95 TopicsAd-Hoc Entra MFA using SMS
Error : Get MFA Client Access TokenDone. Send MFA challenge to the user Done. OTP sent to your phone. Please enter the OTP: Enter the OTP sent via SMS: 696632 Invoke-RestMethod: C:\Git_Repo\MFA_Test\MFATestWIthKyle\sms.ps1:54:28 Line | 54 | … ionResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://strongauthenticationservi … | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Service BODY { color: #000000; background-color: white; font-family: Verdana; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; | } #content { margin-left: 30px; font-size: .70em; padding-bottom: 2em; } A:link { color: #336699; font-weight: bold; | text-decoration: underline; } A:visited { color: #6699cc; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } A:active { color: | #336699; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .heading1 { background-color: #003366; border-bottom: #336699 6px | solid; color: #ffffff; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 26px; font-weight: normal;margin: 0em 0em 10px -20px; padding-bottom: | 8px; padding-left: 30px;padding-top: 16px;} pre { font-size:small; background-color: #e5e5cc; padding: 5px; font-family: | Courier New; margin-top: 0px; border: 1px #f0f0e0 solid; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; | } table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px; font-family: Verdana;} table th { border-right: 2px white solid; | border-bottom: 2px white solid; font-weight: bold; background-color: #cecf9c;} table td { border-right: 2px white solid; | border-bottom: 2px white solid; background-color: #e5e5cc;} Service Endpoint not found. WARNING: Invalid OTP or validation failed. Below line causing the error $mfaValidationResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Method POST -Headers $Headers -Body $XML -ContentType 'application/xml'18Views0likes0CommentsGet a list of specific agegroup users stored on a security group
Dear Community, I wonder if it would be possible to get a list of users (stored in a security group) marked as "minor" and "not adult" using microsoft graph. Once I get the members of the group (using Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId XXXX), I am not sure how to retrieve only the ones with a specific agegroup property. Is that feasible? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance!Solved47Views0likes2Commentsfind the azure vm status in multiple subscription
We have multiple subscription (more than 10) in our environment and MFA enabled , I was trying to find one vm status using the name but its not working , setting azcontext with tenant ID also not working , I need command to set all subscription as context and find the vm status or any other way to find the vm status , this is needed for daily work, appreciate someone help on this .16Views0likes1CommentExport Enterprise apps and signin count
I need to export all the configured enterprise apps and login count for each. This script does the job, but it truncates the application name (see example screen shot) and I can't figure out how to export the results to csv. Can anyone help? #To enable verbose [CmdletBinding()] Param() #Retrieve list of applications $Apps = Get-AzureADApplication #Loop through each application ForEach($App in $Apps){ Write-Verbose "Processing $($App.DisplayName)" #Retrieve logs filtered on AppID $Log = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -All $true -filter "appid eq '$($App.AppID)'" #Create a custom object for output [PSCustomObject]@{ ApplicationName = $App.DisplayName ApplicationID = $App.AppID SignIns = $Log.count } #To prevent throttling on Sign-in Log querying, insert a sleep Start-Sleep 1 }267Views0likes3CommentsPowershell Script to extract Azure VM Metrics data
Hi Community, hope you are doing well. I am currently playing around with powershell scripting and trying to extract Azure VM utilization data using Get-AzMetric powershell module. I am trying to extract VM metrics through my script for all VMs in my current subscription (free trial) and outputting the same to a csv file. I can see the data getting extracted when I run in console but when I run the script I am unable to see the data getting outputted to my csv file. Please find below my script: # Modules importation #$modules = 'Az.Accounts','Az.Compute', 'Az.Reservations' , 'Az.Storage' , 'Az.Billing' ,'Az.BillingBenefits' ,'Az.Monitor','Az.ResourceGraph', 'Join-Object' ,'PSExcel' ,'Az.Resources', 'Az.CostManagement','ImportExcel' # PS Module required #Install-Module -Name $modules -Scope CurrentUser -Force #Powershell-5.1 # Suppress breaking changes Set-Item Env:\SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings "true" # Connect to Azure Connect-AzAccount # Name of the analyze [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.VisualBasic') $title = ' Azure VM Usage' $msg = 'Please enter the name of the analyze:' $checklistname = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($msg, $title) # Subscription(s) selection - CTRL & click to select more than 1 subscription $subquery = (Get-AzSubscription | Out-GridView -Title "Select an Azure Subscription" -PassThru) $sub = $subquery.Id Write-Host "Subscription(s) selected: $sub" -ForegroundColor Green # Creation of the directroy New-Item -Path "c:\" -Name "Azurecost\$checklistname" -ItemType "directory" -force set-location c:\azurecost\$checklistname #$csvFileVM = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\azurecost\$checklistname\VM-Usage.csv") #$csvFileVM.WriteLine("Name, Id, ResourceGroup, MaxCPU") foreach ($subscription in $sub) { # Set the subscription context Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscription $vms = Get-AzVM $vmUtilizationData = @() # Loop through each VM to get utilization metrics foreach ($vm in $vms) { $vmName = $vm.Name $resourceId = $vm.Id $Resourcegroup = $vm.ResourceGroupName # Get metrics for the VM (e.g., CPU Percentage) $metric = Get-AzMetric -ResourceId $resourceId -MetricName "Percentage CPU" -TimeGrain 12:00:00 -StartTime (Get-Date).AddDays(-3) -EndTime (Get-Date) $MaxCPU = $ | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -property Maximum #$csvFileVM.WriteLine(" $MaxCPU") $vmUtilizationData += [PSCustomObject]@{ VMName = $vmName ResourceGroup = $Resourcegroup MaxCPU = $MaxCPU } } } $vmUtilizationData | Export-Csv -Path "c:\Azurecost\$checklistname\VMUsage.csv" -NoTypeInformation Write-Host "Your script has finished running." pause Please help me understand what am I missing here since other details like VM name, Resource group name are getting outputted to my csv file through this script except the metric values.274Views0likes0Comments[resolved] Variables are not consistent
Hello internet. My mind is completely blown by this! I have a PowerAutomate that sets some 'compose' actions and then uses them to start a job. It is a PowerShell 7.2 script running in a Runbook extension-based hybrid worker on a Debian 11 Azure VM. I've reduced the script to just printing the inputted variable values. That's all, yet it provides them transposed! param ( [string] $siteNAME, [string] $OMd, [string] $userNAME, [string] $templateNAME ) $scriptVERSION = "x.y.z" function WO { write-output $wriOU } write-output "----------------------------------" $wriOU = "siteNAME: "+$($siteNAME);WO $wriOU = "OMd: "+$($OMd);WO $wriOU = "userNAME: "+$($userNAME);WO $wriOU = "templateNAME: "+$($templateNAME);WO write-output "----------------------------------" $wriOU = "Script Version: [ "+$scriptVERSION+" ]";WO write-output "-end of line-" #EOF As you can see 'siteNAME' retains the value correctly. But then 'OMd', 'username', and 'templateNAME' goes sideways so hard... Why? What am I doing wrong, this seems super odd... Any insight is greaaaatly appreciated. TY!Solved364Views0likes2CommentsUsing powershell to create folders within users onedrive
Hi all, I'm experiencing several issues with different PowerShell versions when trying to create folders in OneDrive for users in bulk. PowerShell 5.1 does not recognize Connect-PnPOnline. PowerShell 7 does not recognize Connect-SPOService. I have been following the instructions from this guide, which worked on my previous device. However, I’m unable to get it to work on my new device. My goal is to create folders within specific users' OneDrive accounts. Could you please assist me in resolving this? Thank you!2.7KViews0likes26CommentsSet exchange policy with filter?
I am trying to figure out how to run a command to create a exchange online emailadresspolicy. New-EmailAddressPolicy -Name Groups1 -IncludeUnifiedGroupRecipients -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates "","" -RecipientFilter {mailNickname -like 'Santa_*'} -Priority 1 I want all groups that are that have a mailnickname that starts with "Santa_" to be created with a specific subdomain. I can not create it tho, i get error that recipientFilter is not a valid attribute. New-EmailAddressPolicy: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'RecipientFilter'. i have also tried ConditionalCustomAttribute1 but get the same error: anyone able to help?461Views0likes5CommentsWhat Causes 🅠🅤🅘🅒🅚🅑🅞🅞🅚🅢 Online Error Code 101 and How Can It Be Fixed?
🅠🅤🅘🅒🅚🅑🅞🅞🅚🅢 Online Error Code 101 typically occurs due to a problem connecting to your bank account. Causes include incorrect bank login credentials, outdated browser settings, or connectivity issues. To fix it: Verify Login Information: Ensure your bank login credentials are correct. Update Browser: Use the latest version of your web browser. Clear Cache and Cookies: Clear your browser's cache and cookies. Check Bank's Website: Verify there are no issues with the bank's website. Reconnect Account: Disconnect and reconnect your bank account in 🅠🅤🅘🅒🅚🅑🅞🅞🅚🅢. If the issue persists, contact 🅠🅤🅘🅒🅚🅑🅞🅞🅚🅢 support.900Views0likes1CommentError - Connect-ExchangeOnline Error Acquiring Token: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException
Error Connect-ExchangeOnline Error Acquiring Token: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: Remote name could not be resolved: 'server.proxy.local'680Views0likes1Comment