2 TopicsEffective Cloud Governance: Leveraging Azure Activity Logs with Power BI
We all generally accept that governance in the cloud is a continuous journey, not a destination. There's no one-size-fits-all solution and depending on the size of your Azure cloud estate, staying on top of things can be challenging even at the best of times. One way of keeping your finger on the pulse is to closely monitor your Azure Activity Log. This log contains a wealth of information ranging from noise to interesting to actionable data. One could set up alerts for delete and update signals however, that can result in a flood of notifications. To address this challenge, you could develop a Power Bi report, similar to this one, that pulls in the Azure Activity Log and allows you to group and summarize data by various dimensions. You still need someone to review the report regularly however consuming the data this way makes it a whole lot easier. This by no means replaces the need for setting up alerts for key signals, however it does give you a great view of what's happened in your environment. If you're interested, this is the KQL query I'm using in Power Bi let start_time = ago(24h); let end_time = now(); AzureActivity | where TimeGenerated > start_time and TimeGenerated < end_time | where OperationNameValue contains 'WRITE' or OperationNameValue contains 'DELETE' | project TimeGenerated, Properties_d.resource, ResourceGroup, OperationNameValue, Authorization_d.scope, Authorization_d.action, Caller, CallerIpAddress, ActivityStatusValue | order by TimeGenerated asc34Views0likes0CommentsAzure Metric vs Performance counters show different values
Azure Metric vs Performance counters Return values of network traffic are totally off, regardless of time frame between portal, log analytic query perf and InsightsMetrics. See screen off excel. I have open log analytic workspace, select Time range Last 24 hours and one day 26/03/2024 Perf | where TimeGenerated between (datetime(2024-03-26) .. datetime(2024-03-27)) | where Computer == "**********" | where ObjectName == "Network Interface" and CounterName == "Bytes Sent/sec" or CounterName == "Bytes Received/sec" | summarize BytsSent = sum(CounterValue) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d),CounterName InsightsMetrics | where TimeGenerated between (datetime(2024-03-26) .. datetime(2024-03-27)) | where Origin == "vm.azm.ms" | where Computer == "*******" | where Namespace == "Network" | where Name == "ReadBytesPerSecond" or Name == "WriteBytesPerSecond" | extend Tags = parse_json(Tags) | extend BytestoSec = toreal(Tags.["vm.azm.ms/bytes"]) | sort by TimeGenerated | project TimeGenerated,Name,Val,BytestoSec | summarize AggregatedValue = sum(BytestoSec) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d),Name I don’t know what im doing wrong or i don't understand . But sample interval in data collection rule is 15s, and sample interval of metric is 60s.816Views0likes2Comments