2 TopicsRequest for Extension Suggestion for MS Edge: Inaccurate Bing Recommendations and Broken Links
I requested that Bing inform me of an extension for MS Edge that is like the official Firefox extension 'Container'. However, despite sending a link to the Firefox extension as an example, Bing continued to suggest a supposed 'Container extension for Edge'. Unfortunately, the link provided led to a 404-error page, which Bing continued to send to me even after I notified them of the issue. Eventually, I gave up on finding the extension I needed through Bing's suggestions. Ps.: Video attached506Views0likes0CommentsCumulative list of problems in Edge Canary 84.0.484.0
Read Aloud voices can't be changed (Neither in normal web page, Immersive Reader nor in PDFs) Grammar Tools do not work in Immersive Reader mode Reader Preferences do not work in Immersive Reader mode, when I click on them nothing happens. The NTP image reverts back to the default Edge image even though I have set a custom background for it. it reverts back every time i relaunch Edge. I have to go to the gear on NTP, switch between daily image and custom image once to fix it. sent them using Edge feedback (one by one separately with description) but if anyone else on Canary can reproduce these, try to send feedback as well. thanks1.7KViews0likes3Comments