3 TopicsUpdate Taskdescription via VBA - Error -2147483638 - the data required for this operation are not ye
Hello! I develop an integration of planner tasks into an internal access database and there I will create a task with a important description. The creation works fine, but when I update the taskdetails and there the description I get the error -2147483638 - the data required for this operation are not yet. If I go stepwise through the code all works fine, but not in processing my whole code. I think that the task descriptions is not accessible that early so I have to put my code to sleep, just I can't find anything about "How long do I have to put my code to sleep?" or exists any other reason for that? Update: First I have set Sleep 10000 for 10 seconds pause of the code and second here a screenshot in german with the error message, because the 10 seconds don't helps. My VBA-Code to Update is the following. This function is a part of my class "Teams" Public Function UpdateTaskDescription(pstr_ID As String, pstr_Description As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo Err_UpdateTaskDescription Dim GraphAPI As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 Dim str_URL As String Dim str_Body As String Dim str_ETag As String Dim JSON As Object str_URL = "" & pstr_ID & "/details" wiederholung: str_ETag = GetETagByDetails(pstr_ID) With GraphAPI .Open "PATCH", str_URL, True .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" .setRequestHeader "Authorization", GetAuthentication '.setRequestHeader "Prefer", "return=representation" Kann mit angegeben werden, wenn das gesamte Objekt zurückkommen soll. So kommt nur 204 - No content => success .setRequestHeader "If-Match", str_ETag str_Body = "{" & vbNewLine str_Body = str_Body & Chr(34) & "description" & Chr(34) & " : " & Chr(34) & pstr_Description & Chr(34) & vbNewLine str_Body = str_Body & "}" .Send str_Body End With UpdateTaskDescription = GraphAPI.Status Err_UpdateTaskDescription: If Err.Number = -2147483638 Then GraphAPI.abort GoTo wiederholung Else MsgBox Err.Number & " > " & Err.Description End If End Function Thanks in advance. AxelSolved849Views0likes2CommentsUnable to get planner details associated with a group
Hi All, I am trying to get Planner details for a group/team, below is my script. I have registered the app and it has all permissions: Group.Read.All Group.ReadWrite.All Tasks.Read Tasks.ReadWrite User.Read User.Read.All yet it keeps giving me error "You do not have the required permissions to access this item" $clientId = "[clientId]" $clientSecret = "[clientSecret]" $tenantName = "" $resource = $groupId ="5a987e93-d3db-4fde-96d0-f1a60ac2bd58" $tokenBody = @{ Grant_Type = "client_credentials" Scope = Client_Id = $clientId Client_Secret = $clientSecret } $tokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri$TenantName/oauth2/v2.0/token -Method POST -Body $tokenBody Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $tokenResponse.access_token Get-MgGroupPlannerPlan -GroupId $groupId I cannot define scope in the script using Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Can please anyone let me know if I am missing anything ? Thanks In Advance2.3KViews0likes3CommentsPlanner delta now showing any values in the response
Hi All, I am trying with the below queries and getting response (reference){userguid}/planner/all/delta Permissions : Tasks.Read, Tasks.ReadWrite, Group.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All http call to generate access method : post uri : header : "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" body: client_id=@{appid}& &client_secret={secret}&grant_type=password&username={useremail}&password={pwd} -------------------------- http call output with bearer token "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(plannerDelta)", "@odata.nextLink": "$skipt...", "value": [] "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(plannerDelta)", "@odata.nextLink": "$skiptoken=XrinufQC2AObYCqP22BOfCi6mzb7AggX7m2...", "value": [] I user Power automate with user access token and checked with graph explorer as well but ending up with same response. Kindly suggest how to get the values.335Views0likes0Comments