36 TopicsMigrate on-prem AD to azure AD having ADDS
I have to move legacy apps from on-prem to azure. What I read is to use ADDS for legacy apps authentication is the only option since some of my legacy apps are using SSO and some has service accounts at on-prem AD. the goals are below: Migrate on-prem active directory to azure active directory and have azure active directory domain services. Migrate local group policies to azure active directory domain services migrate all services accounts from azure managed identities so those can be used on legacy applications. Migrate all user profiles seamlessly. Completely demote on-prem active directory. The environment is having 956 users and 20+ applications. currently have on-prem AD and azure AD and users are hybrid joined. Please guide through the process and best practice for above scenario.claim type
I recently try to migrate my application from from cloud service to app service. This application has 2 types of users. First normal users and second administrators. After deployed my application to azure, all user login are treated as normal user, even administrator not getting their required privileges. Locally it's working fine but after azure deployment it's not working as expected. After remote debugging I found that in not available in the privilege list of claim types. except this all other privileges are loading correctly. Even there is 2 more additional privileges are there for administrator, those are available as well in the list. Can anyone help me what Azure portal configuration need to be updated so that I can get this privilege. I am new to azure development. I totally stuck with this. Any help will be highly appreciable. Thank you.4.7KViews0likes0CommentsStart your move to Azure with Azure Migrate
Today the Azure Migrate service became generally available. The service allows you to discover virtual machines in your on-premises environment running in VMWare and provides guidance and insights to help you move to those VMs running your applications to Azure. Azure Migrate allows to plan your move to Azure considering three primary dimensions: Readiness - is the VM and application suitable to run in an Azure VM Right-sizing - what's the correct Azure VM to use Cost - what's it going to cost to run the VM in Azure The Azure Migrate team announced the milestone in this blog post today. Learn more about the Azure Migrate service where you can see review the capabilities of the service, gain access the service details, and try it out in a lab.Azure VM From Region A to Region B by Azure CLI
Azure VM From Region A to Region B by Azure CLI By Darwin Vinoth ☁☁, MCT- Azure Administrator For some reasons, it might be useful to move or copy an Azure VM to a different region within Microsoft Azure. If the User ask to move VM due to latency or Backup the VM. One might think this is a big thing (which might become even bigger if the source VM uses „Managed Disks“), but in fact it is just a „Copypaste by Azure Blob Copy “ – if you know how to do it. Even simpler in Azure CLI writing short code to run the copy paste. Lets do that, Resource Used : Azure CLI(MY favorite) Virtual Machine Managed Disks Storage Account Azure Blob Storage Azure Blob Copy Steps followed: Create Disk Snapshots of the Source VM Creating Destination Storage Container Copy the Snapshots to a Destination Region-based Storage Account Container Create a managed disk from VHD file Create a New VM within the New Resource Group and Attach the Recovered as Disks to the New VM Source VM Details: Name: Source-VM Resource Group: VMReplicate-Source Location: East US Data Disk Name: Source-VM_DataDisk_0 Target VM Details: Name: Destination-VM Resource Group: VMReplicate-Destination Location: (Asia Pacific) South India Data Disk Name: Source-VM_DataDisk_0 Storage Account Name: destinationcontainer 1.Create Disk Snapshots of the Source VM: To Create a snapshot of Data disk we have to run following Azure Cl commands, $az snapshot create -g VMReplicate-Source -n SourceDataDisk --source Source- VM_DataDisk_0 To create a snapshot of OS-Disk run following CLI commands, $osDiskId=$(az vm show \ -g VMReplicate-Source \ -n Source-VM \ --query "" \ -o tsv) $az snapshot create -g VMReplicate-Source --source "$osDiskId" --name osDisk-backup To Get the active snapshot list, $az snapshot list -g VMReplicate-Source Create a Storage account and Blob Container Destination Region: $az storage account create \ --name destinationcontainer \ --resource-group VMReplicate-Destination \ --sku Standard_LRS Specify storage account credentials $az storage account keys list \ --account-name destinationcontainer \ --resource-group VMReplicate-Destination\ --output table Setting Storage account environment variable: $export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT="destinationcontainer" $export AZURE_STORAGE_KEY="4EIYRrgMhvE0ZsV+icrp9WuScXVvk5QdKBDdfRuNyT9xBTqZxYfwgZ9F8wfVKIrsVa7suUY+TUExJrT9uFA24Q==" Blob Creation on destination storage account: $az storage container create --name destinationsnapshotblob Copy the Snapshots to a Destination Region-based Storage Account Container #Provide the subscription Id where snapshot is created $subscriptionId=fd7d53ef-e290-4ab1-937e-fec061c00132 #Provide the name of your resource group where the snapshot is created $resourceGroupName=VMReplicate-Source #Provide the snapshot name $snapshotName1=osDisk-backup $snapshotName2=SourceDataDisk #Provide storage account name where you want to copy the snapshot. $storageAccountName=destinationcontainer #Name of the storage container where the downloaded snapshot will be stored $storageContainerName=destinationsnapshotblob #Provide the key of the storage account where you want to copy snapshot. $storageAccountKey=4EIYRrgMhvE0ZsV+icrp9WuScXVvk5QdKBDdfRuNyT9xBTqZxYfwgZ9F8wfVKIrsVa7suUY+TUExJrT9uFA24Q== #Provide the name of the VHD file to which snapshot will be copied. $destinationVHDFileName2=osdisk.vhd $destinationVHDFileName3=datadisk.vhd $az account set --subscription $subscriptionId $sas1=$(az snapshot grant-access --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $snapshotName1 --duration-in-seconds $sasExpiryDuration --query [accessSas] -o tsv) $sas2=$(az snapshot grant-access --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $snapshotName2 --duration-in-seconds $sasExpiryDuration --query [accessSas] -o tsv) $az storage blob copy start --destination-blob $destinationVHDFileName2 --destination-container $storageContainerName --account-name $storageAccountName --account-key $storageAccountKey --source-uri $sas1 $az storage blob copy start --destination-blob $destinationVHDFileName3 --destination-container $storageContainerName --account-name $storageAccountName --account-key $storageAccountKey --source-uri $sas2 Create a managed disk from VHD file OS DISK: #Provide the subscription Id $subscriptionId=fd7d53ef-e290-4ab1-937e-fec061c00132 #Provide the name of your resource group. #Ensure that the resource group is already created $resourceGroupName=VMReplicate-Destination #Provide the name of the Managed Disk $diskName=OS-DiskRecovered #Provide the size of the disks in GB. It should be greater than the VHD file size. $diskSize=256 #Provide the URI of the VHD file that will be used to create Managed Disk. # VHD file can be deleted as soon as Managed Disk is created. # e.g. $vhdUri= #Provide the storage type for the Managed Disk. Premium_LRS or Standard_LRS. $storageType=Standard_LRS #Provide the Azure location (e.g. west us) where Managed Disk will be located. #The location should be the same as the location of the storage account where the VHD file is stored. #Get all the Azure location supported for your subscription using the command below: #az account list-locations $location=(Asia Pacific) South India #Set the context to the subscription Id where Managed Disk will be created az account set --subscription $subscriptionId #Create the Managed disk from the VHD file az disk create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $diskName --sku $storageType --location $location --size-gb $diskSize --source $vhdUri Data Disk: #Provide the name of your resource group. #Ensure that resource group is already created resourceGroupName=VMReplicate-Destination #Provide the name of the Managed Disk diskName1=Data-DiskRecovered #Provide the size of the disks in GB. It should be greater than the VHD file size. diskSize1=128 #Provide the URI of the VHD file that will be used to create Managed Disk. # VHD file can be deleted as soon as Managed Disk is created. # e.g. vhdUri1= #Provide the storage type for the Managed Disk. Premium_LRS or Standard_LRS. storageType1=Standard_LRS #Provide the Azure location (e.g. west us) where Managed Disk will be located. #The location should be the same as the location of the storage account where the VHD file is stored. #Get all the Azure location supported for your subscription using the command below: #az account list-locations location=SouthIndia #Set the context to the subscription Id where Managed Disk will be created az account set --subscription $subscriptionId #Create the Managed disk from the VHD file az disk create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $diskName1 --sku $storageType1 --location $location --size-gb $diskSize1 --source $vhdUri1 Creating in GUI: Create a New VM within the New Resource Group and Attach the Snapshots as Disks to the New VM $az vm create -g VMReplicate-Destination -n recoveredvm --attach-os-disk OS-DiskRecovered--os-type linux Conclusion: We have moved the VM from the source region to destination VM by using the Snapshot OptionMigration from Windows Server 2016 Essentials to Azure
Hi, At present we have Windows Server 2016 Essentials on physical machine, we are planning to either migrate to Azure with current license or create a new Virtual Server on Azure. My question is, does Azure has "Windows Server 2016 Essentials"? I can only see Windows Server Data Center (2012,2016 etc). Another question, what is the difference between Windows Server License and Windows Server License with Active Software Assurance? Currently we have Windows Server 2016 Essentials license.How to Host a Web Site in Azure VM - Complete Video Series
Introduction, After watching this two (02) videos you will have a better knowledge in hosting a web site in Azure VM. In this video, we discuss about, Creating a VM in Azure Configuring CPanel Configure VM and Security Setting Host a Web Site.Azure Migration @ Microsoft Ignite 2018
The migration teams are at Microsoft Ignite this week. If you are here, we look forward to meeting you at one of our sessions or at the Azure Migration area on the expo floor. If you aren't at Ignite, you can check out the online sessions. Additionally we've created the Azure migration classroom on the expo floor and will host a series of sessions from our FastTrack for Azure team and partners. If you are at Ignite plan to round out your session agenda with one these sessions too. The full schedule is included below in this post for your planning. MIGRATION SESSIONS @ MICROSOFT IGNITE Time Session Monday 2:15-3:30 GS002 Azure infrastructure for all your workloads 2:15-3:30 WRK3002 Assessing on-premises environments with Azure Migrate and rehost VMs with Azure Site Tuesday 9:00–10:15 BRK2034 Migration to Azure – Why now is the best time to move all your apps, data and infra to Azure 12:45–1:30 BRK3337 Azure migration customer experiences and best practices 3:15-4:00 BRK2414 Migrating your Linux solutions to Azure 4:00-5:00 WRK3002R1 Assessing on-premises environments with Azure Migrate and rehost VMs with Azure Site Recovery Wednesday 9:00–10:15 BRK3055 Azure migration deep dive: Accelerate your migration with the right tools 10:45-12:00 WRK3002R2 Assessing on-premises environments with Azure Migrate and rehost VMs with Azure Site Recovery 10:45-11:05 THR2153 Azure migration – plan your journey 4:00-4:20 THR2231 Architecting JB Hunt’s migration and transformation to containers 5:05-5:25 THR2154 Migration tips and tricks Thursday 4:00-5:15 WRK3002R3 Assessing on-premises environments with Azure Migrate and rehost VMs with Azure Site Recovery Friday 9:00–10:15 BRK3164 Migrating to Azure: Moving from on-premises SQL Server and Oracle databases to Azure AZURE MIGRATION CLASSROOM SESSION - ON THE EXPO FLOOR Time Presenter Session MONDAY 12:45-1:15 Carbonite Carbonite Migrate Moving On-premise Workloads to Azure 1:30-2:00 Turbonomic Accelerating Azure Migrations with Turbonomic 2:15-2:45 Commvault Power Your Migration to Azure with Commvault Data Orchestration 3:00-3:45 FastTrack for Azure Azure Architecture Patterns Explained 4:00-4:30 AppOrbit Modernizing Legacy Applications for Supercharged Azure Performance 4:45-5:15 Sogeti Boost Cloud Adoption with Sogeti OneMigrate 5:30-6:00 Carbonite Carbonite Migrate Moving On-premise Workloads to Azure 6:15-6:45 Cloudhouse Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Cloudhouse Containers 7:00-7:30 Cloudhouse Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Cloudhouse Containers Tuesday 10:15-10:45 Corent Technology Use Corent SurPaaS to Automate Your Cloud Journey 11:00-11:45 FastTrack for Azure VDC – Components of DC 12:00-12:30 AppOrbit Modernizing Legacy Applications for Supercharged Azure Performance 12:45-1:15 Ensono Azure Migration made easy 1:30-2:00 Turbonomic Accelerating Azure Migrations with Turbonomic 2:15-2:45 Chef App Migration Without Rewrites with Chef Habitat 3:00-3:45 FastTrack for Azure Live: 30-minute Azure Architecture Challenge 4:00-4:30 Commvault Power Your Migration to Azure with Commvault Data Orchestration 4:45-5:15 Zerto End-of-Life Play: Migrating Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 to Azure with Zerto 5:30-6:00 Cloudhouse Accelerate your Digital Transformation with Cloudhouse Containers Wednesday 10:15-10:45 Corent Technology A Customer Success Story: Rapid Migration to Azure Stack Using Corent SurPaaS 11:00-11:45 FastTrack for Azure SAP on Azure 12:00-12:30 AppOrbit Modernizing Legacy Applications for Supercharged Azure Performance 12:45-1:15 Cloudamize Azure Acceleration 1:30-2:00 Turbonomic Accelerating Azure Migrations with Turbonomic 2:15-2:45 Chef App Migration Without Rewrites with Chef Habitat 3:00-3:45 FastTrack for Azure Serverless Architecture Using Azure Services 4:00-4:30 Corent Technology Use Corent SurPaaS to Automate Your Cloud Journey 4:45-5:15 Ensono Azure Migration made easy 5:30-6:00 Zerto End-of-Life Play: Migrating Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 to Azure with Zerto Thursday 10:15-11:00 FastTrack for Azure VDC – Automation and ASR 11:15-11:45 Chef App Migration Without Rewrites with Chef Habitat 12:00-12:30 Sogeti Sogeti Cloudification and Thinkubator 12:45-1:15 Cloudamize Azure Acceleration 1:30-2:00 Carbonite Carbonite Migrate Moving On-premise Workloads to Azure 2:15-2:45 Sogeti Boost Cloud adoption with Sogeti OneMigrate. 3:00-3:30 Cloudamize Azure Acceleration 4:30-5:00 Zerto End-of-Life Play: Migrating Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 to Azure with Zerto2.5KViews0likes0CommentsJoin On-Prem NAS zu AD via ADDS without public IP?
Hey there, I'm having the following scenario: My institution has a (non-profit) O365 subscription and manages all users via Azure AD. Now we will get a Synology NAS at one of our sites. We still want to manage users and privileges via Azure AD, so we want to join the NAS via Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) to our AD domain. Therefore, as far as I understand, a VPN (IPSec?) tunnel from the on-site network to a VNET in Azure is needed, so that the NAS can communicate to ADDS, right? The issue with this is, that the site has no public IP address, as it lays behind (multiple) CGNATs and currently there is no way to get another ISP, which would provide a public IP. Which options do I have to connect my on-prem network to Azure VNET for communication to ADDS? Thanks!2.4KViews0likes1Comment