live captions
3 Topicsapply live caption policy to all users including guests
Hi all, I've been tasked with "disable live captions for all users in all meetings in our tenant A". (I do not want to discuss the reasons....). Seemed to be simple enough, using meeting policies and changing the global policy by setting the live caption option to disabled. Quick check: started a meeting with a colleague, live caption not available, that's great. However.... guests from other tenants (like B) who have been invited to our Tenant A can still activate live captions. I even disabled live captions in B and in A, now members of A can't activate live captions for meetings in A und members of B can't activate live captions for meetings in B. But members of A can still activate live captions for meetings in B and vice versa. So the global policy isn't that global after all. Could there be an really-global-policy or an uber-global-policy I haven't found yet? In the meeting policy the heading "Participants & guests" is certainly misleading since it does not apply to the kind of guests I'm talking about. The explanation "Participant and guest settings let you control access to Teams meetings for people that dial in using a phone." can't be correct either, since most of those settings can't apply to "people that dial in using a phone", sind people dialing in using a phone won't be able to use live captions anyway. And the option does apply to members of our tenant not using a phone to dial in, that's been verified.... There is still "Guest access" as part for "org-wide settings", but there are no settings regarding live captions. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Best regards PatrickSolved5.7KViews0likes5CommentsSecurity and privacy Live Captions Teams Meeting
Dear Microsoft, In our company we would like to enable live captions for our users since the Dutch language became available. However, from security and privacy perspective, I need some more information on where the audio gets translated from speech to text (where does the data go). Also I would like to have some information on who has access to this audio and speech while the data is in transit. I would imagine that the audio gets processed in Azure somewhere and maybe Microsoft engineers have access to it. Do you have more information on encryption of speech to text (specifically for live captions in Teams meetings), where this gets processed (europe/US etc.) and who has access (from Microsoft perspective) etc.? This would help me to ease our security officers and enable the feature for our users. Thank you in advance for your help! Sylvester5.3KViews1like3CommentsLive Captions in 'Call' and 'when presenting'
Hi, Is there a way for captions to be displayed when calling one person direct? Also when in a meeting and it's my turn to present, the captions disappear as I'm presenting. Is there a way for the captions to still show so I can understand questions when they come through from attendees? It's life-changing having captions, although I feel they're still quite restricted. Thanks2.7KViews1like4Comments