command timeout
3 TopicsLesson Learned #372:Combining retry policy capabilities for connection and execution in PowerShell
We often encounter support cases where our customers leave the query execution timeout value at its default. In certain situations, we may find that when this value is reached, the application reports an error and does not continue. In this case, I would like to share an example implemented in PowerShell that allows incrementing the command timeout value up to 5 attempts, with a 5-second margin in each operation.3.7KViews0likes0CommentsLesson Learned #1: Capturing a TSQL Command Timeout
In many support cases that we worked our customer needs to know that is the query that caused a Command Timeout issue, for example, receiving an error message like Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. In this example below, you could find out the extended event that we share to our customers in order to capture it.3.7KViews0likes0Comments