microsoft sentinel
1 TopicGet AzSentinelDataConnector no output
Hi All, I'm trying to export the list of all the data connectors using powershell module Az Security Insight. when I run the command Get-AzSentinelDataConnector, I have no output PS C:\Users\> Get-AzSentinelDataConnector -ResourceGroupName "Resourcegroup Name" -WorkspaceName "WorkSpace Name" PS C:\Users\> while using the command Get-AzSentinelAlertRuleTemplate I have all the alert rule as output PS C:\Users\> ... Kind : NRT LastUpdatedDateUtc : 30-Aug-22 12:00:00 AM Name : 5db427b2-f406-4274-b413-e9fcb29412f8 Query : AuditLogs | where ActivityDisplayName =~'Add member to role completed (PIM activation)' | where Result == "failure" ... RequiredDataConnector : {AzureActiveDirectory} Severity : High ... PS C:\Users\> Can someone support me? Thanks, lg960Views0likes3Comments