656 TopicsWeb Speech API stopped working on Edge starting with v.134
Starting with version 134 of the Edge Browser (Windows 10, Edge Stable Version 134.0.3124.51, released March 6, 2025), the functionality of speech recognition (WebSpeechAPI) has been broken. This issue potentially impacts millions of users. Requests to Microsoft servers return a "Network error." For more details, please refer to this ticket: https://github.com/speech-translator-ext/speech-translator-readme/issues/50 An easy way to test speech recognition: https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/demos/speech.html About Web Speech API: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Speech_API#browser_compatibility PS: It’s also unfortunate that, as a web browser extension developer, the "App Assure" functionality is not available. (App Assure: Facing issues with your business apps or websites on the latest version of Microsoft Edge? Microsoft will help you resolve them at no additional cost.) And in general it's very unclear where to report such issues.2.7KViews3likes3Comments[Error] Can't find variable: logMutedMessage On Edge Mobile.
1. Environment: browser.name: Edge Mobile browser: Edge Mobile 116.0.1938 device: iPhone os: iOS 16.6 2. The reproduction steps: Set the iPhone to battery-saving mode. Open this page(https://campaign.nbilly.naver.com/clova-for-writing-with-smarteditor) on Edge Mobile. Attempt to touch the play button of the background video. 3. Problem: "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: logMutedMessage" error reported to my Sentry. --- It seems to be a bug in Edge Mobile, but I couldn't find anything related to it even when I searched here with the keyword logMutedMessage. Is there a place to report bugs?2KViews2likes1CommentSuggestion: add Progress Bar and Next/Prev options to the PiP (Picture in Picture) in Edge browser
Suggestion: add Progress Bar and Next/Prev options to the PiP (Picture in Picture) in Edge browser Here is a video of my side by side comparison of PiP in Edge Canary Version 83.0.461 and PiP in Windows 10 Movies & TV app which is the superior one. Also allow to control that progress bar in PiP. use the same small minimal style from the app on Windows 10 but on mouse hover, the progress bar needs to get bigger and come Up so user can control it and click on it. Thanks. https://streamable.com/rocr2Solved5.9KViews7likes12Comments[SOLVED] Can't login on Edge anymore! (Login and Sync issue)
UPDATE 10 APRIL: Finally got a hold on https://support.microsoft.com/, initiated a live chat with support, and they had to install Install Quick Assist (Install Quick Assist - Microsoft Support) and they had to enter my PC and check what was wrong. They had no idea what was happening at the time (this all happened a few weeks ago - sorry for the late reply ut I had a lot of work delayed due to this error) and reinstalled Windows = issue solved. The following day however, windows asked me to update again and the issue returned ahahahaha but I removed it, and then the following system updates didn't carry that sign in issue anymore. Thank you all for your help and support during these VERY STRESSFUL DAYS! Hope the issue got solved for everyone! ____________________________________________________________ UPDATE 25TH - 4:52 GMT: - Run every possible workaround thanks to comments on my Microsoft Community thread and here (Tech) (Thank you everyone!) - Can't get pass the edge login pop-up => can't sync and have access to workspaces; - Already reported twice on Alt + Shift + I (with screen recording video and photos); - No 3rd party antivirus issue; - Some people on the Community post were able to surpass this by uninstalling KB5035853 - but I don't have it; - Using Windows 10 Home version 22H2, with Edge version: 123.0.2420.53 (64 bits) [also tried on Edge Beta version: 123.0.2420.53, but uninstalled it for now] ____________________________________________________________ UPDATE: 22nd OF MARCH: There was already some suggestions left here (Can't login on Edge anymore! (Sync issue) - Microsoft Community) but it didn't work. Anyone? Please? _______ original message posted on 20th March _______ Already hit restore on windows' applications and restarted my pc, but every time I open Microsoft Edge now, on the top right corner it says my account is not logged in. And when I try to do it, the pop-up window says it's loading and then just turns to all white. Anyone can help me please? Don't want to lose my favourites, passwords and workspaces ;_; 1) already deleted all cookies 2) already confirmed if it was an issue with the Wi-Fi 3) already hit «repair» twice on the program 4) already tried to add a new account (didn't work cause the issue with the popup to login is the same) 5) already disabled all extensions and tried to login again after that 6) my account is not blocked - in fact I can login on Microsoft with it on my phone and website (otherwise I wouldn't be able to post this question). The issue is only with logging in on the Edge browser. 7) already deleted and reinstalled Edge. And yes, I restarted my pc every time I tried something. What else can I do? I need to access my Edge Workspaces!24KViews1like27CommentsPinch Zoom Behavior Changed in Edge After Update – Need Help!
Hi everyone, I updated my Edge browser yesterday, and I've noticed a change with the pinch and zoom functionality on my laptop’s trackpad. Previously, I could pinch and zoom without affecting the page’s Zoom %—the percentage would only increase if I pressed Ctrl + pinch and zoom. However, after the update, simply pinching and zooming now increases the page’s Zoom %. This behavior doesn’t occur in Chrome, so it seems to be isolated to Edge after the recent update. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any advice on how to restore the previous behavior? Thanks in advance for your help!41Views0likes1CommentEdge Workspaces error V114
I'm having an issue when selecting the workspaces menu it will "Error: Unable to load workspaces" How do I troubleshoot this issue? I need this resolved and functional as MS has enabled by default and it has rolled out to all users. I was expecting to be able to test this feature before enabling by GPO.17KViews0likes37CommentsPin tab groups in edge
Hello, I'm in love with Edge's new tab Group feature, but there is one issue with it. usually, People want those groups to open whenever the browser starts up. so I have a suggestion to add Pin group feature where it works just like pin tab. What do you think insiders?13KViews12likes10CommentsNew feature: Smooth pinch-style zooming using mousewheel.
I really miss the smooth zooming that you get from pinch gestures on touchpad or touchscreen when using my desktops that have only a mouse with a wheel. The Ctrl+wheel style zooming has its place but 90% of the time if you just want to quickly enlarge and image or focus on a part of the page with small text the fast and smooth zoom-in-read then zoom-out of pinch style is so much nicer. With a mouse wheel that is smooth itself like my Logitech ones it would be a nice smooth action all round. Could Alt+wheel be used to trigger the smooth zoom? Leaving the current Ctrl+wheel one unchanged for people who are used to it.4.5KViews3likes3CommentsFamily Safety prevents adult users from using the InPrivate tab of Edge for Android
a tip: This article was translated from Chinese to English by myself through GenAI. If you would like to read the original Chinese version, please scroll down. The issue I encountered: I joined a family group as an adult user (not the organizer), and subsequently, the InPrivate browsing feature on my Android Edge browser was disabled. Edge displayed a message in the user information section stating, "Your browsing experience is managed by family settings." Declaration: My account is an adult account. My family organizer has disabled all restrictions that can be found on the family settings page. I have tried various methods, including but not limited to logging out, disabling sync, and reinstalling Edge. In fact, I have attempted all the solutions I could find on Microsoft Answers in Chinese web pages. The issue is reproducible. I have successfully replicated it on another Android device. This issue only occurs on Android devices with Edge. Based on my tests, it does not appear on the Windows platform. According to feedback from other users, it also does not occur on the iOS platform. There are no parental monitoring features enabled on my phone itself. Based on my experiments, this issue has appeared at least in Edge for Android version 132.0.2957.129 (the latest Stable version as of February 7, 2025) and the latest Canary version as of February 7, 2025. According to information from other users on the internet, this issue has been around for a long time, with reports dating back several years. The option to "Open a new InPrivate window" is grayed out, indicating that the feature is disabled. This occurs after logging into an account that has joined a family group. Logging out restores the normal functionality. 中文原稿: 本人所遇问题: 作为成年用户加入了家庭组(非组织者),而后我的安卓Edge的InPrivate功能被禁用,Edge在用户信息处提示“你的浏览体验由家庭设置管理”。 声明: 本人账户为成年账户 我的家庭组织者已经禁用了一切在家庭设置页能够找到的限制用户使用的项目 我已经尝试过包括但不限于退出登录、关闭同步、重装Edge等,可以说是所有能在Microsoft Answers找到的相关中文网页的尝试我都进行过。 该问题是可复现的,在我的另一台安卓设备上成功复现。 该问题仅在Android设备Edge上出现,根据我的测试,Windows平台不会出现该问题,据其他用户反馈,在iOS平台上也不会出现这个问题。 我的手机本身没有设置任何家长监控之类的功能。 这个问题由我实验,至少出现在Edge for Android 132.0.2957.129(截止2025.2.7最新的Stable版本)和截止2025.2.7最新的金丝雀版本。根据互联网上其他用户的信息,该问题出现已经很久了,至少在近几年都报有这个问题。 “新建InPrivate窗口”的选项是灰色的,代表此功能被禁用,这出现在登录已加入家庭组的账户之后,退出登录恢复正常 Thanks!11Views0likes0Comments