107 TopicsImportant Update about Microsoft Office Live Meeting
If your company is using Office Live Meeting, we have some important news to share with you. We’ve been working hard to get Skype for Business and Skype Meeting Broadcast ready with new conversation and meeting features, so we’re inviting you to begin the migration from Live Meeting to Skype for Business. We encourage you to begin the move from Live Meeting to Skype for Business as quickly as possible, completing the migration no later than December 31, 2017, at which time the existing Live Meeting service will be fully shut down.4.9MViews2likes7CommentsSkype for Business add-in for Outlook
In our environment we randomly have an issue where the Outlook addin for Skype for Business gets disabled. I happended a few time when we had to Outlook 2013, the only resolution we had was to update the client to 2016 and it seemed to settle down. Now as of this week we have clients who are having the problem again in 2016. Has anyone ever experienced this?1.9KViews0likes1CommentIs there anyway to turn off the mute announcement in Skype for Business?
Specifically, the announcement of "Mute Off" when you want to talk during a conference call. The volume and duration can make you miss discussion or an opportunity to insert yourself. If we want to encourage people to go on mute to avoid background noise, we ought to eliminate this announcement all together.118KViews3likes10CommentsSfB drops connection every 37 seconds
We had a sporadic problem where Skype for Business online meetings on our conference room PCs would drop every 37 seconds. After months of pulling my hair out, I had a stroke of luck and diagnosed it. It's a 100% reproducible bug, but the Microsoft support person didn't appear willing to escalate it to the product team; instead, he started trying to get me to downgrade to earlier versions of Windows and Office. I wasn't interested in that and dropped the ticket. The service request # was [REG:116012813643029] SRXCAP:616010793477988ID I want to make sure the product team is aware of the issue so it can be fixed. Can someone confirm whether it's an acknowledged bug? Summary of the issue: Non-domain joined Windows 10 box with Office 365. Multiple local accounts in Windows. Each local account is configured with their Office 365 credentials. If more than one user is signed in (to Windows and to Skype for Business), then the currently active user's SfB sessions will drop every 37 seconds. Logging out of the other user's account fixes the problem. Feel free to contact me for more detail if needed.12KViews0likes8CommentsSkype for Business web scheduler - remove meeting
Hello, When i access i see a meeting that i've created in Oulook but deleted. One question: how can i remove the meeting from web scheduler? It states that i cannot make changes online(like in the picture attached).1.8KViews2likes2CommentsSkype Room Systems v2: known perf issue for Surface Pro (2017)-based devices
Skype Room Systems v2 devices based on Surface Pro (2017) have been observed to exhibit performance issues under usage conditions where wired laptop sharing, dual displays, and multiple remote video streams are all present. This article explains repro conditions, possible workarounds, and steps being taken to resolve the issue.14KViews4likes40CommentsDo SfB Conference IDs ever stop working?
I've noticed that SfB Conference IDs remain live long after the scheduled meeting. I don't just mean by a few minutes, I can go back to old invitations from last month and still click on the link to go back into the conference. All the uploaded material is still there. Worse still, we have PSTN dial in conferencing enabled with toll free numbers so any invite particpant can go back to the old invite, dial into the conference ID (not PIN is required because the original meeting has already been had) and meet gratis. Anyone else noticed this? Any way to forcethose old Conference IDs to be stop working? Or revert back to the pre meeting condition where the meeting organiser is required to start the call before people can join?Solved12KViews0likes7Comments