7 TopicsError on Connect-MSGraph
Hello, I would like to use Powershell to sync Intune devices but when I launch the Connect-MSGraph command and enter the user credentials it responds with the following error message: AADSTS700016: Application with identifier d1ddf0e4-d672-4dae-b554-9d5bdfd93547 was not found in the directory 'Contoso'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant. Is there a problem with Azure Graph app? How can I fix it? Thank you very much.185Views2likes0CommentsHow to Escape Special Characters in the -Filter Property of the Get-IntuneManagedDevice Cmdlet?
TL;DR: How do I escape the pound/hash (#) and apostrophe (') characters in the Filter property of the Get-IntuneManagedDevice cmdlet? Full Explanation I'm leveraging the Get-IntuneManagedDevice cmdlet to get devices associated with users by their UserPrincipalName: Get-intunemanageddevice -Filter "userprincipalname eq 'email userUPN at domain.tld'" Whenever I come across a UPN with special characters in it, the cmdlet fails with error: Invalid filter clause: Syntax error at position NN in 'userprincipalname eq 'user D'UPN at domain.tld''. So far the I've run into this problem when users have: "#EXT#" in their UPN indicating an external user An apostrophe in their name How do I escape the pound/hash (#) and apostrophe (') characters in the Filter property of the Get-IntuneManagedDevice cmdlet? I considered switching to using the user's object ID, instead of the UPN, but swapping "userPrincipalName" for "Id" or "userId" that doesn't yield valid results and curiously seems to return all devices in the organization.707Views0likes1CommentUsing Get-AADGroupMember to show Groups only
Hi everyone, I'm looking for some help please... I've been trying to run some powershell script to get a list of members from an Intune Group, however I want to filter on group members only. I've tried various options, such as the below... Get-AADGroup -groupId xxxx | Get-AADGroupMember | Where-Object {$_.'@odata.type' -contains 'group'} | Get-MSGraphAllPages | Select-Object displayName But I get no results returned. If I remove 'Where-Object', I successfully receive all members (devices and groups), but really want to show group members only. Could anyone provide any help? Thanks in advance2.7KViews1like2CommentsCreating report of Discovered Apps by Device
I need to create a report showing all discovered apps by device. I can get a list of discovered apps, and I can see what apps are installed on a device by going to the device profile. But I need an aggregated report combining discovered apps per device. I understand there may be a way to do this via the graph (I am not familiar with creating reports from the graph), or in PowerShell, but I can't find the syntax that would generate the report I am looking for. Any help would be appreciated.Solved29KViews0likes13CommentsHow can I use @odata.context when returning data from Invoke-MSGraphRequest in Powershell
@{@odata.context=$metadata#deviceManagement/managedDevices(id,imei,operatingSystem,ownerType,managedDeviceOwnerType); @odata.count=1000; @odata.nextLink=$skiptoken=LastDeviceName%3d%27LP20-0321MKD%27%2cLastDeviceId%3d%27a1915a8b-6632-46d2-90ec-5bb446ff324c%27; value=System.Object[]} My output returns a whole mess of this, but I can convert the query to JSON no problem. Is there any way I can use this @odata.context to update or runa PATCH query with graph?2KViews0likes0CommentsSetting Android Enterprise Wi-Fi policy "ConnectAutomatically" to TRUE via GRAPH
Hi, I've really struggling to adjust a setting that's not viewable via the Endpoint Manager admin Center. After looking at some samples here - powershell-intune-samples/DeviceConfiguration_Get.ps1 at master · microsoftgraph/powershell-intune-samples · GitHub I am able to view the attributes but can for the life of me work out how to PATCH or change the settings as outlined here - Update androidWorkProfileWiFiConfiguration - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Docs Has anyone managed to do this? $uri = " reference ID to our Wifi policy ID" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get @odata.context :$metadata#deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations/$entity @odata.type : #microsoft.graph.androidDeviceOwnerEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration id : Loooooong reference ID to our Wifi policy ID lastModifiedDateTime : 2022-01-12T09:29:09.8945527Z roleScopeTagIds : {0} supportsScopeTags : True deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition : deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion : deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode : createdDateTime : 2021-11-08T16:46:28.0046415Z description : displayName : Android Enterprise - Wi-Fi -Managed version : 14 networkName : Another looooong number ssid : wifi-Managed connectAutomatically : False connectWhenNetworkNameIsHidden : True wiFiSecurityType : wpaEnterprise preSharedKey : preSharedKeyIsSet : False eapType : eapTls trustedServerCertificateNames : {} authenticationMethod : certificate innerAuthenticationProtocolForEapTtls : innerAuthenticationProtocolForPeap : none outerIdentityPrivacyTemporaryValue : OurDeviceName $Body = @{"connectAutomatically" = "True"} Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -Uri $uri -Body $Body -Headers $authToken -ContentType application/json Invoke-RestMethod : The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. At line:1 char:1 + Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -Uri $uri -Body $Body -Headers $authT ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand2.1KViews0likes1CommentIntune Graph API permissions - no Application permissions - why?
I'm hoping to gain an understanding why all Intune Graph resources and actions only allow Delegated permissions. This essentially means no unattended administration available, at least not App-only. I can't figure out why it is like this. The Intune PowerShell SDK (i.e. Microsoft.Graph.Intune PowerShell gallery module) can be used unattended'ly, but the sample for this that is on GitHub is using ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File. That's not really secure, nor is sending plain text password to MS Graph (not referring to the sample with the latter comment, rather this: So Application permissions, enabling Certificate (or Client Credential) authentication would be far superior. Referenced sample script: Use cases that I'm particularly talking about are ones like resetPasscode, or remoteLock. We should be able to trigger these actions with an App Registration that has Application permissions. We could then script automatic reactions, such as remoteLock upon a particular Azure AD Sign-In event or risk detection. Can somebody please tell me why Intune's Graph permissions are strictly only Delegated? This same issue applies to about every single thing an Admin might want to use MS Graph API's for. I wish there was a TON of focus in this area by Microsoft. If magically all of a sudden customer administrative automation was catered to, this would be a massive positive thing leading to mass embracement from customers. Right now, it sometimes seems like MS doesn't want customers automating things with unattended intention. Thanks in advance.Solved4.3KViews0likes7Comments