miles away </div> */ //Get all the shapes that have been rendered in the bubble layer. var data = map.layers.getRenderedShapes(map.getCamera().bounds, [iconLayer]); //Create an index of the distances of each shape. var distances = {}; data.forEach(function (shape) { if (shape instanceof atlas.Shape) { //Calculate the distance from the center of the map to each shape and store in the index. Round to 2 decimals. distances[shape.getId()] = Math.round(atlas.math.getDistanceTo(, shape.getCoordinates(), 'miles') * 100) / 100; } }); //Sort the data by distance. data.sort(function (x, y) { return distances[x.getId()] - distances[y.getId()]; }); data.forEach(function (shape) { properties = shape.getProperties(); html.push('<div class="listItem" onclick="itemSelected(\'', shape.getId(), '\')"><div class="listItem-title">', properties['AddressLine'], '</div>', //Get a formatted address line 2 value that consists of City, Municipality, AdminDivision, and PostCode. getAddressLine2(properties), '<br />', //Convert the closing time into a nicely formated time. getOpenTillTime(properties), '<br />', //Get the distance of the shape. distances[shape.getId()], ' miles away</div>'); }); listPanel.innerHTML = html.join(''); //Scroll to the top of the list panel incase the user has scrolled down. listPanel.scrollTop = 0; } } //This converts a time in 2400 format into an AM/PM time or noon/midnight string. function getOpenTillTime(properties) { var time = properties['Closes']; var t = time / 100; var sTime; if (time === 1200) { sTime = 'noon'; } else if (time === 0 || time === 2400) { sTime = 'midnight'; } else { sTime = Math.round(t) + ':'; //Get the minutes. t = (t - Math.round(t)) * 100; if (t === 0) { sTime += '00'; } else if (t < 10) { sTime += '0' + t; } else { sTime += Math.round(t); } if (time < 1200) { sTime += ' AM'; } else { sTime += ' PM'; } } return 'Open until ' + sTime; } //When a user clicks on a result in the side panel, look up the shape by its id value and show popup. function itemSelected(id) { //Get the shape from the data source using it's id. var shape = datasource.getShapeById(id); showPopup(shape); //Center the map over the shape on the map. var center = shape.getCoordinates(); var offset; //If the map is less than 700 pixels wide, then the layout is set for small screens. if (map.getCanvas().width < 700) { //When the map is small, offset the center of the map relative to the shape so that there is room for the popup to appear. offset = [0, -80]; } map.setCamera({ center: center, centerOffset: offset }); } function showPopup(shape) { var properties = shape.getProperties(); /* Generating HTML for the popup that looks like this: <div class="storePopup"> <div class="popupTitle"> 3159 Tongass Avenue <div class="popupSubTitle">Ketchikan, AK 99901</div> </div> <div class="popupContent"> Open until 22:00 PM<br/> <img title="Phone Icon" src="images/PhoneIcon.png"> <a href="tel:1-800-XXX-XXXX">1-800-XXX-XXXX</a> <br>Amenities: <img title="Wi-Fi Hotspot" src="images/WiFiIcon.png"> <img title="Wheelchair Accessible" src="images/WheelChair-small.png"> </div> </div> */ //Calculate the distance from the center of the map to the shape in miles, round to 2 decimals. var distance = Math.round(atlas.math.getDistanceTo(map.getCamera().center, shape.getCoordinates(), 'miles') * 100)/100; var html = ['<div class="storePopup">']; html.push('<div class="popupTitle">', properties['AddressLine'], '<div class="popupSubTitle">', getAddressLine2(properties), '</div></div><div class="popupContent">', //Convert the closing time into a nicely formated time. getOpenTillTime(properties), //Add the distance information. '<br/>', distance, ' miles away', '<br /><img src="images/PhoneIcon.png" title="Phone Icon"/><a href="tel:', properties['Phone'], '">', properties['Phone'], '</a>' ); if (properties['IsWiFiHotSpot'] || properties['IsWheelchairAccessible']) { html.push('<br/>Amenities: '); if (properties['IsWiFiHotSpot']) { html.push('<img src="images/WiFiIcon.png" title="Wi-Fi Hotspot"/>'); } if (properties['IsWheelchairAccessible']) { html.push('<img src="images/WheelChair-small.png" title="Wheelchair Accessible"/>'); } } html.push('</div></div>'); //Update the content and position of the popup for the specified shape information. popup.setOptions({ //Create a table from the properties in the feature. content: html.join(''), position: shape.getCoordinates() }); //Open the popup.; } //Creates an addressLine2 string consisting of City, Municipality, AdminDivision, and PostCode. function getAddressLine2(properties) { var html = [properties['City']]; if (properties['Municipality']) { html.push(', ', properties['Municipality']); } if (properties['AdminDivision']) { html.push(', ', properties['AdminDivision']); } if (properties['PostCode']) { html.push(' ', properties['PostCode']); } return html.join(''); } //Initialize the application when the page is loaded. window.onload = initialize;2.2KViews0likes1CommentAzure Map Pricing
Hi, I am planning to use azure map to fetch address based on latitude and longitude. In a day I have around 7000 transactions. In every 15 min there are 64 transactions in a day. So in a month I have 200000 transactions. I saw the gen 2 pricing , is it per 1000 transactions, so if i have 200000 transactions, so i come under tier 1 ? and it will cost me 200000 * 3.01$ / 1000 i.e 602 dollars? where as if i s0 pricing it cost be 100 dollars 0.50 * 200000 / 1000 is that correct ?Solved1.4KViews0likes2CommentsAzure maps geocoding and SSIS
Can someone offer pointers on integrating Azure maps geocoding capabilities in SSIS? Is their a more streamlined way of leveraging this than creating a C# script component within SSIS? I've not used Data Factory before - but wondering if that would be an elegant way of handling this. End goal is attaching lat/longitude values to address information in SQL Server database. TIA1.2KViews0likes1CommentMaps country codes Northern Ireland
I am using the Maps API to get and verify addresses. As of January 1st, Northern Ireland will have a new country code; I could not find anything about this in the documentation, but does someone know if the Azure Maps API will use that country code for addresses from Northern Ireland directly? Thanks, Jeroen745Views0likes0Comments