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Most RecentMost ViewedMost LikesMicrosoft Student Partner program: Your questions answered Read answers to frequently asked questions about the Microsoft Student Partner program from Global Program Manager, Pablo Veramendi. Microsoft Student Partner spotlight: Khushboo Verma Get to know Gold Microsoft Student Partner Khushboo Verma and her work to mentor and empower other women with technology. Microsoft Student Partner spotlight: Althani Miguel Leonida Meet Althani Miguel Leonida and read about his experience learning and mentoring in the Microsoft Student Partner community. Microsoft Student Partner spotlight: Yash Jain Read about Microsoft Student Partner Yash Jain's experience in the program, and tips for other students looking to get involved in tech. Download the Student Developer coloring book! Let your creativity shine through with different student developer themed designs in our downloadable coloring book. Microsoft Student Partner spotlight: Olumide Ogundare Meet Gold Microsoft Student Partner Olumide Ogundare and learn about some of his advice and insights into the community. Congratulations to our next Student Partner Group + new Gold milestone recipients! Welcome to our new cohort of Microsoft Student Partners and congratulations to the first group of Gold milestone recipients in the program! How inclusion can drive innovation Check out some accessibility, diversity, and inclusion tips and resources as a lens to help drive your innovation in partnership with Microsoft Accessibility. Getting Started with - creating a custom model for image recognition.First published on MSDN on Jul 03, 2017 Guest blog by Julian Chow Microsoft Student Partner at Imperial College London.Computer Vision Workshop using Microsoft Computer Vision API, and Cognitive Tool CNTK+KERASFirst published on MSDN on Feb 22, 2018 Guest post from Shu Ishida Microsoft Team Leader at Oxford UniversityMy name is Shu Ishida.