data & ai
181 TopicsJoin the Fabric Partner Community for this Week's Fabric Engineering Connection calls!
Are you a Microsoft Partner that is interested in data and analytics? Be sure to join us for this week's Fabric Engineering Connection call, now offered at two different times! 🎉 The Fabric Engineering Connection call, taking place Wednesday, March 5, from 8-9 am PST, and the APAC Fabric Engineering Connection call, taking place Thursday, March 6, from 1-2 am UTC/Wednesday, March 5, from 5-6 pm PST, will feature presentations from Matthew Hicks on Iceberg Virtualization in OneLake; Diana Tram Nguyen and Andrew Boe on SMB Paths to Azure Solutions Partner Designations & AMM and Azure Innovate Access; and Sanaullah Sanai and Rita ABDELLATIFI on Sustainability Data Solutions in Fabric. This is your opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and provide feedback. To join the call, you must be a member of the Fabric Partner Community Teams channel. To join, complete the participation form at We can't wait to see you tomorrow/Thursday!12Views1like0CommentsJoin the Fabric Partner Community for this Week's Fabric Engineering Connection calls!
Are you a Microsoft partner that is interested in data and analytics? Be sure to join us for this week's Fabric Engineering Connection call, now offered at two different times! 🎉 The Fabric Engineering Connection call, taking place Wednesday, February 26, from 8-9 am PST, and the APAC Fabric Engineering Connection call, taking place Thursday, February 27, from 1-2 am UTC/Wednesday, February 26, from 5-6 pm PST, will feature presentations from Salil Kanade and Venkata Satya Pradeep Srikakolapu on Data Warehouse Developer Experiences and Ted Vilutis on Spark RLS/CLS. This is your opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and provide feedback. To join the call, you must be a member of the Fabric Partner Community Teams channel. To join, complete the participation form at We can't wait to see you Wednesday/Thursday!29Views1like0CommentsImplementing Pagination with the Copy Activity in Microsoft Fabric
Introduction: APIs often return a large amount of data. Pagination allows you to retrieve a manageable subset of this data at a time, preventing unnecessary strain on resources and reducing the likelihood of timeouts or errors. In this example, the client starts by requesting the first page of data from the server. The server responds with both the data and metadata indicating the current page, the total number of records. The client then proceeds to request subsequent pages of data until it reaches the last page. This approach allows for efficient data retrieval and processing without overwhelming the client or the server. we want to get a file in ADLS containing all data from API without the need to use other activities like until/forEach, we want the Copy activity to perform all the pagination needed to collect all the data. Prerequisites: 1. Basic knowledge in Rest API. 2. Workspace in Microsoft Fabric. 3. ADLS storage account. API used: default limit according to pokeapi documentation is 20 records per request. In this tutorial, i want to limit records up to 500 records per request like so: The initial API call will be made using the following URL: Subsequently, the API calls will proceed as follows: Second call: Third call: In each successive request, the offset value will be incremented by 500 to retrieve the next set of records. Steps: Step1: Prepare your workspace. In your fabric workspace, navigate to Data Factory component and add a pipeline to your workspace, after that drag a copy activity to your canvas. Follow steps mentioned in MS documentation: Module 1 - Create a pipeline with Data Factory - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn Step2: Configure the Copy activity. 1. Source settings: data store type: External connection: add new -> click on Rest connection. Fill connection settings like so: click on Create. Relative URL: pokemon?limit=500&offset=pageOffset here I'm adding a value to the offset parameter, pageOffset is a variable that will get value from the pagination rule. In Advanced: under Pagination Rule, add a value to the variable 'pageOffset' which indicates that we will run from 1 to 1281 with an offset of 500, so each call to the API we will jump by 500 records as mentioned above. 2. destination I would like to write data as a .csv file,named outputPartitioning.csv , i added my ADLS connection to my lake house, follow the steps in MS documentation: Create an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 shortcut - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn 3. Mapping tab: After we configured both source and destination, now we need to map our data, so data from the API comes as a Json with these attributes: { "count": 1281, "next": "", "previous": "", "results": [ { "name": "ivysaur", "url": "" }, { "name": "venusaur", "url": "" } ] } now we don't care about metadata provided by the API (like count,next,previous keys), we only want the results array. click on import schemas, after that add in collection reference: $['results'] delete extra results that you see below, and make sure to make name and url keys is saved as String in destination like so: Step3: Run copy activity. after running copy activity, you should see output file in your ADLS storage account and activity marked as success in the Fabric workspace. Output: downloaded my file from my ADLS storage account and opened it in Visual Studio. we can see that we got 1281 records as promised from the API, so pagination worked. Links: - Module 1 - Create a pipeline with Data Factory - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn - Create an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 shortcut - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn - Documentation - PokéAPI ( - How to configure REST in a copy activity - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn Call-To-Action: - Make sure to establish all connections in ADLS and in Fabric workspace. - check MS documentation on pagination in copy activity. - Please help us improve by sharing your valuable feedback. - Follow me on LinkedIn: Sally Dabbah | LinkedIn7KViews1like3CommentsJoin us at the Microsoft Fabric Community Conference in Las Vegas, NV from March 30 - April 2, 2025!
FabCon offers you the chance to learn the latest from Microsoft when it comes to Fabric product features and allows you and your teams to get hands-on with the product through workshops on March 30 and April 3. Throughout FabCon, there will be opportunities for you to connect with Microsoft executives, meet with customers, and connect with peers. On March 30, Microsoft will be hosting the FabCon Partner Pre-Day. This is a special day dedicated to our Microsoft partners and is free for registered FabCon attendees. Our Partner Pre-Day will feature keynotes by Wangui McKelvey and Ashley Asdourian and afternoon breakouts for both systems integrator and software company attendees. We are also offering a 48-hour group discount window exclusively for customers through our partners from Feb 18-19. For questions about available discount codes that you can send directly to your 5 selected customers, please reach out to the Register for FabCon and join the FabCon Partner Pre-Day today!165Views1like0CommentsJoin the Fabric Partner Community for this Week's Fabric Engineering Connection calls!
Are you a Microsoft Partner that is interested in data and analytics? Be sure to join us for this week's Fabric Engineering Connection call, now offered at two different times! 🎉 The Fabric Engineering Connection call, taking place Wednesday, February 12, from 8-9 am PST, will feature Teddy Bercovitz discussing ISV Workloads in Fabric, followed by Idris Motiwala presenting on SQL DB in Fabric. Idris Motiwala will return with his presentation for the APAC Fabric Engineering Connection call, followed by Sanjay Soni presenting on Dream Demos. The APAC Fabric Engineering Connection is taking place Thursday, February 13, from 1-2 am UTC/Wednesday, February 12, from 5-6 pm PST. This is your opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and provide feedback. To join the call, you must be a member of the Fabric Partner Community Teams channel. To join, complete the participation form at We can't wait to see you Wednesday/Thursday!35Views1like1CommentJoin the Fabric Partner Community for this Week's Fabric Engineering Connection calls!
Are you a Microsoft partner that is interested in data and analytics? Be sure to join us for this week's Fabric Engineering Connection call, now offered at two different times! 🎉 The Fabric Engineering Connection call, taking place Wednesday, February 5, from 8-9 am PST, will feature Varun Jain and Dandan Zhang presenting on Workspace Monitoring and Workspace Private Links. Amir Netz will be hosting his very first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session with the APAC Fabric Engineering Connection call, taking place Thursday, January February 6, from 1-2 am UTC/Wednesday, February 5, from 5-6 pm PST. Join the call to personally ask Amir your Fabric related questions! This is your opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and provide feedback. To join the call, you must be a member of the Fabric Partner Community Teams channel. To join, complete the participation form at We can't wait to see you on the call!23Views1like0CommentsJoin the Fabric Partner Community for this Week's Fabric Engineering Connection calls!
Are you a Microsoft partner that is interested in data and analytics? Be sure to join us for this week's Fabric Engineering Connection call, now offered at two different times! 🎉 The Fabric Engineering Connection call, taking place Wednesday, January 29, from 8-9 am PST, will feature the first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session of 2025 with Amir Netz. Join the call to personally ask Amir your Fabric related questions! The APAC Fabric Engineering Connection call, taking place Thursday, January 30, from 1-2 am UTC/Wednesday, January 29, from 5-6 pm PST, will feature presentations from Varun Jain and Dandan Zhang on Workspace Monitoring and Workspace Private Links. This is your opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and provide feedback. To join the call, you must be a member of the Fabric Partner Community Teams channel. To join, complete the participation form at We can't wait to see you Wednesday!30Views1like0CommentsJoin the Fabric Partner Community for this Week's Fabric Engineering Connection calls!
Are you a Microsoft Partner that is interested in data and analytics? Be sure to join us for this week's Fabric Engineering Connection call, now offered at two different times! 🎉 Tamer Farag will be joining both calls to discuss the latest and greatest related to partner offerings and updates, including certifications, Fabric Featured Partners, trainings, incentives, and more. The Fabric Engineering Connection call taking place Wednesday, January 15, from 8-9 am PST. The APAC Fabric Engineering Connection call taking place Thursday, January 16, from 1-2 am UTC/Wednesday, January 15, from 5-6 pm PST. This is your opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and provide feedback. To join the call, you must be a member of the Fabric Partner Community Teams channel. To join, complete the participation form at We can't wait to see you this week!36Views1like0Comments