best practices
63 Topics[On demand] Delivering like-local Windows experiences from the cloud
Learn how Windows cloud features like RDP Multipath and TURN improve connectivity and reduce connections times, while HEVC hardware acceleration and enhanced device redirection boost performance. Watch Delivering like-local Windows experiences from the cloud – now on demand – and join the conversation at To help you learn more, here are the links referenced in the session: Hardware-accelerated HEVC (h.265) graphics encoding is currently in public preview! See Enable GPU acceleration for Azure Virtual Desktop | Microsoft Learn for more details For more free technical skilling on the latest in Windows, Windows in the cloud, and Microsoft Intune, view the full Microsoft Technical Takeoff session list.31Views0likes0CommentsOptimizing RDP Connectivity for Windows 365
Updated with RDP & Zscaler connectivity improvements February 2025 The use of VPN or Secure Web Gateway (SWG) client software or agents to provide tunneled access to on-premises resources in addition to providing protected internet access via a cloud based Secure Web Gateway (SWG) or a legacy VPN & on-premises proxy path is very commonly seen in Windows 365 and AVD deployments. This is especially the case when deployed in the recommended Windows 365 with Microsoft Hosted Network (MHN) model where the Cloud PC is located on a network with direct, open high-speed internet available. The more modern, cloud based SWG solutions fit perfectly with this modern Zero-Trust approach and generally perform at a higher level than traditional VPN software, where internet browsing is hairpinned through on-premises proxies and back out to the internet. As we have many Windows 365 customers using such solutions as part of their deployment, there are some specific configuration guidelines which are outlined in this post which Microsoft recommends are applied to optimize key traffic and provide the highest levels of user experience. What is the Problem? Many of these VPN/SWG solutions build a tunnel in the user context, which means that when a user logs in to their device, the service starts and creates the tunnels required to provide both internet and private access as defined for that user. With a physical device the tunnel is normally up and running before or shortly after the user sees their desktop on screen, meaning they can then quickly get on with their work without noticing its presence. However, as with any virtualized device which needs a remote connection to access, the above model poses several challenges: 1. Additional Latency Firstly, the remote desktop traffic is latency sensitive, in that delay to the traffic reaching its destination can easily translate into a poor user experience, with lag on actions and desktop display. Routing this traffic through a tunnel to an intermediary device to reach its destination adds latency and can restrict throughput regardless of how well configured or performing said device is. Modern SWG solutions tend to perform at a much higher levels than a traditional VPN/Proxy approach, but the highest level of experience is always achieved through a direct connection and avoiding any inspection or intermediary devices. Much like Teams media traffic, the RDP traffic in the Windows 365 case should be routed via the most optimal path between the two endpoints so as to deliver the very highest levels of performance, this is almost always the direct path via the nearest network egress. From a Cloud PC side this also means the traffic never leaves Microsoft’s managed network if directly egressed. 2. RDP Connection Drops An additional challenge comes from the use of user-based tunnels. As the user initiates a connection to the Cloud PC, the connection reaches the session host without issue and the user successfully sees the initial logon screen. However, once the user login starts, and the client software then builds the tunnels to the SWG/VPN for the user, the user then experiences a freeze of the login screen. The connection then drops, and we have to go through the reconnection process to re-establish the connection to the Cloud PC. Once this is complete, the user can successfully use the Cloud PC without further issue. Users however may also experience disconnects of the remote session if there is any issue with the tunnel, for example if the tunnel temporarily drops for some reason. Overall, this doesn’t provide a great user experience with the Cloud PC, especially on initial login. Why does this occur? It occurs because the tunnels built to route internet traffic to the SWG generally capture all internet bound traffic unless configured not to do so, a forced tunnel or ‘Inverse split tunnel’. This means the initial login works without issue but as soon as this tunnel is established upon user logon, the RDP traffic gets transferred into it and as it’s a new path, requires reconnecting. Equally, as the traffic is inside this tunnel, if the tunnel drops momentarily and needs to reconnect, this also causes the RDP session to require reconnecting inside the re-established tunnel. In the diagram below, you can see a simplified representation of this indirect connectivity approach with a forced tunnel in place. RDP traffic has to traverse the VPN/SWG resources before hitting the gateway handling the traffic. Whilst this is not a problem for less sensitive traffic and general web browsing, for latency critical traffic such as Teams and the RDP traffic, it is non-optimal. What’s the Solution? Microsoft strongly recommends implementing a forced tunnel exception for the critical RDP traffic which means that it does not enter the tunnel to the SWG or VPN gateway and is instead directly routed to its destination. This solves both of the above problems by providing a direct path for the RDP traffic and also ensuring it isn’t impacted by changes in the tunnel state. This is the same model as used by specific ‘Optimize’ marked Office 365 traffic such as Teams media traffic. On the Cloud PC side this also means this traffic never leaves Microsoft’s managed network. What exactly do I need to bypass from these tunnels? Previously, solving this problem meant significant complexity due to the large number of IP addresses required to configure optimization for this RDP traffic, we provided a script as part of this blog to assist with collecting and formatting these IPs. I'm pleased to share that Microsoft has invested in an extensive and complex piece of work to solve this challenge by building a new, upgraded global gateway infrastructure to allow it to be addressed from a single subnet. In addition to that simplification that we have planned so that this subnet should not see any regular change, abstracting customers from change as we scale the infrastructure and add new regions in future. As of February 2025, this work has now been completed and the old infrastructure decommissioned, this was all completed with zero downtime for our customers. This now allows the TCP based RDP based traffic to now be covered by two single subnets rather than many hundred as previously was the case. There are further improvement works due to be delivered in the coming months for UDP based RDP to provide new dedicated and globally scaled TURN infrastructure. This post will be updated when this is complete and RDP connectivity is therefore in its final and complete, simplified and secured state. These temporary elements are: The WindowsVirtualDesktop service tag still contains a large number of /32 addresses which were for the old infrastructure. The process to remove these from the tag is under way and will likely take a small number of weeks (eta mid-March 25). The endpoints outlined in the table below can be used for configuration without risk as the old infrastructure corresponding to the old IPs has already been decommissioned. 2. UDP based RDP via TURN is currently using the subnet but will switch to in H1 CY25. The new, dedicated subnet is in the WindowsVirtualDesktop service tag but the current one ( is not, so will manually need to be added to current bypass configuration if desired. More on this can be found in this post. This work will also vastly expand our global TURN relay availability. Today this is only available when the physical device is in the vicinity of these Azure regions. RDP based Connectivity bypass: As of February 2025, the critical traffic which carries RDP is contained within the following simplified endpoints: RDP Endpoints for Optimization Row Endpoint Protocol Port Purpose 1 * TCP 443 Core TCP based RDP and other critical service traffic 2 TCP 443 Core TCP based RDP 3 UDP 3478 Core UDP based RDP via TURN - Current 4 UDP 3478 Core UDP based RDP via TURN – Future (Currently not in use) Please see this article for more information on rows 3 & 4 In some network equipment/software we can configure bypass using FQDNs and wildcard FQDNs alone, and we’d recommend that this method (row 1) is used in addition to the IP based rules if possible. However, some solutions do not allow the use of wildcard FQDNs so it’s common to see only IP addresses used for this bypass configuration. In this case you can use the newly simplified rows 2 & 3 in the table above, making sure row 1 is still accessible via the SWG/Proxy. We also recommend row 4 is also added to manually configured optimizations to ensure this is also optimized when it comes into use in the coming months. There are also a small number of other endpoints which should be bypassed on the Cloud PC side. Other required VPN/SWG bypass requirements: Other endpoints for Optimization Row Endpoint Protocol Port Purpose 5 TCP 1688 Azure KMS - Traffic Needs to arrive from Azure public IPs 6 TCP 80 Azure Fabric communication 7 TCP 80 Azure Fabric communication These additional bypass requirements (5-7) are not RDP related but are required for the following reasons: Row 5 – This is Azure KMS activation which is a required endpoint for a Cloud PC and AVD Session Hosts. The traffic for this needs to arrive from an Azure public IP, if not then the connection will not be successful. Therefore it should not be sent via a 3 rd party internet egress such as via an SWG or proxy. IP addresses corresponding to the FQDN can be found via the link above if required. Rows 6 & 7 – These are critical IP addresses used to communicate to the Azure Fabric to operate the VM. We need to ensure these are not inadvertently sent in any VPN/SWG tunnel where they will not be then able to reach their destination in Azure. How do I implement the RDP bypass in common VPN/SWG solutions? Microsoft is working with several partners in this space to provide bespoke guidance and we’ll add detailed guidance for other solutions here as we get them confirmed. Already available however is Zscaler ZIA. Zscaler Client Connector The changes outlined above should make configuration in all scenarios vastly simpler moving forward. Due to some fantastic work to assist our mutual customers by our friends at Zscaler, as of February 2025 and version 4.3.2 of the Zscaler Client Connector, the majority of the mentioned Windows 365 and AVD traffic which requires optimization, including RDP can be bypassed with a single click configuration within a predefined IP based bypass! Zscaler ZIA Configuration Version 4.3.2 (Released Feb 2025) of the Zscaler Connector Client portal enables this feature. Ensure a recent version of the Client Connector is installed on both the Cloud PC (And Physical device if Zscaler is used there) to take advantage. In the Zscaler Client Connector Portal, select the new IP-Based, Predefined Application Bypass for Windows 365 & Azure Virtual Desktop. This contains preconfigured bypass for RDP and KMS traffic. 3. Add the following endpoints to the bypass configuration manually as they are not included in the automatic bypass. As noted above, will become unnecessary in a few months and will be removed from this document when decommissioned. It’s replacement ( is already included in the preconfigured bypass. Endpoint Protocol Port Purpose UDP 3478 Core UDP based RDP via TURN - Current TCP 80 Azure Fabric communication TCP 80 Azure Fabric communication Other VPN/SWG solutions Microsoft is currently working with other partners in this space to provide detailed guidance for other VPN/SWG solutions and will list them here as they are complete. Please let us know in the comments if you’d like us to list a particular solution and we’ll aim to prioritize based on feedback. In the interim, use rows 1-7 in the tables above to create manual bypasses from VPN/SWG/Proxy tunnels. This should be significantly simpler and have much lower change rates than previously due to the IP consolidation. FAQs: Q: In a Microsoft Hosted Network deployment, is there anything else I need to do? A: Unless the local Windows firewall is configured to block access to the endpoints noted, there should be nothing else required, the network the virtual NIC sits in has direct, high speed connectivity Microsoft’s backbone and the internet. Q: In an Azure Network Connection scenario, is there anything further I need to do? A: In this scenario, the recommended path for the traffic is directly out of the VNet into Microsoft’s backbone. Depending on the configuration it may require allowing the endpoints noted in this article through a firewall or NSG. The WindowsVirtualDesktop service tag or FQDN tag may help with automating rules in firewalls or configuring User Defined Routing. RDP traffic specifically should be sent direct into Microsoft’s backbone via a NAT Gateway or similar with no TLS inspection, avoiding putting load on NVAs such as Firewalls. Q: Do I need to configure the bypass on just the Cloud PC? A: RDP connectivity (Rows 1-4) is used identically on both the physical and cloud sides. It is strongly advised that the bypass is applied to both the Cloud PC and the connecting client if that also uses the SWG/VPN to connect. If both are using the same configuration profile then this should happen automatically. Rows 5-7 are only required on the cloud side. Q: How often do the IP addresses Change? A: Now the improvement work is complete we don’t anticipate regular change. You can monitor the WindowsVirtualDesktop service tag for changes if desired and we’re working on getting these requirements into the M365 Web Service longer term for monitoring and automation. Q: Can I add more than the RDP traffic to the bypass. A: Microsoft only provides IP addresses for the RDP connectivity at present. However if your solution is capable of configuration by FQDN alone, then you can add other service endpoints to your optimized path, these can be found on this Microsoft docs page. Q: Im using a true split tunnel, does this impact me? A: The above advice is for a forced tunnel scenario (inverse split tunnel) where the default path is via the tunnel and only defined exceptions are sent direct, which is often referred to as a split tunnel in common parlance and is the most commonly seen deployment model of such solutions. However a split tunnel in the technically accurate sense of the words, where the default path is the internet and only defined endpoints (such as corp server ranges/names) are sent down the tunnel, shouldn’t need such configuration as the RDP traffic should follow the default path to the internet. Q: Does this also optimize RDP shortpath? A: RDP Shortpath for Public Networks works to provide a UDP based RDP connection between the client and Cloud PC if enabled and achievable. This connection is in addition to the TCP based connection described above and the dynamic virtual channels such as graphics, input etc are switched into the UDP connection if deemed optimal. Rows 3 & 4 above cover this traffic for connectivity via TURN relays. Please see this article for more information on this connectivity model. Q: Is this advice also shared in Microsoft’s official documentation? A: We’re currently working on uplifting the entire connectivity documentation for Windows 365 and the above will form part of this work in the coming months. We’ll share the official link in this blog when available. Q: Does this advice apply equally to AVD? A: Yes, both Windows 365 and AVD have exactly the same requirements in terms of the connectivity discussed in this blog.58KViews10likes17Comments[On demand] Skill up! Cloud PC management and reporting
Get to know the tools you can use today to track Windows 365 utilization, identify underutilized Cloud PCs, and monitor connected Cloud PCs. Watch Skill up! Cloud PC management and reporting – now on demand – and join the conversation at For more free technical skilling on the latest in Windows, Windows in the cloud, and Microsoft Intune, view the full Microsoft Technical Takeoff session list.17Views0likes0Comments[On demand] Unlocking productivity on the frontline with Windows 365
Dive deep and uncover practical guidance on how to deploy and manage Windows 365 Frontline effectively. Watch Unlocking productivity on the frontline with Windows 365 – now on demand – and join the conversation at To help you learn more, watch our bonus video with frequently asked questions on Windows 365 Frontline: And here are the links referenced in the session: Read our latest blog: Watch the Windows 365 Frontline video: Watch the new Microsoft Mechanics video: Learn more on the Windows 365 Frontline website For more free technical skilling on the latest in Windows, Windows in the cloud, and Microsoft Intune, view the full Microsoft Technical Takeoff session list.15Views0likes0CommentsWindows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop sessions at the Microsoft Technical Takeoff
The next iteration of the Microsoft Technical Takeoff is coming up quick. Four days of in depth sessions, demos, roadmap and Q&A are coming up on Monday March the 3rd to Thursday the 6th. This is a great learning event where we in the Microsoft engineering and product groups go deep on a whole host of topics, from Windows, Azure Virtual Desktop, Intune and Windows365. For those specifically interested in Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop then this is the ultimate short list of sessions. Please click on the link for the session below and then click on the Attend button, (times below are in PST). To access the full site with the entire agenda and session list just visit: Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop Monday, March 3, 2025 8:30 AM - The path ahead: The roadmap for Windows in the cloud 10:30 AM - Understanding security and management on Windows 365 Link 11:00 AM - Unlocking productivity on the frontline with Windows 365 Tuesday, March 4, 2025 10:30 AM - Skill up! Cloud PC management and reporting 11:00 AM - Get to know Windows security and resiliency in the cloud Wednesday, March 5, 2025 9:30 AM - Enhancing resiliency with Windows 365 10:30 AM - Delivering like-local Windows experiences from the cloud Thursday, March 6, 2025 7:00 AM - Azure Virtual Desktop app management 7:30 AM - Azure Virtual Desktop hostpool management at scale 11:00 AM - Windows cloud migration and deployment best practices493Views1like1CommentScanners and TWAIN
hey guys. how are you guys handling users with scanners that need to scan directly to windows 365? We have a current AVD environment where 100 users connect to 3 host servers. the host servers have TSScan installed on them to assist with scanner redirection. Moving to W365 would require a TSScan license for each 100 users which would be too cost prohibitive.29Views0likes0CommentsUnlocking the Power of Windows 365 in 2025: Your Ultimate Learning Guide
Fun fact, the article below is written by Microsoft Copilot! Before kicking off, I want to wish all of you Happy (and successful) New Year! As we move further into 2025, the digital workspace continues to evolve, and Windows 365 remains at the forefront, offering seamless and flexible cloud computing solutions. Last year, we have been recognized for the second consecutive year as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Desktop as a Service (DaaS). Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the world of cloud PCs, there's always more to learn about making the most out of Windows 365. To kick this year off with a tradition, here’s your comprehensive new guide to mastering Windows 365 in the year 2025! Getting started with Windows 365 Microsoft provides a wealth of resources to help users understand and maximize Windows 365. Start by exploring the official Windows 365 website for detailed documentation, tutorials, and updates. Additionally, the Microsoft Learn platform offers structured learning paths and modules specifically tailored to Windows 365. Windows 365 migration: It's easier than you think - Windows IT Pro Blog Windows 365 Cloud PCs and Microsoft Intune for VDI administrators | Windows IT Pro Blog New end-user experiences for Windows in the cloud: December 2024 | Microsoft Community Hub Technical deep dive bootcamp on Microsoft AVD and Windows 365 The future of Windows, Windows 365 and AI | Microsoft 365 Community Conference Create provisioning policies for Windows 365 Windows 365 deployment overview Windows 365 networking deployment options Windows in the Cloud video series Windows in the Cloud video series dives into Windows 365 capabilities: Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop news from Microsoft Ignite - Windows in the Cloud What’s next in Windows 365 Frontline - Windows in the Cloud Introducing Windows 365 Link – the first Cloud PC device Microsoft Teams in the Windows cloud Windows App: what's new and what's next | Windows in the Cloud GPU-enhanced Windows 365 Cloud PCs - Windows in the Cloud Leadership spotlights Leadership spotlight: Melissa Grant, Windows Marketing Leadership spotlight: Marcus Ash on the future of Windows and AI design Customer spotlights Episode 1 - Windows 365 Customer Spotlights with Sepideh AMAs (Ask Microsoft Anything) Looking for more tips to deploy and manage Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop faster, better, and simple? Catch up on the most recent sessions on-demand: AMA: The latest in Windows 365 and Windows in the cloud(December 2024) AMA: Windows 365 - Q3 2024 capabilities(October 2024) AMA: Windows 365 GPU-enabled Cloud PCs(September 2024) AMA: Windows App(August 2024) Upcoming dates: January 29, 2025 - AMA: Windows 365 February 26, 2025 - AMA: Windows 365 March 26, 2025 - AMA: Windows 365 Microsoft Ignite ’24 content available on demand In case you missed any of the breakout sessions that the Windows cloud engineering team delivered to Microsoft Ignite, they are now available on demand. Here are just a few highlights: Transform end-user computing experiences with Windows, Windows 365 and Intune Download PowerPoint slides here. Secure and resilient Windows strategy from Client to Cloud Download PowerPoint slides here. What's New in Windows Security, Productivity and Cloud What's new and what's next for Azure Virtual Desktop Books Mastering Windows 365 Mastering Microsoft Intune Get Microsoft certified As a candidate for this certification, you have subject matter expertise managing devices and client applications in a Microsoft 365 tenant by using Microsoft Intune. You’re responsible for: Implementing solutions for efficient deployment and management of endpoints on various operating systems, platforms, and device types. Implementing and managing endpoints at scale by using Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Intune Suite, Windows Autopilot, Microsoft Copilot for Security, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Entra ID, Azure Virtual Desktop, and Windows 365. Implementing identity, security, access, policies, updates, and apps for endpoints. Learn more about the course via: Microsoft 365 Certified: Endpoint Administrator Associate - Certifications | Microsoft Learn Join the Windows 365 Community Engage with the Windows 365 community to share experiences, ask questions, and learn from others. Participate in forums such as the Microsoft Tech Community and follow relevant hashtags on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Connecting with peers and experts can provide valuable insights and tips. Windows 365 Community weekly newsletters Follow us on LinkedIn Join our community on Discord Hands-On Practice There’s no substitute for hands-on experience. Set up your own Windows 365 environment and experiment with its features. Create different scenarios, troubleshoot issues, and explore various settings to get a practical understanding of how Windows 365 works. This practical approach will help solidify your knowledge and boost your confidence in using the platform. Go for our Interactive Demo for Windows 365 to: Attend Virtual Events and Webinars Save the date now for the third installment of the Microsoft Technical Takeoff for Windows and Microsoft Intune! This free, virtual skilling event will offer prescriptive, technical deep dives and panel-based discussions to help you feel prepared and confident in deploying and managing devices, apps, and experiences from client to cloud! Microsoft Technical Takeoff | Microsoft Community Hub Community events in 2025 to attend Workplace Ninja Summit + local user groups Workplace Ninja Summit is another amazing community event where you can learn about all things Intune and Windows 365. Its goal is to share knowledge with the community and to make workplace management with Microsoft Technologies simpler for everybody. Dates: 22 - 25 September 2025 More information can be found at Workplace Ninja Summit 2025 UK edition Workplace Ninjas UK 2025 - Expo + Breakouts | Edinburgh - 16 - 17 June 2025 Australia edition Workplace Ninja Australia Tour 2025 - Canberra, Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 9:00 AM | Meetup USA edition Workplace Ninjas US | 2025 Two-Day Conference Announcement December 2025 MMS Minnesota The Midwest Management Summit is a 4-day conference purposely capped at 750 attendees so that nobody gets lost in the crowd. Speakers have time to meet and talk to you. There are no people rushing out of a session to get the next speaker going. You have time to absorb what you see and talk it over with speakers and other attendees. Dates: May 4-8, 2025 at the Radisson Blu in Bloomington, MN More information can be found at MEM Summit Modern Endpoint Management Summit is an event dedicated to exploring the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in the field of endpoint management. Dates: 23 - 25 April 2025 - Paris, France Learn more about the event via: MEM Summit 2025 EUC Tech Summit Denmark EUCtech Denmark, an independent organization focusing on End User Computing technologies from Citrix and Microsoft. Dates: May 22, 2025 @ 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Learn more: EUCtech Denmark AVD Techfest AVD TechFest is an international festival bringing industry experts, vendors, and community speakers together to share and discover best practices for Windows 365 and Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) technology. Learn more at Stay in touch with us. Learning about Windows 365 in 2025 is an ongoing journey that combines official resources, community engagement, and hands-on experience. By tapping into these diverse learning avenues, you can stay ahead of the curve and fully harness the potential of Windows 365 to transform your digital workspace. Oh, and if you did not already, make sure to follow me on Linkedin to stay connected! Happy learning! Christiaan2.5KViews3likes0CommentsWe have multiple Licenses I want to Implement Conditional Access Policy
Hello Everyone, We have multiple Licenses I want to Implement Security on all users. I created a Group, added all Company users to this group, and assigned a P1 license to this group. I want to Implement a Conditional Access policy to block all new users excluded from this group. means anyone who creates a user goes into the blocked mode. when a new user is added to an excluded group, he will access their resources. but is this possible to mean I have doubts is it working or not please anyone let me know if this formula is working or not. Thanks and Regards: Fahad Gul171Views0likes2CommentsFreezing and Lagging in Windows 365
I've been using windows 365 for a while now and it has worked perfectly well but for the last few weeks it keeps freezing and lagging when doing simple tasks, web browsing, copy and paste and even tabbing through fields in an excel spreadsheet. I have tried logging this with the windows 365 support team but they have been unable to help, except suggesting I upped the ram (which I did and it did not work) so now I am paying more for a system that still does not work. Has anybody else had issues with lagging and freezing and were they able to over come it? Thanks739Views0likes2Comments