5 Topics¡Prepárate para la certificación GitHub Foundations!
¡Descubre como puedes obtener un voucher gratuito para esta certificación! GitHub y Microsoft acaban de anunciar una nueva iniciativa para ayudarte a impulsar tu carrera en tecnología mediante el lanzamiento de la serie de charlas y talleres en vivo ‘GitHub Foundations” para ayudarte a prepárate para esta certificación. Desde el 26 de marzo hasta el 16 de abril, comienza y crece tu carrera en tecnología al comprender los temas básicos y fundamentales en GitHub. Aprenderás a como colaborar en un proyecto y con equipos para aumentar tu conocimiento mediante el uso de diferentes herramientas como GitHub Copilot, GitHub Codespaces y más. ¡Comienza a trabajar en proyectos reales utilizando diversas herramientas de GitHub y mucho más!5KViews0likes0CommentsACE Your Microsoft Associate Certification and FREE Certification Voucher for registered students
Ready to take your Microsoft Fundamentals knowledge to the next level or you are journey to attain professional Microsoft Certifications? You’ve come to the right place! The normal journey with certifications is to start off with the basics i.e. your Fundamentals certifications and work your way up the ladder.14KViews1like6CommentsIncorporating Microsoft Learn into IE University programmes students receive industry certificates
AZ-900 for me was more than just a certificate to put on my CV, it was a course that changed my perspective on Cloud Computing and opened my mind in ways I had never thought possible. I learned so much and knowing I could use the knowledge I was learning into practice in the future motivated me so much!! I genuinely enjoyed the process of getting the AZ-900"2.2KViews1like0CommentsEducation Webinar Series Jan 2021 - April 2021
The world of work is changing. Jobs in every field are increasingly digital, and over 149 million tech jobs are expected to emerge by 2025 in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, AI and machine learning. While the future holds great promise, the key to success in supporting global economic development lies in empowering today’s students with the skills they will need to be successful and thrive in this digital, ever-changing economy.1.6KViews0likes0Comments