21 TopicsMiddle Mouse for New Tab
The desired behavior is for links in Bing's results to open in the current tab with left click, but in a new tab with middle mouse. This doesn't seem to be achieved by the Settings>More>Search>Results>"Open links from search results in a new tab or window" since this setting changes both behaviors to one or the other. Until recently the behavior was as desired. Was the feature removed or am I missing some way to configure it?61Views1like1CommentAllow option to not expire links
I use Bookings for meetings with vendors for my company. I need to provide those vendors with a single link that I don't have to remember to update every few months. To support this, I'd like to see an option on meeting invites to not auto-expire the link or at least be able to set it out for a minimum of one year. As it stands now, I have to provide the vendors with new links each time they want to have a meeting. Based on this discussion in the Bookings forum, it looks like this is a feature others would like to see as well: Sharing Links - Does the "Guest Access Expiry policy" Apply to "Specific People" Links?
I'm having an issue with a OneDrive integration in an application I'm developing. The integration allows creating "Specific People" sharing links, which are emailed to external users and require them to authenticate their email before accessing the shared file/folder. I have seen in many places that "Specific People" sharing links do not expire. There is no expiry field available when creating the link, and I can't find any expiry settings in the Sharepoint Admin Center that seem to apply to "Specific People" links. However, some of my clients using my OneDrive integration have noticed that many of their "Specific People" links get dropped unexpectedly after a period of one or two months. I have also been able to reproduce this issue in my developer account. There is one setting in the Sharepoint Admin Center that seems like it might apply: Guest Access to a site or OneDrive will expire automatically after this many days Since I've seen many references to the fact that "Specific People" links never expire, I thought this setting was not relevant. I also interpreted "Guest Access" as referring to "Guest Users", which can be added in the M365 Admin Center. My integration does not make any use of Guest Users, so I felt fairly confident that this setting did not apply to my use case. However, I can't seem to find definite confirmation that this "Guest Access Expiry" setting does not apply to "Specific People" links. Since my clients links keep getting dropped, and I've now been able to reproduce this on my own account, I have to assume this is either a bug in OneDrive, or that this setting - or another setting I've not yet found - is causing the links to disappear. I've noticed on my own account that some emails get dropped off of the "Specific People" link after a certain period of time, while others do not. Even though I added all the emails to the link at the same time. This inconsistency makes it seem more like a big than something that is being controlled by an admin setting. Can someone please confirm whether the setting I referenced affects "Specific People" links, and/or if there is another OneDrive/Sharepoint/M365 setting that can cause "Specific People" links to be dropped after a certain period of time? Has anyone else noticed "Specific People" links getting dropped over time, or just one or two of the emails on a multi-person link getting dropped?532Views0likes3CommentsNavigation- and text-inserted Hyperlinks disappear — Sharepoint Online
Hi everyone! I'm facing the following issue in SharePoint Online: When linking external pages (on an old SharePoint 2016 or on Engage) in the navigation or in the text of a news article (etc.) some of those links disappear after a while and when we try to re-insert the link, it doesn't get saved at all. At first we resorted to creating a new nav point and inserting the link there (which then worked) but this just isn't sustainable. Apart from that, hyperlinks in texts just unlink themselves and have to constantly be redone. I've read on here that in some cases of MAC users the links may contain the characters %E2%80%8B, which when removed solved the issue, however we don't use Macs and haven't found those characters in the links yet. Does anyone happen to know what this might be and how it can be solved? Thanks, Sarah690Views0likes1CommentMajor annoyance - BING converts search links to BING.COM redirect links.
I don't know if there's any way around this but BING converts every search result URL into a BING.COM redirect URL. While this may seem like a good idea to Microsoft since it records click-throughs, it falls apart on direct linked documents such as PDF, images, etc. The redirect prevents you from actually copying the real link and pasting it elsewhere. For example, something as simple as turns into and on for 50+ more random characters. And you can't simply click on the link and get it from the address bar because Edge will open the document in whatever external program handles that document type (like Acrobat Reader or MS Excel). I do a fair amount of online research and this behavior is really annoying when I want to capture and reference a link directly to a document. Note that Google does NOT do this as it preserves the actual destination link in the search results. And some of the other search engines I've tried (eg Freespoke, DuckDuckGo) don't do it either.1.5KViews2likes1CommentExpect MS Teams open SP Quicklinks within Teams, not open new browser.
Hi, I have a SP HomePage, which is added as a tab in Teams. That SP HomePage contains Quicklinks Webpart which has some links to SP Pages (***) (these pages in the same site with the HomePage). Example /sites/[MySiteName]/SitePages/Games.aspx However, when clicking these quicklinks, they open in the web browser. But I expect to open that link within MS Teams, so that user will not navigate to new web browser. As I see, If I click some News on SP HomePage, it can open the news in MS Teams, without opening web browser. What is the different here, because News and SP Pages (***) are in the same Site folder: /sites/[MySiteName]/SitePages/ Please help on this. Thank you.475Views0likes0CommentsOfficial Download links for Microsoft Edge Stable Enterprise
I'm not 100% sure it's final but anyone who wishes/wants can test it. Microsoft Edge Stable Enterprise X64.msi X86.msi macOS.pkg Blocker Toolkit to disable automatic delivery of Microsoft Edge a list of external URL's into a sharepoint page.
To keep things easy for users, I wanted to create a very simple table / grid of links , that go to external reporting pages. I tried initially embedded HTML + inline CSS into an 'Embed' element, only for that to simply generate an error, eventually I uploaded an HTML page to Sharepoint Site documents, and used the embed link for that, however, ALL anchor tags ONLY open when CTRL / Command - Clicked, and don't open like normal tags, even with Target= "_Blank" etc.. Am I missing something obvious ?3.2KViews0likes2Comments