282 TopicsAnnouncing mobile device tagging for iOS and Android
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is helping decentralized SOC teams improve their approach to security and privacy across mobile devices by making it easier to tag iOS and Android devices – giving security admins more control over who has access to specific groups and device data.Using filters and APP conditional launch to control the OS version with Microsoft Intune
By: Wayne Bennett – Sr. Program Manager | Microsoft Intune Microsoft Intune app protection policies (APP) enables organizations to protect corporate data. APPs include conditional launch actions which control access to corporate data if the required device or app conditions aren’t met. Although we’ve documented the steps to selectively wipe app data using conditional launch, this blog expands on the existing information to provide details on how to use filters to require multiple minimum operating system (OS) versions. Background The increase of security improvements and the introduction of new functionality has resulted in more frequent OS updates. Thus, you may want to ensure devices accessing corporate resources have the latest updates installed. In Intune, for enrolled devices, you can use compliance policies to enforce a minimum OS version. Or, regardless of enrollment, you can use a single policy type to enforce minimum OS requirements by configuring APP conditional launch requirements. Then, users won’t be able to access protected resources if the minimum OS requirements aren’t met. How conditional launch and filters work together In APP, you can only configure one minimum OS version in the conditional launch settings but you could create multiple APPs with different minimum OS values. However, because APPs are assigned to user groups, this means a user with multiple devices that are running different OS versions could face conflicting OS requirements when accessing protected resources. To allow multiple APPs with different OS requirements to be targeted to the same user, you can create filters which target the APP to a specific OS version. There are two types of filters for Intune: Managed devices and Managed apps. APP only supports Managed apps filters. Creating filters To use filters with APPs, you must create a filter for each specific OS version you want to target: Navigate to the Microsoft Intune admin center. Select Tenant administration > Filters > Create > Managed apps. On the Basics page, enter a name for the filter which makes it easily identifiable and select the platform you want to target, in this example, iOS/iPadOS. On the Rules page, create a filter for the major OS release you wish target, for example, Property=osVersion(OS version), Operator=StartsWith, Value=18. Optional: You can use the Preview button to check the device, user, and app which match the specified filter. On the Review and create page, save the filter by selecting Create. Repeat these steps to create additional filters for each platform and major OS version you want to target, such as iOS 16 and 17. Create and target APP with a filter Navigate to the Microsoft Intune admin center. Select Apps > App protection policies > Create policy > Choose the platform you want to target with the APP, such as iOS/iPadOS. On the Basics page, enter a name for the policy which makes it easily identifiable. Complete the Apps, Data protection and Access requirements pages with the iOS, Android or Windows app protection policy settings which meet the requirements for your organization. Within the Device conditions section on the Conditional launch page (or Health Checks page for Windows APP), configure the OS minor or patch release you wish to set as the minimum version. For example: Setting=Min OS version Value=18.2.1 Action=Block access/Wipe data/Warn, (as per the action required for your organization). On the Assignments page, use the previously created filter to scope the policy assignment to the correct major OS version. On the Review and create page, save the policy by selecting Create. In the example shown, the filter will target devices running iOS 18 and the APP conditional launch settings will require 18.2.1, ensuring that the APP does not apply to devices running on other major versions of iOS. Create additional APPs for each OS version, for instance: Second policy for iOS 16: Conditional launch, Device conditions, Min OS version=16.7.10, filter, OS version, StartsWith=16. Third policy for iOS 17: Conditional launch, Device conditions, Min OS version=17.7.2, filter OS version, StartsWith=17. Conclusion Using the examples in this blog, you can create multiple APPs that require different minimum OS versions. You can then filter the assignment of these APPs to only apply to each major OS version. As the OS vendors release new minor OS updates or patches, you can also update each APP with the new minimum OS ensuring your organization remains secure. Let us know if you have any questions by leaving a comment on this post or reaching out on X @IntuneSuppTeam.1.7KViews1like1CommentNew block screen capture for iOS/iPadOS MAM protected apps
Following the announcement of Microsoft Intune support for Apple Intelligence, we recently introduced support to block screen capture for mobile application management (MAM) protected apps. This blog provides details of the default screen capture behavior to help you understand how it affects your users and the settings available to change the default behaviour. Background Previously, for iOS/iPadOS, there were no controls to limit screen captures per application, per user or without device enrollment. this resulted in a gap for organizations with only MAM protection. As part of our secure-by-default commitment, the new default behavior for your MAM-protected app may have changed. Now, based on your Intune app protection policy settings, when a user attempts to screen capture or share the screen from a managed account within a MAM-protected app, a blank screen will be captured instead of the actual screen image. How the MAM block screen capture works In Intune, the screen capture is controlled using the existing Send Org data to other apps setting within the Data Protection section of the iOS app protection policy (APP) and is blocked if both the following conditions are met: The app (Microsoft apps, third-party apps, or your line-of-business (LOB) app) is updated to use Intune App SDK v19.7.6 or later for Xcode 15 and v20.2.1 or later for Xcode 16. The app is targeted by APP and the setting Send Org data to other apps is set to “None” or any of the “Policy managed apps...” values. If Send Org data to other apps is configured to “All Apps”, the screen capture for your MAM protected apps isn’t blocked. Changing the default MAM screen capture block For some scenarios, you may wish to allow screen capture while retaining the existing APP configuration, such as allowing screen capture and sharing to policy managed apps. Therefore, we introduced a Managed app configuration key = Disabled” to override the default behavior. To allow screen capture on iOS devices targeted with an app protection policy, follow these steps: Navigate to the Microsoft Intune admin center. Select Apps > App configuration policies > Create > Managed apps. On the Basics page, select the apps you wish to target. For this example we’ve selected Outlook (iOS/iPadOS), Teams (iOS/iPadOS) and an LOB app. On the Settings page, within the "General configuration settings” section, add the key "" with the value "Disabled". Assign the configuration policy to the users who you want to target with the override setting. For more details, refer to Add an app configuration policy for managed apps on iOS/iPadOS and Android devices. Conclusion To keep your organizations secure, based on your policy, all screen capture attempts are blocked for MAM protected apps. The managed app configuration settings detailed in this blog allows you to override the default settings to meet any specific requirements within your organization. Stay tuned to What's new in Microsoft Intune for future improvements to the blocking screen capture capabilities and more Apple Intelligence features. Let us know if you have any questions by leaving a comment on this post or reaching out on X @IntuneSuppTeam.18KViews2likes33CommentsMake Required applications visible in Intune Company Portal on iOS
Hi everyone, I'm new to Intune and have a question. Is it possible to make required applications visible in the Intune Company Portal on iOS (supervised devices)? Currently, only "available" apps are shown. This would be really helpful because if a user deletes a required app, the automatic re-installation can sometimes take a long time. Thanks!66Views0likes4CommentsBlocking and removing apps on Intune managed devices (Windows, iOS/iPadOS, Android and macOS)
By: Michael Dineen - Sr. Product Manager | Microsoft Intune This blog was written to provide guidance to Microsoft Intune admins that need to block or remove apps on their managed endpoints. This includes blocking the DeepSeek – AI Assistant app in accordance with government and company guidelines across the world (e.g. the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs Protective Policy Framework (PSPF) Direction 001-2025, Italy, South Korea). Guidance provided in this blog uses the DeepSeek – AI Assistant and associated website as an example, but you can use the provided guidance for other apps and websites as well. The information provided in this guidance is supplemental to previously provided guidance which is more exhaustive in the steps administrators need to take to identify, report on, and block prohibited apps across their managed and unmanaged mobile devices: Support tip: Removing and preventing the use of applications on iOS/iPadOS and Android devices. iOS/iPadOS devices For ease of reference, the below information is required to block the DeepSeek – AI Assistant app: App name: DeepSeek – AI Assistant Bundle ID: Link to Apple app store page: DeepSeek – AI Assistant Publisher: 杭州深度求索人工智能基础技术研究有限公司 Corporate devices (Supervised) Hide and prevent the launch of the DeepSeek – AI Assistant app The most effective way to block an app on supervised iOS/iPadOS devices is to block the app from being shown or being launchable. Create a new device configuration profile and select Settings Catalog for the profile type. (Devices > iOS/iPadOS > Configuration profiles). On the Configuration settings tab, select Add settings and search for Blocked App Bundle IDs. Select the Restrictionscategory and then select the checkbox next to the Blocked App Bundle IDs setting. Enter the Bundle ID: Assign the policy to either a device or user group. Note: The ability to hide and prevent the launch of specific apps is only available on supervised iOS/iPadOS devices. Unsupervised devices, including personal devices, can’t use this option. Uninstall the DeepSeek – AI Assistant app If a user has already installed the app via the Apple App Store, even though they will be unable to launch it when the previously described policy is configured, it’ll persist on the device. Use the steps below to automatically uninstall the app on devices that have it installed. This policy will also uninstall the app if it somehow gets installed at any point in the future, while the policy remains assigned. Navigate to Apps > iOS/iPadOS apps. Select + Add and choose iOS store app from the list. Search for DeepSeek – AI Assistant and Select. Accept the default settings, then Next. Modify the Scope tags as required. On the Assignments tab, under the Uninstall section, select + Add group or select + Add all users or + Add all devices, depending on your organization’s needs. Click the Create button on the Review + create tab to complete the setup. Monitor the status of the uninstall by navigating to Apps > iOS/iPadOS, selecting the app, and then selecting Device install status or User install status. The status will change to Not installed. Personal Devices – Bring your own device (BYOD) Admins have fewer options to manage settings and apps on personal devices. Apple provides no facility on unsupervised (including personal) iOS/iPadOS devices to hide or block access to specified apps. Instead, admins have the following options: Use an Intune compliance policy to prevent access to corporate data via Microsoft Entra Conditional Access (simplest and quickest to implement). Use a report to identify personal devices with specific apps installed. Takeover the app with the user’s consent. Uninstall the app. This guide will focus on option 1. For further guidance on the other options refer to: Support tip: Removing and preventing the use of applications on iOS/iPadOS and Android devices. Identify personal devices that have DeepSeek – AI Assistant installed and prevent access to corporate resources You can use compliance policies in Intune to mark a device as either “compliant” or “not compliant” based on several properties, such as whether a specific app is installed. Combined with Conditional Access, you can now prevent the user from accessing protected company resources when using a non-compliant device. Create an iOS/iPadOS compliance policy, by navigating to Devices > iOS/iPadOS > Compliance policies > Create policy. On the Compliance settings tab, under System Security > Restricted apps, enter the name and app Bundle ID and select Next. Name: DeepSeek – AI Assistant Bundle ID: Under Actions for noncompliance, leave the default action Mark device noncompliant configured to Immediately and then select Next. Assign any Scope tags as required and select Next. Assign the policy to a user or device group and select Next. Review the policy and select Create. Devices that have the DeepSeek – AI Assistant app installed are shown in the Monitor section of the compliance policy. Navigate to the compliance policy and select Device status, under Monitor > View report. Devices that have the restricted app installed are shown in the report and marked as “Not compliant”. When combined with the Require device to be marked as compliant grant control, Conditional Access blocks access to protected corporate resources on devices that have the specified app installed. Android devices Android Enterprise corporate owned, fully managed devices Admins can optionally choose to allow only designated apps to be installed on corporate owned fully managed devices by configuring Allow access to all apps in Google Play store in a device restrictions policy. If this setting has been configured as Block or Not configured (the default), no additional configuration is required as users are only able to install apps allowed by the administrator. Uninstall DeepSeek To uninstall the app, and prevent it from being installed via the Google Play Store perform the following steps: Add a Managed Google Play app in the Microsoft Intune admin center by navigating to Apps > Android > Add, then select Managed Google Play app from the drop-down menu. r DeepSeek – AI Assistant in the Search bar, select the app in the results and click Select and then Sync. Navigate to Apps > Android and select DeepSeek – AI Assistant > Properties > Edit next to Assignments. Under the Uninstall section, add a user or device group and select Review + save and then Save. After the next sync, Google Play will uninstall the app, and the user will receive a notification on their managed device that the app was “deleted by your admin”: The Google Play Store will no longer display the app. If the user attempts to install or access the app directly via a link, the example error below is displayed on the user’s managed device: Android Enterprise personally owned devices with work profile For Android Enterprise personally owned devices with a work profile, use the same settings as described in the Android Enterprise corporate owned, fully managed devices section to uninstall and prevent the installation of restricted apps in the work profile. Note: Apps installed outside of the work profile can’t be managed by design. Windows devices You can block users from accessing the DeepSeek website on Windows devices that are enrolled into Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Blocking users’ access to the website will also prevent them from adding DeepSeek as a progressive web app (PWA). This guidance assumes that devices are already enrolled into Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to block access to websites in Microsoft Edge First, Custom Network Indicators needs to be enabled. Note: After configuring this setting, it may take up to 48 hours after a policy is created for a URL or IP Address to be blocked on a device. Access the Microsoft Defender admin center and navigate to Settings > Endpoints > Advanced features and enable Custom Network Indicators by selecting the corresponding radio button. Select Save preferences. Next, create a Custom Network Indicator. Navigate to Settings > Endpoints > Indicators and select URLs/Domains and click Add Item. Enter the following, and then click Next: URL/Domain: Title: DeepSeek Description: Block network access to DeepSeek Expires on (UTC): Never You can optionally generate an alert when a website is blocked by network protection by configuring the following and click Next: Generate alert: Ticked Severity: Informational Category: Unwanted software Note: Change the above settings according to your organization’s requirements. Select Block execution as the Action and click Next, review the Organizational scope and click Next. Review the summary and click Submit. Note: After configuring the Custom Network Indicator, it can take up to 48 hours for the URL to be blocked on a device. Once the Custom Network Indicator becomes active, the user will experience the following when attempting to access the DeepSeek website via Microsoft Edge: Using Defender for Endpoint to block websites in other browsers After configuring the above steps to block access to DeepSeek in Microsoft Edge, admins can leverage Network Protection to block access to DeepSeek in other browsers. Create a new Settings Catalog policy by navigating to Devices > Windows > Configuration > + Create > New Policy and selecting the following then click Create: Platform: Windows 10 and later Profile type: Settings Catalog Enter a name and description and click Next. Click + Add settings and in the search field, type Network Protection and click Search. Select the Defender category and select the checkbox next to Enable Network Protection. Close the settings picker and change the drop-down selection to Enabled (block mode) and click Next. Assign Scope Tags as required and click Next. Assign the policy to a user or device group and click Next. Review the policy and click Create. When users attempt to access the website in other browsers, they will experience an error that the content is blocked by their admin. macOS macOS devices that are onboarded to Defender for Endpoint and have Network Protection enabled are also unable to access the DeepSeek website in any browser as the same Custom Network Indicator works across both Windows and macOS. Ensure that you have configured the Custom Network Indicator as described earlier in the guidance. Enable Network Protection Enable Network Protection on macOS devices by performing the following in the Microsoft Intune admin center: Create a new configuration profile by navigating to Devices > macOS > Configuration > + Create > New Policy > Settings Catalog and select Create. Enter an appropriate name and description and select Next. Click + Add settings and in the search bar, enter Network Protection and select Search. Select the Microsoft Defender Network protection category and select the checkbox next to Enforcement Level and close the Settings Picker window. In the dropdown menu next to Enforcement Level, select Block and select Next. Add Scope Tags as required and select Next. Assign the policy to a user or devices group and select Next. Review the policy and select Create. The user when attempting to access the website will experience the following: Conclusion This blog serves as a quick guide for admins needing to block and remove specific applications on their Intune managed endpoints in regulated organizations. Additional guidance for other mobile device enrollment methods can be found here: Support tip: Removing and preventing the use of applications on iOS/iPadOS and Android devices. Additional resources For further control and management of user access to unapproved DeepSeek services, consider utilizing the following resources. This article provides insights into monitoring and gaining visibility into DeepSeek usage within your organization using Microsoft Defender XDR. Additionally, our Microsoft Purview guide offers valuable information on managing AI services and ensuring compliance with organizational policies. These resources can help enhance your security posture and ensure that only approved applications are accessible to users. Let us know if you have any questions by leaving a comment on this post or reaching out on X @IntuneSuppTeam.13KViews4likes2CommentsMaui How to upload a file to web API in .NET 9
Hi, everyone I'm trying to upload an image to an API from a maui project. But when I send the file, the response is always BadRequest. However the API works if I use Postman. I create a client in a console project and it worked. So I don't know why the same code in .NET MAUI it doesn't work. Problem is not in URI or something. I hope you could help me. Reegrets. Victor Cueto API throws the next exception: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.BadHttpRequestException: Required parameter "IFormFile image" was not provided from form file. at lambda_method3(Closure, Object, HttpContext, Object) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegateFactory.<>c__DisplayClass103_2.<<HandleRequestBodyAndCompileRequestDelegateForForm>b__2>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddlewareImpl.Invoke(HttpContext context) code Minimal API: error:39Views0likes0CommentsMobile keyboard issue: "Your organizations data cannot be pasted here" - Intune App Protection
I have an ongoing issue where I've setup an Intune app protection policy for unmanaged devices to restrict the ability to copy company data outside of company managed apps into personal apps. Whilst this feature works in respect to managed apps and non-managed apps, there is a UI issue on both Android and iOS where the keyboard clipboard shows straight after you copy text in a managed app: "Your organizations data cannot be pasted here". How do you stop this annoying popup that seems to relate to mobile keyboard clipboards? It's an annoying issue as users think they can't copy/paste between work apps. We have to tell them every time that if they just press down on screen then press paste, it pastes correctly. Example of our iOS policy is per below. Please help! There is also a good post here on it, will nil reply: Issue with Copy/Paste Restriction in Intune MDM on... - Android Enterprise Customer Community - 863794Views0likes0CommentsiOS 18.2 Configuration - App Store (settings) disappears in iOS settings
Hello, in our compandy we deploy our iOS devices using a device restrictions configuration in Intune. We have app store blocked, but until iOS 18.2 , the option of the settings for the app store was still available in the iOS settings. Now the app store disappers (on a private iPhone the app store moved under Apps). Unfortunately we need this option to configure the automatic downloads option via mobile network (and not asked for Apps over 200MB). Are there changes we can make that block the app store, yet still allow automatic updates over cellular data for managed apps? Thank you.62Views0likes0CommentsEdit Existing Group Me Polls without Losing Responses
Description: Currently, once a poll is created in GroupMe, it cannot be edited. This can be problematic if the poll creator makes a mistake, such as a typo, missing option, or unclear wording. Additionally, there may be instances where the creator wants to adjust the poll to guide responses in a certain direction without resetting the vote count. Proposed Solution: Enable poll creators to make minor edits to existing polls while preserving responses. This could include: • Editing the poll question • Adding or modifying response options • Adjusting the poll duration To maintain fairness, GroupMe could notify participants when changes are made and provide an option to re-cast votes if necessary. Benefits: • Fixing Mistakes: If the creator accidentally includes a typo or omits an important option, they can correct it without restarting the poll. • Clarifying Questions: A vague or misleading poll question can be refined to ensure participants fully understand it. • Guiding Responses: In some cases, the creator may want to subtly steer the poll in a particular direction without losing previous engagement. This feature would improve usability and flexibility while keeping GroupMe polls engaging and relevant.32Views0likes0CommentsRequired and Available Apps visibility in ICP
Hi everyone, I'm new to Intune and have a question. Is it possible to make required applications visible in the Intune Company Portal on iOS (supervised devices)? Currently, only "available" apps are shown. This would be really helpful because if a user deletes a required app, the automatic re-installation can sometimes take a long time. Thanks!16Views0likes0Comments