83 TopicsIntegration of SharePoint/Lists, To Do/Planner, and Forms with Power Automate
Background: I'm an attorney with two legal assistants. I've found Teams is a great way to work with my assistants when I'm in court, etc. to get things done. But I want to take it to the "next level" because there are still a lot of gaps between what we are doing on Teams (tasks, approvals, communicating) and what we still do outside of Teams. Essentially, I want to bring a lot of those things outside of Teams into it so that we work smarter and not harder. Although I'm tech savvy, I'm by no means an expert or developer. Overview: Ultimately, I'd like to integrate SharePoint/Lists, To Do/Planner and Forms. My thought is that I could have one of my assistants do data entry through Forms (create/update) and then use Power Automate to create/update SharePoint/Lists and also create/update To Do/Planner tasks. I'd also like to keep a "Master Lists" in one Team where the Forms reside, and then present that information into different Teams by service so that I have one Team for one type of service, and another for a different type of service. "Master Lists" itself will have Lookup columns to relate data (client contact information, client matters, client tasks, etc.). After a lot of research, I find I can create Forms, create/update SharePoint/Lists based on Form entries and create/update To Do/Planner using Power Automate. One of the issues I'm encountering is taking that information and putting it into different Teams in a way that filters the services (so that Service A is in Team A, and Service B is in Team B, etc.). One of the reasons I want to have separate Teams for different services and not perform this in the "Master Lists" (which is in it's own Team) is because my assistants work on different services; additionally, I am relying on one assistant to do the main data entry of creating a client and populating information (the "Master Lists"), while the other one is just completing assigned tasks and updating information accordingly. I'm wondering whether I am on the right track for what I wish to accomplish. I'd like to be able to show client information in different Teams filtered on the service type so that I can keep things somewhat separate, and it'd be great that either of my assistants could update in those Teams accordingly rather than going back to the "Master Lists" I have. I don't want to keep creating new lists in each Team per my requirements if I can avoid it. Any advice or links to resources is greatly appreciated.4.1KViews1like3CommentsControlling 'Files' location
Hi All, I'm trying to put some controls around where users are saving files within Teams as those that are not direct members of a Team e.g. management, can not find a Teams files. An easy example would be having a number of projects running, each with their own Team. Within Teams, their files are only viewable via Teams, and only by those within the Project Teams. Conversely, we have a SharePoint Hub with multiple Project Teams sites, and we can better control who can see what...all in one location. We make good use of SharePoint and I want to make better use of Teams but currently only use it for the chat/calls elements. I see that we can add a new tab within Teams and point that to SharePoint, great!. However I want to force staff to use this new tab (with its link to a SharePoint Document library) rather than uploading content to 'Files'. I notice that we can change the 'Files' policy with 'NativeFileEntryPoints' so that we can use a "a third-party storage provider"...seems a shame we can use the one we already have i.e. SharePoint. I have to be missing something here...Is there no way to redirect the 'Files' tab to a preexisting SharePoint location or just turn off the File tab altogether without the other impacts of using the above i.e. blocking OneDrive at the same time. Thanks for any input.90Views0likes1CommentSharePoint site built as Teams App opens all windows using browser instead of within Teams App
Hi, Need help. Problem: SharePoint Site (built as Teams app) opens all links outside Teams App using my default browser. This is the case for all links even those that are set up in SharePoint site to open in the same window. (Used this link to create the Teams App for the SharePoint site: Am I missing any requisite steps? NiezinkJF - tagging you as you may have answers for me. Thank you very much.1.1KViews0likes2CommentsTeams Notification for Sharepoint News - how to disable it?
Since last week, we in Germany have automatically received a Teams notification when news is published in Sharepoint, regardless of who wrote the message or whether I am even interested in it. How can I stop this? I couldn't find anything about it in the Teams settings. Can this be turned off company-wide?Solved6.2KViews2likes6CommentsFiles are duplicated when posting in a secure Teams channel
A couple of weeks ago my client's Teams started duplicating every file that I posted in a secure channel. That is, I'd write a post, attach a document that was already saved in a Teams folder (via the paperclip icon) and two things happen: 1. The file takes a while to attach as seen by a progress bar, as if it's uploading; and 2. It immediately creates a duplicate of the document into the parent SharePoint folder (that is, the top level secure channel folder). From there, I'll end up working in the original document I had saved in the sub-folder and everyone else who accesses the document via the Post, is using the new version in the parent-level folder. Ok, so I logged a ticket with my client's IT as they do have a very unusual set up for their whole Microsoft environment and to all of us this is a very new issue none of us has heard of before, so they logged a ticket with Microsoft. However, today I tested it in my tenant - and got exactly the same result! This is not a standalone issue - my tenant is set up completely differently to my client's and I suspect we are not even on the same type of business licence (they'd be on enterprise and I'm just a small business). Not only is this weird but we are going insane trying to keep track of the correct versions and archiving all the duplicates. Has anyone seen this? Any ideas on whether there is a new default setting or something happening on microsoft's end? And importantly, any idea how to fix this?1.8KViews1like3CommentsRetrieving SharePoint Site Visitors Using PowerShell Script
I’m working on a PowerShell script to generate a report of Microsoft Teams details, including the owners, members, and SharePoint site visitors. While the script successfully retrieves most of the information, it fails to retrieve the site visitors, which I can clearly see in the SharePoint Admin Center. Issues: Site Visitors Not Retrieved: Despite having site visitors visible in the SharePoint Admin Center, the script returns "Error retrieving Visitors" or an empty string for site visitors. Potential Errors: I'm using a try-catch block to handle exceptions, but it seems like there are no errors being caught that could indicate why the visitors aren't being retrieved. What I’ve Tried: Ensured the SharePoint site URL is correct. Checked permissions and roles for the account running the script. Request: Could someone help identify what might be going wrong or suggest a different approach to reliably retrieve the list of SharePoint site visitors or any module I am missing on? I am using below modules with Powershell Runtime version 5.1. ExchangeOnlineManagement - Version 3.5.1 Get-MsolUserLicences - Version 0.0.8 Microsoft.Graph.Authentication - Version 2.20.0 Microsoft.Graph.Teams - Version 2.20.0 Microsoft.Graph.Users - Version 2.20.0 Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell - Version 16.0.25012.12000 MicrosoftTeams - Version 6.4.0 MSOnline - Version PackageManagement - Version PnP.PowerShell - Version 2.5.0 PowerShellGet - Version 2.2.5 SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline - Version 3.29.2101.0 Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help. Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $UserCredential -AccountId $myCredential.UserName Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $UserCredential -ShowProgress $true Connect-SPOService -Url "" -Credential $UserCredential # Initialize an empty array to store the results $Result = @() # Get all Teams enabled groups $AllTeamsInOrg = Get-Team $Teamcount = $AllTeamsInOrg.Count foreach ($Team in $AllTeamsInOrg) { Write-Host "Processing Team $($Team.DisplayName) ..." -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray $TeamName = $Team.DisplayName $TeamGroupId = $Team.GroupId # Get team details $TeamOwner = (Get-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamGroupId -Role Owner).User $TeamUserCount = (Get-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamGroupId).Count $TeamGuest = (Get-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamGroupId -Role Guest).Name if ($TeamGuest -eq $null) { $TeamGuest = "No Guests in Team" } $TeamMembers = (Get-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamGroupId -Role Member).User $TeamChannels = (Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $TeamGroupId).DisplayName $ChannelCount = (Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $TeamGroupId).Count # Retrieve SharePoint site URL from the team $TeamGroup = Get-UnifiedGroup -Identity $TeamGroupId $SharePointSiteURL = $TeamGroup.SharePointSiteURL if ($SharePointSiteURL -ne $null) { try { # Get all SharePoint Online groups for the site $SiteGroups = Get-SPOSiteGroup -Site $SharePointSiteURL # Find the "Visitors" group and get its members $VisitorsGroup = $SiteGroups | Where-Object { $_.Title -eq "Visitors" } if ($VisitorsGroup) { $Visitors = Get-SPOSiteGroup -Site $SharePointSiteURL -Group $VisitorsGroup.Title | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Users $VisitorsEmails = $Visitors | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Email -join ", " $GroupsData += [pscustomobject]@{ 'Site URL' = $SharePointSiteURL 'Group Name' = $VisitorsGroup.Title 'Users' = $VisitorsEmails } } else { $GroupsData += [pscustomobject]@{ 'Site URL' = $SharePointSiteURL 'Group Name' = "Visitors" 'Users' = "No Visitors Group Found" } } } catch { Write-Host "Error processing site ${SharePointSiteURL}: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red $GroupsData += [pscustomobject]@{ 'Site URL' = $SharePointSiteURL 'Group Name' = "Visitors" 'Users' = "Access Denied or Error" } } } else { $GroupsData += [pscustomobject]@{ 'Site URL' = $SharePointSiteURL 'Group Name' = "Visitors" 'Users' = "No SharePoint Site URL" } } # Add team details to the $Result array $Result += [PSCustomObject]@{ TeamName = $TeamName TeamOwners = $TeamOwner -join ', ' TeamMemberCount = $TeamUserCount TeamMembers = $TeamMembers -join ', ' NoOfChannels = $ChannelCount ChannelNames = $TeamChannels -join ', ' SharePointSite = $SharePointSiteURL AccessType = $TeamGroup.AccessType TeamGuests = $TeamGuest -join ',' SharePointSiteVisitors = $SharePointSiteVisitors } Write-Host "done." -ForegroundColor Green }965Views0likes0CommentsRebind the MS Teams team to a specific SharePoint site
Hello, We've performed a migration of Slack to MS Teams. One of the tasks was to perform the migration of multiple channels to one logical team. The migration process was completed successfully. However, after migration, we discovered that it is not possible to attach files to one channel in the team (later we found more than one such channel). The fix was to open the tab "Files" in Teams, then the user was allowed to upload (attach) files. During the troubleshooting, we found that while the migration process is in progress, and there's a need to upload files (found in Slack), an associated SharePoint site is created. In our case, the SharePoint site with the same name (as the team name itself) was created early (probably during our migration tests/dry runs and wasn't deleted properly) which led to the creation of a SharePoint site with a different naming (as two SharePoint sites with the same naming couldn't exist) during the real migration. (examples: team name = prj-team existing (early created) ShP site = newly created ShP site (bound to an MS Teams team) = ) This implies a lot of inconvenience for the users and we're looking the way to resolve/mitigate it. We cannot destroy all teams and channels and restart the migration. The question here - can a team in MS Teams be updated to be bound to another SharePoint site? Thanks in advance.420Views0likes1CommentSharePoint/Teams channel folder - default location change? Please briefly read above before asking questions or I'll flag you for irrelevancy. I didn't want to resurrect a dead thread that may have changed in the last two years. Is it possible to configure the default location for team channel folders to be created within a site? My digging thus far suggests that there have been no changes toward this being possible in the last two years, and that the recommendation from above is still the best option to the community. Workaround being: that one create a "sister" site for the purpose of containing the channel folders separate from the primary document library, then creating team app links that thread through the channels to link back to the primary parent site. Confirmation please?Solved11KViews0likes6CommentsTeams Private/Shared Channel connected site don't inherit Site Sharing Permissions from Parent site?
We recently started using Sensitivity Labels for Containers so that we could apply a Highly Confidential or Confidential label to a Microsoft Team. Since Sensitivity labels don't include any way to configure the "Site Sharing" permissions for the connected site, we need to first create the team and assign the label. Then we need to go to the Site Permissions of the connected team site and change "Site Sharing" to "Only site owners can share files, folders, and the site". That assures that the team owner remains in control of whether folders or files are shared outside the team. Great, right? (Not quite). What we noticed is that the Site Sharing setting holds for any Standard Channels that are created. But as soon as the team owner creates a Private Channel, the new site that gets created as a result, does not inherit the same Site Sharing setting as the parent. The same is true if they create a Shared Channel. Those new sites revert back to Microsoft's default of "Site owners, members, and people with Edit permissions can share files and folders." So, the end result here is that team members are restricted from sharing folders/files from any of the Standard Channels, but channel members can share folders/files from within any Private or Shared Channels! I would have figured that Private and Shared Channels would have inherited that setting from the Parent site, so it doesn't have to be set for every Private or Shared Channel that is created thereafter. Or I would have figured, there was a way to change the default for Site Sharing...but I don't see that anywhere either. This appears to be a pretty serious gap to me. I would be willing to bet most team owners don't realize how easy it is for members to share folders/files from a team they're responsible for...without them even knowing...since the "Access Control" you can enable within the Site Sharing permissions only works if trying to share the site...that doesn't work for folders or files. Am I missing something here? Am I going about this all wrong? Is there a better way to accomplish that? Thanks 🙂1.9KViews1like0CommentsHow to save a Team Home site as a template to use in future Teams?
Our Marketing Team has a Team inside Microsoft Teams (Team A) In Team A, they created a Home tab. Using "Open in SharePoint" they amended the content of the Home site to include all the structure they need. They want to use that Home site structure as a template for when they create new Teams. So, they will create a new Team and then hope to insert a Home tab that already has the Team A structure ready to go. Is this possible without creating a Team Template? The only thing they want to recreate is the Home Tab content, not the Teams Channels or file structures etc. I hope this makes sense. Thank you886Views0likes1Comment