564 TopicsAbility to send an email to Planner and create a Task
Is this on the roadmap? Our organization is starting to lose the battle of using Planner instead of Trello, pretty much because of the sole feature that Trello allows you to send an email to a specific email address and it will automatically create a Task. It is quite a simple model: Email Subject = Task Title Email Body = Task Description Email Attachments = Task Attachments This would be a massive win for adoption. Looks like this is the entry with the most votes, but there are about 100 of them that individually are asking for the same/similar functionality: Task Dependencies and Task Ordering
Something I'd like to add to Planner thinking is the concept of Task Dependencies. If this concept was added it would make ordering somewhat easier whereby it could order tasks in each bucket based on dependencies. Yes this would require some thinking in terms of manual re-ordering, but at least it would provide a somewhat better experience without having to manually re-order 50 tasks. Ordering is a major pain in Planner. I just created a plan with 42 tasks and 4 buckets (somewhat similar to Agile scrum boards). I created the tasks based on a proposal document from top to bottom. The first problem is that whilst you're working top to bottom in your proposal document, Planner adds the tasks in reverse order and provides no alternative method of adding a task to a specific position (Last, First, etc.). So for tasks 1 through 5 you add task 1 then 2 and so on, but Planner adds task 2 above 1, 3 above 2 and so on. With 40 tasks, what you're left with is having to shuffle the tasks around by dragging and dropping them one above the other. Painful! On top of that there are also random re-ordering issues which I posted about here168KViews20likes24CommentsHow to automate Planner and integrate it with Power Bi
Lets say on my work i have to do the same exact activities, one after another and my boss wants to assign those tasks to my team through Microsoft Teams, how can i make like a sample tasks that i just change the name but the check list is the same and that those tasks are linked one after another. Besides that I want to know if its possible to graph how much time it takes me to complete those tasks using Power Bi or any other application from Office 365. Thanks for your time and help.167KViews2likes18CommentsSingle task to be done by multiple users
With Microsoft Planner, we can add multiple people to a single task, but if anyone of them marks it as complete the whole task will be marked as complete. But I would like to assign a task to my team which each of them needs to complete individually and I would like to keep a track of who has completed and who has not. Is this possible?Solved149KViews11likes32CommentsMigrate from Trello to Planner?
Does anyone know of a way to export data from Trello and import into Planner? We have a business unit that has been using Trello, but we want to shift them into Planner, but they have a good history of information in Trello that would need to be saved.142KViews2likes23CommentsCreating a "Personal" Plan to store tasks not associated with any Team or Project
If I was to use Planner as my full "To Do" tool then I would also have tasks that are just associated with me, being an employee that have nothing to do with a project or team. It allows you to create a "Plan" and I could call it "MyTasks" - but it creates a whole O365 Group- email acct, and TEam site and everything - which is completely unnecessary, and would immediately get completely out of hand as system admin. Can you imagine 2000 employees all creating a "My Tasks" - the O365 Groups administration would be a nightmare overnight. Anyone hear anything about trying to solve for this?Solved130KViews13likes15CommentsUsers not receiving email notification for task assignment
Users haven't been receiving an email when a task is assigned to them. They do, however, receive an email when a task they're assigned to is commented on or is marked completed (discovered this wasn't the case after further testing. The user will not receive an email until they are @ mentioned). If the user is subscribed to the Plan/Group, they will receive an email, but they also receive an email for everything, which is not what we want. Is this a known issue/bug? ETA on a fix? Trying really hard to roll out Groups and Planner here, but this issue is making it difficult for me to get people on board (continues the notion that Office is "hard to use"). According to this Support page, users should be receiving and email when a task is assigned to them: Notifications for Comments on Planner Tasks
Please add the ability for the assigned person(s) / creator on a Planner Task to receive an email when the task is commented on. I use Planner to manage tasks assigned to several different departments with about 200 people on the Team, and when they comment back to me after creating the task I don't get notified. Need a solution ASAP (and please don't tell me to comment on every task I create - I want a solution not a workaround) Thank you63KViews20likes32Comments