2877 TopicsConnecting to multiple Microsoft services with the same session
Hi guys. Working on a script that needs to connect to ExchangeOnlineManagement, TeamsOnlineManagement, SharePointOnlineManagement.... The script will be used across many different tenants, and I also plan to make it publicly available, so 1) I don't really want to pre-configure some complicated key setup and 2) I don't really want to have login pop-ups over and over again... For ExchangeOnline, I learned (accidentally), if I do this: $upn = Read-Host -Prompt "input yer wahawha" Connect-ExchangeOnline -userprimaryname $upn Connect-IPPSsession -userprimaryname $upn And login to MY tenant, I don't get prompted for login. I think likely because my device is Entra-joined, and it's using my Microsoft account. But even if I use a different account, it will only prompt me once - reusing it for the other. This is great, and exactly how I wanted things to flow - but now I'm trying to do Connect-SPOService (sharepoint) and Connect-MicrosoftTeams... and while both of these are part of the tenant, they don't take the -userprimaryname param - so I can specify to use the account I'm logged into my PC with.. The end-goal is to have this script run with minimal user input. I've SORT OF found a workaround for SharePoint, where I can get the SharePointSite from ExchangeOnline, then modify it a bit and use it as input for Connect-SPOService... but Teams, while it doesn't have the URL param requirement, DOES prompt me to login again. Is there a way to use the existing session for either of these, like I've done with ExchangeOnline / IPPSSession? We have MFA enabled, though not required from within our company network - but when I try to use Get-Credential, it errors me out because it wants MFA.13Views0likes0CommentsAny Work arounds for not being able to share mailboxes across Multi-Tenant Organizations?
Hi, Multi-Tenant Organizations make a lot of things fairly seamless, but you can't have a shared mailbox that is shared to users in two tenants within the organization. Which is a bit of a problem because I have a situation where that would be the ideal solution. So does anybody have suggestions for the next best thing?50Views0likes3CommentsChange work hours
Hello, I am trying to change users' work hours as I would do via the web interface. However, I am unable to find a way to do this using PowerShell. I’ve seen suggestions to use Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration, such as: Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration -Identity email address removed for privacy reasons -WorkingHoursStartTime "09:00:00" -WorkingHoursEndTime "17:00:00" However, I need to set different working hours for each day, and I can’t find any parameters that would allow me to do this. Is this possible? Do I need to use Update-MgUserMailboxSetting for this? Thank you, Alejandro23Views0likes1Comment5.3.4 Maximum Body Parts error makes no sense
So I have one user who is plagued with one of the weirdest problems I've ever known in 30+ years of working with exchange - this is on Office365 She is sending emails from Outlook on Windows but then getting an NDR: Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: email address here Your message is larger than the size limit for messages. Please make it smaller and try sending it again. Diagnostic information for administrators: Generating server: email address here Remote Server returned '554-5.3.4 Content conversion limit(s) exceeded 554 5.3.4 STOREDRV.Submit.Exception:ConversionFailedException; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message [BeginDiagnosticData]Content conversion: Maximum number of body parts (250) per message exceeded ConversionFailedException: Content conversion: Maximum number of body parts (250) per message exceeded[EndDiagnosticData]' That's not the weird part, the weird part is as follows: 1) Any other user can send the exact same message with no problem whatsoever 2) If I run an office repair (full online) or uninstall and reinstall office, then the problem goes away and her emails send again - for a short time, after about 20-30 emails they all start failing again with the above error. 3) None of the failing messages show up in exchange logs at all that I can find, ones that succeed I can see, ones that fail for other valid reasons I can see, but these 5.3.4 emails are just not in the logs at all, it seems like the server rejects them even before they enter mail flow logging. This is a largish and complex email they are trying to send, it does have a lot of inline images and some tables that I would expect to run the email up to around 30-40 parts (not sure how to check it). When this email is generating the 5.3.4 she can still send basic emails, it's only these complex ones that fail - but it's not the email that is the problem, other staff have been sending the same email in bulk (we are a PR company, it's a weekly mailer we send out to journalists) with no issues whatsoever, and as stated if we repair or reinstall office they temporarily send and then suddenly start failing again.13KViews0likes2CommentsHidden Group and Hidden Group Membership
Hi everyone! I have come across a requirement where the client would like to use an excel spreadsheet, a service account and application registration to manage group membership for a confidential group. They would like to create a group from which the members cannot leave, see other team members and cannot see the group itself. Now, I have the concept of the flow with me but for the life of me, I cannot get around to finding/configuring a group that meets the requirement. Have you guys come across this sort of scenario? Group Configuration: Users should not be able to view the group Users should not be able to view members of the group Users should not be able to leave the group Thanks in advance.56Views0likes2CommentsThe term 'New-MailContact' is not recognized
Hi Support, I am trying to bulk import external contacts to the tenant. I have come across several other Q&As which have the similar issue. However, the issue is slightly different - I have assigned this test account recipient management role which should be able to create mail recipient and related stuff. This user, eg, test user, is able to do it from the online version from exchange admin center but cant use the cmd to run via powershell. It was working probably a week ago and I haven't changed anything. It also works fine when authenticating using a global admin account. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance, Sheila71Views0likes4CommentsDynamic Distribution Group with no Disabled Accounts
Hi I'm trying to build a few Dynamic Distribution Lists in Exchange Online and want to only include Active Users (i.e., users that are marked "Active" in Azure AD). I've tried using the UserAccountControl attribute (-eq 514 or -ne 514 - both are returning the same results, which is strange), but it still includes user accounts that are disabled. This is how my recipient filter looks like: RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox' -and UserAccountControl -ne 514 What's the best way to achieve this in Exchange Online? Thanks Taranjeet Singh2.1KViews0likes6Comments