21 TopicsNew Feature: Built in Picture in Picture mode (PIP) is added to Microsoft Edge Global Media Controls
Microsoft Edge Canary Version 82.0.442.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) The flags you need to enable: edge://flags/ 1. Global Media Controls Picture-in-Picture Enables Picture-in-Picture controls in the Global Media Controls UI. Requires #global-media-controls to also be enabled. – Mac, Windows #global-media-controls-picture-in-picture 2. Global Media Controls Enables the Global Media Controls UI in the toolbar. – Mac, Windows #global-media-controls Microsoft Edge browser now has support for Picture in Picture mode built in. it works in all websites playing video. this is another example for Twitch the PIP pop up video can be dragged to anywhere on the screen and it will stay on top of other applications123KViews11likes17CommentsBroken dark mode and inverted colors!
Hi there, I've been sending reports about this issue in "Feedback" of Microsoft Edge DAILY for a YEAR now ! Because of the following issues that they keep increasing with every new major update of Edge... And YES I send the diagnostic data with every feedback.. and NO it's not an issue of my Windows because this is happening on several machines with several Windows versions, and it only happens when I'm turning on "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" from edge://flags/ If I turn it off everything goes back to normal, but also the dark mode completely goes away! So this is related to the #enable-force-dark from the flags, don't send me steps of how to fix my Windows or how to reset Edge... The main issue is that "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" inverts the colors of A LOT of unrelated stuff in almost EVERY-SINGLE-WEBSTIE !!! Like logos, avatars, profile pics, emojis, some parts of the web design and even some text colors and more!! Which makes these stuff either VERY hard to see/understand OR it makes them completely invisible! 🤦🏻:male_sign: Below are some screenshots of "some" of the issues.. these aren't everything I found, these are just a few examples that I gathered to show you how bad is it.. 1- Many things in frontapp.com / app.frontapp.com like logos and emojis 2- Twitter's emojis and some of the profile pics in there 3- Lots of forums.. actually almost any forum anywhere! Enabling and forcing dark mode and all I see is WHITENESS ! and no words are visible!!! 4- Amazon... 5- DELL... 6- Disney+... 7- Frame.io video previews and almost all video previous from every website! (This started to happen since Edge v102, it was bad .. now it's worse) 8- YouTube white banners in top and bottom when you move the mouse the seek bar pops up.. (Full Screen) YouTube when you are not in full screen there is a white banner in the bottom.. YouTube seek preview if that pic/scene is dark (inverted colors) 9- LG Website (And everything like it including Amazon) 10- Nvidia.. 11- TechSpot 12- Even Your OWN SETTINGS PAGE !! I mean look at this pics carefully... does any color make any sense here?! And all these issues are nothing compared to the WHITE FLASH that blinds me for a few seconds when I start Edge!!!!! I'm using DARK MODE for everything in Edge, WHY THE HELL AM I GETTING A WHITE FLASH THAT ALMOST BLINDS ME THEN???!!!! I mean.. do you even test your stuff and changes ??? Do you test "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" with every major update you do ??? Because with every major update things gets worse NOT BETTER! Which means either you don't test or you don't care! 🤷🏻:male_sign: I just had a surgery for my eyes a couple of months ago and I use DARK MODE for everything I have because anything bright hurts MY EYES before and after the surgery... WE ARE NOT USING DARK MODE BECAUSE IT'S COOL, WE ARE USING IT FOR OUR EYES!! SO STOP IGNORING IT !!! These issues have been there AND INCREASING for more than a year now! And again, it's getting worse with every major update of Edge... and again, the screenshots above are just a few examples! The inverted colors are in every-single website!!! And please don't tell me to fix my Windows or Edge because as I said this is happening on every single machine with every single Windows I've tested.... And each machine/Edge has different apps and no extensions.. You guys turn on "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" and you will see these disastrous issues everywhere that you don't test.. so this option needs to be fixed/optimized.. and don't forget about the terrible useless white flash at the start.... So... when are these issues going to be fixed??12KViews2likes9CommentsSS33: smart pip mode - better tiktok integration (or other video social/websites) picture-in-picture
Suggestion (SS): 33 Classification: TIKTOK + PIP / picture-in-picture + audio control PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 4-6 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) EDIT: i just found this picture in picture https://link.ws/pipdiscussion1 discussion in the feed too. 1) i don't see this directly is annoying i need to activate it via flags 2) pip doesn't work, even if i activate it goal like 360 chrome (or even better, see 3) or https://link.ws/vivopepip with better video control (sugg.17.) and pip buttons (sugg.18.), but avoid to put it over the downloader... (like the picture) 3) smart player with zoomed features like this on the right 4) remember tiktok specific size 5) keep always on top over all mac apps (i haven't tested this with edge, because i don't see pip) 6) please go to next tiktok automatically 7) allow extension in pip mode, so i can download tiktok videos in pip mode with the overlay button PS: about 6) i already told to them inside my 50+ suggestions to tiktok too, but maybe edge is able to fix it too. i hope auto for both pip mode and normal web browsing. 😎add possibility to add multiple url inside a list of pip mode, so a sort of playlist pip mode. 9) maybe like 8 with collections or bookmarks folders, so you pip mode randomly url 10) add to bookmarks inside pip mode directly, especially if you implement 6) 11) same like 10 for collections 12) maybe a separate history for pipmode visited urls (if 6. is implemented) EDIT: sorry i can activate it via 1 ... there is no button over the video for pip (or below, near the video). if i do that, i see there is no mute option too. 13) we cannot change the size, we can only change position. yes pip is over all mac apps (i see it now after enabling with 1. ) 14) remember to add even the option "keep behind mac app too". so both option should be available. 15) loop mode support for other website here the max size possible 16) better audio control panel, where we see all tabs with audio active and we can choose where to keep audio on or off. for example if 300 tabs are opened, but 20 with audio, in this panel we see only the 20 tabs. 17,18) see above 19) ability to quick copy url link or share the video (in pip mode) 20) screenshot feature integrated in pip mode. 21) loop from x to y https://www.tiktok.com/@buketalican11.12.16/video/6682465643712744709 example from 0 to 0.22 in this video, by skipping the rest 22) continue to loop, even if i launch another website, in this case you have 2 audios, 1 with pip, 1 without. would be cool the loop function for normal browsing too (is possible via extension...) 23) remember the dual mode suggestion: pip and full mode at the same time https://link.ws/edgess25 about 24) it depends how you implement all that. if you do like 360chrome, where each video has separate pip then allow both option "deactivate audio in dock mode" or "keep audio in dock mode" (not available in 360). what i like is that i can pip my videos in the dock. so if you use a player, maybe a way to pip the player in the dock is cool too, with both option "audio on" "audio off". 25) if there is no idea for 23) then a way to switch from pip to full faster, and from full to pip too about 26) i know this get against tiktok policy, but maybe useful for other websites**. a download button. **at the end is not possible to download it at all, since it doesn't work. plus the fact that tiktok download is not directly a feature a browser need to support and extension can do it perfectly. so the point is to add it for other websites, that allow you to download videos without copyright problem... 27) spotify player should be different from video player. so we can have spotify and pip at the same time. 28) 2x click switch size for example with opera max size is then with a 2x click we go to so a small size, which is not related to the full size video - pip mode switch suggestion that i wrote before. in this case the max size could be 1/2 of display, full mode is 1/1 29) right click options would be cool to see suggestions or skip ads or stop auto suggestions with right click3KViews0likes3Comments[solved] Why can't we use Edge://Flags on Edge Android?
Update: we can access Edge://flags on Edge Android now Edge for Android is based on Chromium, so why can't we access the Chromium flags? I tried Edge://flags , Chrome://flags , about://flags . none of them worked why Edge on Android doesn't let user access the flags to modify the settings?24KViews6likes8CommentsEdge now has new Accent color themes
Microsoft Edge Version 89.0.731.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) in order to get this, you need to enable this flag: edge://flags/#edge-color-theme-picker Enable picker for color based themes When enabled, gives a set of options for autogenerated themes based on a base color – Mac, Windows, Linux #edge-color-theme-picker18KViews6likes32CommentsWhich platform these "unavailable" flags are available on?
Normally the flags say which platforms they are available on, e.g. – Mac, Windows, Linux these flags don't say anything, just that it's not available on your platform. they are not available on Android either, Edge on Android only has 1 flag and it's neither of these. please send feedback from Edge browser about this issue, so that Edge team will hopefully specify available platforms in future updates.Solved3.5KViews2likes4CommentsSS46: Hey Edge - voice control
Suggestion (SS): 46 Classification: VOICE CONTROL PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 2-3 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Bing already has some integration of voice control, Firefox too. Now i think it's time for Hey Edge function. Examples of tasks Hey Edge should be able to do: -Hey Edge, move tabs to the right to another window, hide it in macos, save PDF and add all links to bookmark folder IMPORT for all tabs in this new window; once done close the window. - Hey Edge, reload all techcommunity.microsoft - Hey Edge, change to Bing as default - Hey Edge, mute all - Hey Edge, volume 50% - Hey Edge, go to minute 3.45 - Hey Edge, loop mode - Hey Edge, loop from x to y - Hey Edge, set download path to configuration 1 - Hey Edge, search this with %s1 %s2 ... at the same time - Hey Edge, open %s settings - Hey Edge, add this search to %s and use abbreviation <ed - Hey Edge, duplicate 5 tabs from this - Hey Edge, change my profile image now - Hey Edge, launch xxx (an extension) - Hey Edge, quit Edge in 10 minutes - Hey Edge, open random website from folder XXX - Hey Edge, disable all extensions for 5 seconds. - Hey Edge, random open my most visited youtube links - Hey Edge, write new instagram post (by opening a 3. app for posting) - Hey Edge, activate all disabled extensions. - Hey Edge, reopen last closed session - Hey Edge, reopen last 7 tabs - Hey Edge, move tab to first - Hey Edge, color tab to red - Hey Edge, go back to the source (example when you open webpage a then b ... to z, go back to a) - Hey Edge, pipmode - Hey Edge, go to next video - Hey Edge, save to collections (last used) - Hey Edge, close tabs to left - Hey Edge, merge windows - Hey Edge, quit - Hey Edge, open flags - Hey Edge, activate flag xx - Hey Edge, restart - Hey Edge, share this page to xxx - Hey Edge, new mail to xxx - Hey Edge, install xxx - Hey Edge, create new profile for account a@a.com - Hey Edge, delete this profile - Hey Edge, activate vpn now (once integrated) - Hey Edge, change background new tab pictures from onedrive folder AA to BB - Hey Edge, open all links inside folder XXX - Hey Edge, download all images that i click in the future, stop it once i say stop - Hey Edge, launch beta profile xxx - Hey Edge, show me when i visited this page in the past - Hey Edge, add this page to bookmarks (using recent folder) as shortcut <emis - Hey Edge open 6x incognito pages with url www.... - Hey Edge, ban all selected email from outlook - Hey Edge, start new chat support session - Hey Edge, new feedback - Hey Edge, share this file (in onedrive = this mean you copy directly the url) - Hey Edge, save all picture to onedrive - Hey Edge, open word - Hey Edge, find similar websites - Hey Edge, show me my IP - Hey Edge, export this image as png - Hey Edge, save this files to xxx and rename it as yyy - Hey Edge, open Missy Edge profile - Hey Edge, run workspace 4 now - Hey Edge, run highlight mode now (once integrated) - Hey Edge, save next selected texts to collections - Hey Edge, search hello in youtube as playlist - Hey Edge, disable notifications from all future visited pages - Hey Edge, activate flash always - Hey Edge, open all selected urls in edge dev profile 3 (if we use canary for example) - Hey Edge, copy all urls from tabs - Hey Edge, add selected tabs to my vertical favorite tabs (once integrated) - Hey Edge, open with profile 2 .... (once container is integrated) - Hey Edge, download all images from tabs - Hey Edge, create merge all tab groups and move to new window by hiding it in macos - Hey Edge, download all files in this website with torrent (once integrated) - Hey Edge, open in tabs selected links - Hey Edge, export bookmarks every 5 minutes to my mac - Hey Edge, reverse search this image - Hey Edge, show me social accounts of this person (from a video/photo) - Hey Edge, create new outlook alias b@.... - Hey Edge, change outlook recovery email to .... - Hey Edge, ban all social accounts for 4 hours - Hey Edge, add label xxx to this page (for history panel, once integrated) - Hey Edge export last 7 days of history to my desktop folder xxx - Hey Edge, activate kids mode - Hey Edge, create new rule for this email and use setting 1 (example forward to 3 emails ...) - etc. If we can run such multiple rules without Hey Edge would be cool too, so something in keyboard maestro style. Obviously first we need to support a better way to run such actions and similar actions without Hey Edge, but once this is done, different action can be implemented in Hey Edge too. Then it depends, sometimes is much faster to do manually instead of saying Hey Edge... (and maybe Hey Edge doesn't understand what we say too...., like Bing does) To be more faster instead of saying "Hey Edge, save pdf for all tabs to the right" or similar, we just say "Hey Edge, pdf right". The same for all other examples You can even integrate a smart Hey Edge, where i can combine my manual and Hey Edge actions. Example: i'm reading a pdf. at the same time i say "Hey Edge, pdf right once i say NOW". then i read pdf on tab 2, 3, 4, 5. Once done i say "NOW" and you export all pdf to the right (based on the tabs where i requested this rule). This means in the same time i can close and open new tabs, you do the action only once i say "NOW". Such "NOW" actions can be implemented in so many workflows and would be a great productivity boost.2.8KViews0likes4CommentsSS21: Extension Box Menu: search, pin, size and chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu topic
Suggestion (SS): 21 Classification: EXTENSION PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6-8 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) About this topic i already reported you some points before: PS: for (+) and * see comment at the end. box in 10-12x Y size less space between extensions (this even inside the box, so you can reach a 10-12x 20 box like all other chromium browsers) avoid to follow opera, chrome canary trend (again about chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu). If some devs have no idea of what i'm talking, search it on google, since they express that 3. links should not be posted anymore, or check chromium discussion directly. If you have some idea to implement that, then remember to allow user to choose, so it depends if they want to use it or not. Don't force pro user to follow a downgrade feature (+). Users should always have the ability to choose how to configure different settings. If needed they activate such setting, otherwise they keep it disabled. Now about the box, would be cool if you can implement a search on the top, this would more helpful to search inside 200-400 extensions, compared to what google did with the 1x400 list. There was no search function at all last time too. Now i don't know, because i skip new version of canary and opera at all. Obviously user with 20 extensions don't use such feature at all, they see all extensions on the toolbar. This means that the extension box should be identical to old chrome, brave, etc. with an additional search box. if you want to allow to pin 10-12 extension on the top*, would be useful too. this means these 10-12 extension are always on top, no matter the size of the window, display or screen resolution. If no enough space is available on the toolbar, you put the other extensions just under the first pinned row (like you do now). But i think search function is much more important. *this is a bit the same like firefox allow us to do, but we all know firefox extension manager works totally in a different way. (+) especially because a lot of chrome extension are able to do the same job much better, so this is just a bad copy of available extensions. PS: i know you can still order all extensions, even those in the box, but it's a painful process, and still doesn't resolve the problem with a lot of extensions. I think even with just 100 extensions (like with a lot of my accounts) it would help us to quick open extension without need to use shortcuts. I need to say that reorder extensions inside the box is still easier compared to few other browser, so thanks for that edge.2.2KViews0likes1CommentShow which option is enabled/disabled by default in edge:flags in the new Edge
Instead of showing "default" value, actually tell us what default means. what are the defaults? does it mean an option is "enabled" or does it mean it's "disabled". it's hard to work with them when you don't know what their current value is set on. right now almost 90% of the flags are set to default and only 10% (approx) actually tell us whether they're currently enabled or disabled.4.8KViews13likes4CommentsWhy all of these HTML5 features are turned off in the last few builds of Edge canary?
Web Cryptography API Content Security Policy 1 Audio track selection Video track selection ObjectRTC API for WebRTC Enumerate devices Screen Capture Access the webcam Credential Management Source? I compared the current Edge canary Version 83.0.478.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) with the results of a previous version: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/discussions/very-impressive-edge-insider-canary-results-in-html5-test-plus/m-p/877787 Edge now scores 473 http://html5test.com/ I haven't disabled any flags, I'm using the same flags that I have always enabled, there are of course more flags enabled right now than there were before but nothing disabled by me. the score has been that low in the past 2 weeks, so you can say since the past 5-6 canary builds.3.6KViews2likes12Comments