shared list bug
1 TopicWindows App is missing shared lists that show up on browser & Android App
Hello! 2 days ago I've converted from Wunderlist over to MS To Do. Everything converted over OK. Then I shared one of my lists with my partner so it could be setup similar to Wunderlist and we can both use the list. After my partner accepted the shared list, only that one list that I shared then disappeared from my Windows 10 app!! I was really concerned until I logged in via browser. When I login via web browser the shared list is still there in "To Do", but it's missing from MS Windows 10 "To Do" app. So I've installed the Android app on my phone and the shared list is there too, so at least I know the list is not lost completely. It's kinda funny that the only app where the shared list is missing is MS Windows 10! Does anyone have an insights as to why the shared list is missing and how I can get it back? The person I've shared the list with can see it on his Windows 10 app, it's just me that cannot see the list anymore on my Windows 10 app. I really prefer to use the app over the website. As there are no settings about shared lists in the app, this looks like a bug.