44 TopicsSearching in a Microsoft List
How could a user restrict their search to a particular value in a particular field? Let's say I need to search for the value 'Williams' in the 'Company' field. I could enter "Williams" into the search bar, but the hits would include all items that contain the word "Williams" in any field. I want to restrict the search. How can one do that?When opening OneNote client from SharePoint Notebook, get an error "We couldn't open that location."
When attempting to open the OneNote Windows Desktop client from SharePoint, we are getting the error, "We couldn't open that location. It might not exist or you might not have permission to open it. Please contact the owner of onenote: #1 (V 04, 08, 97 for more information." I gave myself full admin permissions to the site and can fully access it on SharePoint, so it shouldn't be a permissions issue. The original owner of the site is also unable to open this notebook in OneNote. Initially, I thought it might be the way that it was named as the name of the notebook was "Name #1 (V 04, 08, 97 & 377) Notebook." Note that everything after the ampersand in the original error was missing so I thought that maybe just renaming the file would resolve it, but alas, it has not. Now the error reads: "Please contact the owner of onenote: #1 (V 04, 08, 97 and 377 Notebook/Untitled%20Section.oneDesign%20Kick-Off for more information." The last part is the section name and tab. When attempting to open the Notebook on mobile, I get the error: "OneNote can't open this notebook because it has been deleted or moved. Please check the link address and then try again." I have renamed it multiple times but still cannot open in the desktop app. Other SharePoint Notebooks that I have access to in the tenant I'm able to open just fine. I have run a repair on my office install.Can we configure filter for me in Office Online Server On-premise(Sharepoint)
We are using SharePoint Server 2019 along with Office Online Server (On-premise). Multiple users work on the same worksheet simultaneously. However, when one user applies a filter on sheet1, it affects all the users instead of being user- specific. Is there any workaround to make the filter apply only for individual users?24 hour format - Onedrive
Good afternoon. My time format in OneDrive, on the regional site is 24 hours. But the file history or file change history in OneDrive is shown in 12 hours. An example If I make a change to a file at 14:00, OneDrive shows 02:00 Here in Spain we use 24 hours as the preferred format and for our company with more than 100 employees it is important to control this well. Can you help me? Regards, Thank youSharePoint links stop working for external Users
SharePoint Shared Document or Directory links stop working for external Users. Happens with several internal team members sharing links with external users. There are no expirations on the links and all settings appears to be set correctly. The links will initially work fine for users, but they seem to stop within 24 hrs. Sometimes they will start working a day later. And it doesn't matter what folder or file is shared. No one seems to be able to figure out what could be going on with this. This has been consistently happening over the last few months. Microsoft Support has not found an answer either. Has anyone seen this before? Any suggestions? We are pulling out hair out on this one.Can we detach Viva Connections from teams ?
Hello Everyone , Is there a way that we can create Viva Connections as a separate application (Detached from MS Teams) ? It would be helpful because we need it to be a standalone not to be linked in MS teams. Also Please enlighten me if we can create a Sharepoint Site as a windows/mac desktop application. It would be great to know thanks.Need Suggestions in implementing Employee Experience using MSOffice 365 tools
Hey Everyone, I'm eager to develop a universal portal for certain users, resembling a webpage with a more intuitive user interface and a more robust user experience. What pre-built solutions within the Microsoft Office 365 suite could facilitate this? I want to host it as a Desktop application as well as a website. As per my analysis: 1) Sharepoint Online - A better handy solution - But I need to customise a lot. Not a ready made solution. 2) Power Pages - I dont have much knowledge on this one. 3) Viva Connections - It does solves those problems. But it mainly depends on MS Teams. I need it to be detached from Teams. Thanks in advance !Some users cannot be tagged in office documents despite the same configuration in Entra
Hello, We just started to use SharePoint for our new scope of projects, and we found that some (like 75% of the company) users can't be tagged in documents. I tried to replicate it for SP and multiple types of Office365 with the same result. It's not connected with the time of creation (user created yesterday can be tagged, user created a month ago - can't, the one year old - can), licences, group assignment. Users can have a same configuration in Entra, and I can summon one, while the second is invisible to the system. Any suggestions?Sharepoint Thumbmail not diplaying
Hi all, I don't know what has happened. It was working fine and then with no reason stopped. I was using powerapps to upload some pictures for the list items into Thumbmail / Image column. It was working fine. Now it doesn't. And even when I try to add it manually from sharepoint lists view it doesn't work either. That's what it displays now and at the bottom you can see it was working on previous ones (about 3-4 weeks ago). I have also noticed change in the link structure, but I haven't changed a single thing. Can somebody explain why is that not working anymore? I needed it urgently today...