19 TopicsEdge not receiving notifications when closed
This has been going on for months, it actually never worked and despite many posts from other users, it wasn't put on the feedback list to be fixed. I tried sending several feedbacks through browser as well in the last months. I hope someone manually give this a higher priority. here is the Chrome article about this: "Push messaging lets developers engage users by providing timely and customized content outside the context of the web page. It is one of the most critical APIs to come to the web, giving users the ability to engage with web experiences even when the browser is closed, without the need for a native app install." Currently Edge canary is Version 81.0.406.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) all the related flags (native notifications etc etc) are all tested and they have no effects.Solved12KViews6likes29CommentsHow to get the new Edge insider Logo after update
UPDATE 1: You have to uninstall your browser and then download and reinstall it again from here: this is one way to get the correct icon everywhere (start menu, taskbar, desktop) and with the correct label (Canary, Dev, Beta) I did it and chose to delete user data during uninstall, but be careful, make sure to enable Sync before uninstall to prevent from losing any data. UPDATE 2: Thanks toasplode If you create a new profile and then promptly delete it, the icons are fixed! UPDATE 3: Thanks to MitchDahl signing out of Sync and then back in. UPDATE 4: Thanks to Dennis5mile "I found another way to change the icon for whichever version you are using. First right click the icon and then right click the exe for that version of edge you want changed then click properties.. follow the photos below which I did from my taskbar... then on next screen choose change icon.. Then choose the icon you want, but make sure the path is correct"14KViews4likes13CommentsThis old issue with Global Media Controls button hasn't been fixed yet
me and other people sent feedback about it, even posts made in this forum around 10 months, but it's still the same. problem: as you can see in the gif above, when you press the pause/play button, its state doesn't change until you move the mouse cursor away from it. expected result: pause/play button's state should change whether or not mouse cursor is over it. this is the normal behavior of UI, but Edge is not doing it correctly. Global media controls also exist in Chrome browser and they work correctly. i.e. the button's state changes no matter the mouse cursor is still over it or not.1.2KViews3likes1CommentCortana 2 beta freezes Global Media Controls - Edge Canary
Above you can see all of the required details. Edge Version (Official build) canary (64-bit) The problem: I'm playing a YouTube video on the new Edge browser, then i bring up the new Cortana 2 beta app and start talking to her, now if I type in "turn off" or "shut up" or "off", it pauses the YouTube video that's being played and it also freezes the Global Media Controls button in a way that it becomes unresponsive to mouse clicks, when I click on it nothing happens. at this point I have to click on the paused YouTube video itself to resume it and after that the Global Media Controls key starts working normally again.970Views2likes1CommentRemove the "uninstall" option from the site icons pinned to home screen in Android
This even happened to me and other people that I know, we wanted to remove a site icon that was pinned to home screen and thought selecting "uninstall" will remove it but then we realized it actually deleted the whole Edge browser from Android! the "uninstall" option is misleading. on Edge Windows 10, the uninstall option on sites pinned as PWA, only uninstalls/removes the site, doesn't uninstall the whole browser. on Android Edge should have the same behavior.5.4KViews2likes16CommentsEdge-to-edge concept for New Edge Canary for Android
I'd like to give a suggestion too: please, set the nav bar as transparent, using the Edge-to-edge concept from Android 10, like you guys already does on iOS (here: , here, and here ) Look how this bar is ugly, makes the screen smaller and pollutes the screen as well... Look how it's very better, like the Edge works on iOS and how it should be on Android as well. The little home bar change its color depending from the background. This division of the interface is also ugly. Another suggestion that I'd like to see in the future is the "force dark mode" in sites that don't have support to the changing color API. Various browsers already have it. And, congratulations! The new Edge for Android is incredible 😄 you've gone a good job.741Views1like0CommentsShow details about blocked trackers and their URLs in the address bar
This is how it looks like when viewing what cookies a website is using you see they are detailed, shows the exact URLs and addresses. now this is how it looks like when viewing what trackers are being blocked on a website You see it's so Vague and unclear, you don't see any URLs, just Adobe, Google etc. doesn't say which Google or Adobe addresses are blocked. My suggestion: create 2 viewing preferences for Tracking Prevention in here edge://settings/privacy One Simplified and the other Advanced The Simplified viewing will be like how it is now, only shows names like Adobe, Google, Facebook The Advanced viewing will show exactly which URLs from Adobe, Google and Facebook got blocked, the exact addresses. here is an image from ublock origin adblocker to show you an example955Views1like2Comments