8 Topicsoptional suggestion: new menu bar app for mac
i wish i could launch one of my edge profile (no matter from which edge) directly in the menu bar. so you create a profile and then i can search a profile installed on my 4 browser, without need to launch a browser. at the moment we can do similar things once the browser is launched using the dock icon or using the sync icon or using the menu bar option inside edge. but there is still the limit that we can do it for one browser. we cannot search profiles installed on all 4 browser. plus every time you launch the browser, you open the last used profile. so we first need to close and then switch (which requires time). profile switching is slower in edge compared to google. now with this new app you would simply launch a profile inside an edge app, without launching the previous profile.4.1KViews1like9CommentsSS33: smart pip mode - better tiktok integration (or other video social/websites) picture-in-picture
Suggestion (SS): 33 Classification: TIKTOK + PIP / picture-in-picture + audio control PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 4-6 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) EDIT: i just found this picture in picture discussion in the feed too. 1) i don't see this directly is annoying i need to activate it via flags 2) pip doesn't work, even if i activate it goal like 360 chrome (or even better, see 3) or with better video control (sugg.17.) and pip buttons (sugg.18.), but avoid to put it over the downloader... (like the picture) 3) smart player with zoomed features like this on the right 4) remember tiktok specific size 5) keep always on top over all mac apps (i haven't tested this with edge, because i don't see pip) 6) please go to next tiktok automatically 7) allow extension in pip mode, so i can download tiktok videos in pip mode with the overlay button PS: about 6) i already told to them inside my 50+ suggestions to tiktok too, but maybe edge is able to fix it too. i hope auto for both pip mode and normal web browsing. 😎add possibility to add multiple url inside a list of pip mode, so a sort of playlist pip mode. 9) maybe like 8 with collections or bookmarks folders, so you pip mode randomly url 10) add to bookmarks inside pip mode directly, especially if you implement 6) 11) same like 10 for collections 12) maybe a separate history for pipmode visited urls (if 6. is implemented) EDIT: sorry i can activate it via 1 ... there is no button over the video for pip (or below, near the video). if i do that, i see there is no mute option too. 13) we cannot change the size, we can only change position. yes pip is over all mac apps (i see it now after enabling with 1. ) 14) remember to add even the option "keep behind mac app too". so both option should be available. 15) loop mode support for other website here the max size possible 16) better audio control panel, where we see all tabs with audio active and we can choose where to keep audio on or off. for example if 300 tabs are opened, but 20 with audio, in this panel we see only the 20 tabs. 17,18) see above 19) ability to quick copy url link or share the video (in pip mode) 20) screenshot feature integrated in pip mode. 21) loop from x to y example from 0 to 0.22 in this video, by skipping the rest 22) continue to loop, even if i launch another website, in this case you have 2 audios, 1 with pip, 1 without. would be cool the loop function for normal browsing too (is possible via extension...) 23) remember the dual mode suggestion: pip and full mode at the same time about 24) it depends how you implement all that. if you do like 360chrome, where each video has separate pip then allow both option "deactivate audio in dock mode" or "keep audio in dock mode" (not available in 360). what i like is that i can pip my videos in the dock. so if you use a player, maybe a way to pip the player in the dock is cool too, with both option "audio on" "audio off". 25) if there is no idea for 23) then a way to switch from pip to full faster, and from full to pip too about 26) i know this get against tiktok policy, but maybe useful for other websites**. a download button. **at the end is not possible to download it at all, since it doesn't work. plus the fact that tiktok download is not directly a feature a browser need to support and extension can do it perfectly. so the point is to add it for other websites, that allow you to download videos without copyright problem... 27) spotify player should be different from video player. so we can have spotify and pip at the same time. 28) 2x click switch size for example with opera max size is then with a 2x click we go to so a small size, which is not related to the full size video - pip mode switch suggestion that i wrote before. in this case the max size could be 1/2 of display, full mode is 1/1 29) right click options would be cool to see suggestions or skip ads or stop auto suggestions with right click3KViews0likes3CommentsSS44 and PP2: delete account directly without switching page - saved email accounts / password
Suggestion (SS): 44 Classification: ACCOUNTS PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 7-8 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) I have already reported problems related to addresses and saved information to edge and google devs, other users sent similar suggestions too. Now what i want from devs is that they implement something to delete account faster and directly without need to visit edge://settings/addresses Especially accounts related to specific websites. so a way that you add a button remove and a button remove all near plus a way that once we click remove we see - near each account (like google). you don't need to add this email to such website again next time. if we want that, we need to click save next time or do it manually. PROBLEM (PP): 2 Classification: ACCOUNTS AND PASSWORD PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 8-10 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Edge Devs still need to fix the problem of wrongly suggested emails (you show me email i never used on such website), like the problem that auto compilation of password doesn't work at all (even if the option to save such information is available). i already wrote you about that in the feedback app. i don't see any popup save password like google, and i don't see any option to save later the password, if for example we forgot to click save password on this popup. Google launched a new icon to save password later. <<<<<<<<<<<<< We need to remember ***1142281 WontFixing due to c1. The Password Manager is considering adding more features in the future, that could allow you to save a password without requiring you to visit the site. In the meantime you could use the experimental chrome://flags#PasswordImport feature to import passwords from a CSV file to achieve a similar effect. so google will improve password features. PS: c1 is Thank you for filing the request, but as you mentioned, the entire password manager experience is read-only in Incognito for privacy reasons. But an alternative request that maybe helpful instead is having an interface to add a password to password manager in regular mode without navigating to the website.1.7KViews0likes2CommentsSS7: smart bookmark / history and smart search - new shortcut - launch page, open tab, random pages
Suggestion (SS): 7 Classification: SEARCH PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6-7 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) PS: i use $ as shortcut, because i never use such symbol. obviously american need to find another way xD To launch website much faster you could add a new option when we add it to bookmark (and obviously for previous links on bookmarks too). last time i told you to add description, now it's time for shortcut. for example if i want to visit missy profile i don't type missy microsoft or microsoft missy or missy. i would simply write <eimis this features should be available for history too. so i don't need to add a link to bookmark if i want to create such shortcut. next about open random pages on a website. if i want to open page 1,2,3,4...10 i could type $1-10 (you can choose what you prefer) and you open page 1-10. if i type $$ you open random page like 4, 8, 20, 6, 2 this mean .5 is the amount of tabs and 1-40 the intervall. similar shortcuts should work even when a current link is opened, in such case i would write for example $-10 and you are smart enough to open next 10 tabs based on current url now we merge this with the option of %s to search inside a website. before i start to talk, i want to remember that 1) you need to avoid to create random %s. i want to see only my created %s 2) you need to add option to delete all %s 3) since the problem of 1) you need to add a way to multi select all auto generated %s, by keeping my %s 4) you need add groups, this mean i can create social, science, ... groups and i put %s inside this 5) import export !!!! the most important feature you need to add ok, back to suggestion. for each %s we have a shortcut. this mean if i have i can create a shortcut <ed now we can merge this to what i told you before i could write "banana AND bere <ed" and you open edge website with banana and bere if i write "banana AND bere $1-10 <ed" you open edge website with banana and bere, and both have page 1-10 active (= you open 20 tabs). if i write "banana, bere, cola, drink, ciao, bellaitalia $$0.3" you open edge with random search (for example cola, ciao, bere). 3 tabs because i wrote .3 $$0. means random mode, but i don't set an interval 1-40, so i use 0 banana,bere, ... are the terms that need to be used for search i could even write "banana <edge <ama <fb" and you open banana in edge, amazon, fb. if i use the group suggestion that i sent you before, i could set a shortcut for the group like g1 and i would replace "banana <edge <ama <fb" to "banana <g1" to make it more interesting you could even add multiple %s, this mean a website with search=xtext+yword+zdate1+wdate2 would be converted in =%s1+%s2+%s3+%s4 and during a search i would write for example " apple + mac + 03 + 05 <pubmed" to search apple title AND mac word AND 03-05 pubblication date. the shortcut i used are just an example, you need to understand why we need such smart search option in edge. ---- other type of shortcuts are for example <bk to return back to original page (example i visit a, b c, then z--> you show us page a) <sl5 = select 5 tabs to the left <sr5 = select 5 tabs to the right <rr5 = reload the next 5 tabs to the right <br5 = add to bookmark next 5 tabs to the right <cr5 = add to collections next 5 tabs to the right <wr5 = move next 5 tabs to the right in a new window <pr5 = save pdf next 5 tabs to the right i think now you understand the concept. a quick way to add, save, open, go next, go back, random tab, etc. and thanks to the bookmark shortcut that i wrote at the beginning with <<s i could access setting <<e extension <<% my %s .... This would be a jump in productivity. no one is offering this. LAST POINT i already wrote you that a lot of feature are missing like reload to left right and similar, move tab to left to bookmark or to a new windows, close tabs to left, mute tabs to the right, mute other, merge windows, etc (check other post).. if you don't want to add it to right click (which is normal, because having 1000 options is not the best way too, this is why i suggested a manager for right click), add it at least as optional option in menu bar, because in such case we can use such menu bar options with keyboard maestro and bbt. then we can enable touch gesture to use such shortcut too. if you don't add it to menu bar, we cannot do it. here some example of shortcut (skip the duplications...) You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.1.6KViews0likes1CommentSS29: disable apple trackpad gestures
Suggestion (SS): 29 Classification: APPLE PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 8 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) I already reported such problem to Apple different times in the last years, but they never fixed it. Please add (if possible) a way to disable trackpad gesture in edge for the video player. i don't want pause/start (not really a problem, but i generally do this via space) return to second 0 (especially this... is so ** annoying) change volume faster slower etc. features at all when i use the trackpad. i need the trackpad for browsing, not to control videos, otherwise you/apple create only conflicts. 99% of the time they activate it, even if i don't need it. please disable such things inside the video if possible. obviously with an additional option, because probably other user need it... PS: now i think i submitted all suggestions that i forgot to do previously. wish you a good day. ciao1KViews0likes0CommentsSS4: right menu management - remove items manager
Suggestion (SS): 4 Classification: RIGHT MENU PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 8 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) in other post i suggested you to manage right menu related to extension. per default extension add items to this. more extension you install, more longer will be the right menu = it takes hours to find the right option and you need to scroll 100km too. i suggested you to add a manager for this, so i can disable specific extension. (yes i know, some extension allow that in the setting, but i still a pain to open 100 setting to check that, and maybe is still not available at all). without considering that i need to do that for each edge profile. now there is another problem. edge (like other browser too) show me a lot of things that i don't want to see in right menu (maybe i want to see it only on my menu bar or other). so please include in this right menu manager even an option to remove edge default commands! in this case you could delete translate, leggi alta voce, trasmetti, stampa, salva, aggiorna, indietro, inoltra ---> or better you simply keep add to collections.... i know the right menu is not always the same, so we need to configure such option different time. but this doesn't matter, because what i told you to skip before, you should skip from all my right menus. once i configure right menu for photos, then i will just remove other items that i don't need. You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.976Views0likes0CommentsSS24: add to bookmarks: search and collapse
Suggestion (SS): 24 Classification: Add to Bookmarks PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 5 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Add an option to collapse all subfolder at once in add to bookmarks panel Plus add option collapse main bookmarks and other bookmarks too, without need to go to the top for example. this should happen much faster with 3 new buttons. Add a search feature inside add to bookmarks. now if we write "I" this doesn't work immediately, since you rename the link as I. if we click somewhere other, you don't show us the correct result too, we need to be sure that we first click bookmark, and then we can see "I" for the main folder as result. Would be much faster and better if i can search for folders. UPDATE FROM EDGE DEVS: We're working on your feedback.920Views0likes0Commentssend feedback directly in dock without opening a normal edge windows
or add option directly in this website, so near the post i click send feedback (so i just copy text and url, with or without using edge at all, it's up to you). at the end the destination is always the same, and if we add data inside post, clouds links or other external links, we don't need to open edge at all to send similar data. like i can send google problems or feedback by using opera, safari, edge, etc. (depending on which browser i use now). for more detailed diagnosis then it's obviously we need to open edge, but it was never the case.634Views0likes0Comments