4 TopicsMeraki VPN L2TP with Preshared key via Intune
Hey everyone, I'm trying to deploy Meraki VPN L2TP with Preshared key via Intune. I have previously tried to deploy the rasphone.pbk file using PS Script to "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk". The file was deployed successfully but Preshared key is not being copied. The next method I used was to create a VPN profile using PS script. I used the script below but EncryptionLevel Optional is being returned as error. # Add the VPN connection Add-VpnConnection ` -Name "MY VPN" ` -ServerAddress "myvpn.com" ` -TunnelType L2tp ` -L2tpPsk "myPSK" ` -AuthenticationMethod Pap ` -EncryptionLevel Optional ` -Force ` -AllUserConnection $True # Path to the rasphone.pbk file for all user connections $pbkPath = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk" # Ensure the file exists if (Test-Path -Path $pbkPath) { # Read the contents of the file $pbkContent = Get-Content -Path $pbkPath -Raw # Modify the contents to enforce PAP (128) and require username and password $pbkContent = $pbkContent -replace "(?msi)^(\[$([regex]::Escape("MY VPN"))\].*?^Authentication=).*$", '${1}128' # Write the modified contents back to the file $pbkContent | Set-Content -Path $pbkPath } else { Write-Error "The rasphone.pbk file does not exist at the specified path: $pbkPath" } Error: WARNING: The currently selected encryption level requires EAP or MS-CHAPv2 logon security methods. Data encryption will not occur for Pap or Chap. The requirements are to use PAP and rasphone.pbk should be created under "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk" and preshared key should be copied. So that I can connect to VPN settings via taskbar bottom right by entering username and password. Can someone assist to modify the script or provide any alternate solution?21Views0likes0CommentsBitLocker recovery key not being uploaded into Intune when using BackupToAAD-BitLockerKeyProtector
Hello, We are having an issue with the BackupToAAD-BitLockerKeyProtector PowerShell cmdlet to upload the BitLocker recovery key of our devices into AAD/Intune. We currently use Sophos Device Encryption to encrypt our devices but want to migrate the recovery keys into Intune as we transition to Intune BitLocker policies. We created a script that attempts to upload the BitLocker recovery key into Intune but it appears the BackupToAAD-BitLockerKeyProtector cmdlet only works on devices where the user logs in with a domain account, and not a local Windows account. Is this standard behaviour? I would have assumed that since the device is enrolled into Intune it would use the Management Extension to communicate with Intune for this task - and have no reliance on the logged in user. Looking at the BitLocker PowerShell module itself, a method named " BackupRecoveryInformationToCloudDomain" is called when this cmdlet is executed. I haven't been able to find much online about what happens beyond here. It would be good to know a bit more about this cmdlet as documentation is limited online. CheersSolved37KViews0likes7CommentsDevice Configuration Policy showing false information
Hi, I noticed every client applied successfully our device policy and shows "Encrypt devices" as "Succeeded" but when I take a closer look at some clients I found out that many of them are not encrypted at all. Those clients also don't have a decrypt key in Azure. If I trigger Bitlocker manually on those clients the key is sent to Azure as configured. Anyone with similar issues? Thanks, Josch2.5KViews0likes1CommentIntune device encryption - not applicable
Hi all, We have created an Intune Device configuartion profile te enable/ enforce the encryption of the drives with Bitlocker. The deviecs all run Windows 10 1709 and encryption is enforce on all devices exept one. This device has the same image as all other devices, but gives the deployment status "not applicable" How can we troubleshoot this behavior? Thanks, Peter2.4KViews0likes0Comments