69 TopicsFormer Employer Abuse
My former employer, Albert Williams, president of American Security Force Inc., keeps adding my outlook accounts, computers and mobile devices to the company's azure cloud even though I left the company more than a year ago. What can I do to remove myself from his grip? Does Microsoft have a solution against abusive employers?43Views0likes0CommentsCreating Logic App to Identify Low Storage Devices from Intune
Hello everyone, I’m seeking some assistance with creating a Logic App. I need to identify devices in Intune that have 5GB or less of available space and receive an email with the details of these devices, including their names. Is this achievable?515Views0likes3CommentsConnecting Arduino MKR 1010 WiFi to Azure IoT Hub Device
Hi Community fam, I am facing some issues connecting my Arduino MKR 1010 to Azure IoT Hub and I do not have any other options than open a discussion here. I really hope that someone will be able to help. So, what I did is: 1. Create CA signed certificate, using ECC algorithm for signing, following this guide - 2. Then, generated leaf certificate for my IoT Hub Device, again using the CACertificates scripts. 3. I create IoT Hub where I created a device with authentication type: X509 CA Signed certificate. 4. Afterwards, I created the Device Provisioning Service that is connect to the create IoT Hub. 5. I added the Root certificate that was generated in the first step. 6. Then, I used the following code: 7. After uploading the code on the board, it returns me: Connect Error: -2. I know this error comes from the MQTT and not exactly from the Azure, but I hope someone will have experience with that. Just tell me if you need more information about my setup, but basically, in summary that is it. Any help will be appreciated and also I am in a hurry a lot, because I have deadline to finish some measurements when connect successfully to the IoT Hub device. #iot-hub, #x509-certificate #arduino Best regards, Vitomir3.6KViews0likes5Commentsazure iot devices
Hi Guys, I'm new to azure and trying to figure out the process. Is it possible to add things such as google home , alexa or any smart devices to azure iot hub? I want to be able to maintain, manage and host over 200 various smart devices. Will there be in coding required or development of skills?1.6KViews0likes1CommentIoTHub Unauthorised Response
We work with small handheld devices that send events and general info to our backend using Azure IoT Hub and MQTT with self-made SAS Tokens. On the 24th of September we received over 1 million Unauthorized responses when trying to connect to the hub, using our handsets that had not had any code/protocol changes. From there, the number of Unauthorized responses have dropped dramatically to be in the ten thousands, but we are still getting the Unauthorized response on handsets that have the correct provisioning info (keys, hub address). When discussing with Microsoft support team they have said it is due to an expired Sas token, but our Sas tokens have been regenerated and still the problem persists. They also said they didn't make any code/structural changes to the hub, but the sudden unexpected behavior persists. Has anyone had similar issues? We have regenerated Sas tokens, sent new keys and provisioning info, but any handsets we get back into our hands do not show the problem.565Views0likes0CommentsConnect SIM7020 to Azure IoT-Hub
Hi everyone, I am trying to connect my SIM7020 board to an Azure IoT-Hub via MQTT protocol. The documentation of the module has an example with AT-commands starting on page 16. However, I don't know which of all these certificates I need and how/where to create them. I have created a local root certificate on my PC and added it to the IoT-Hub under 'certificates', but I still cannot get the device connected and in the example I need more than one server/client certificate. Does anyone of you have experience with connecting a device to IoT-Hub via MQTT or at least the SIM7020 module itself? Thanks, Niklas1.2KViews0likes0CommentsLogic apps - Error: "Http request failed as the content stream was not valid: 'Found invalid data"
Hello, I started to learn Azure and playing around with Logic Apps. I created a logic app to get a sensor value from my home automation api: This is what I usually get from my GET request: ``` {"entity_id": "input_number.climate_comfort", "state": "24.0", "attributes": {"initial": null, "editable": true, "min": 19.0, "max": 30.0, "step": 1.0, "mode": "slider", "unit_of_measurement": "a", "friendly_name": "climate_comfort"}, "last_changed": "2022-01-18T10:44:25.998911+00:00", "last_updated": "2022-01-18T12:07:21.225023+00:00", "context": {"id": "9138e322eca86c50ee4a357b9815f869", "parent_id": null, "user_id": null}} ``` The logic app stops with that error: Any idea what is wrong with my data? Thanks, Thomas1KViews0likes0Commentswhat is the best way to connect device to cloud service
Hello everybody, I'm totally new the cloud computing services. I have the question, what is the best way to connect a hardware device to cloud service? Knowing that: 1- this device can connect over tcp ( if not possible, what should it can ?) 2- i need to receive the data sent from this device in webapi or tcp service on a VM to analyse and save those data. I was thinking about IOT hub but am not really sure if this is the correct solution to do that. Hope you can help me ... Thank you in advanced2.4KViews0likes5CommentsAzure IoT Device Streams
Hello, As per this article, the free IoT hub on Azure should support Device Streams if it was provisioned in the Central US. I am trying to evaluate the solution for a project and so I set one up. I setup a new IoT hub in the CentralUS but the device stream URL is not displaying. It shows everything but that. Any ideas? thank you much694Views0likes0Commentsdevice registration over mqtt using certificate
Hi Experts, I am new to Azure. Looking into the Azure IoT. What I have read is in Azure IoT, to register a new device, first need to register it on the iot hub get the credentials and then connect the device to azure using these credentials. So, my question is "Is it possible to register a device in IoT hub programmatically from the device itself, over mqtt, using the certificates, instead of as mentioned above? Please guide me where can I find some documentation. Thanks & Regards, Pradeep780Views0likes0Comments