10 TopicsSmart 💡 Idea: use Automatic Profile Switching in Edge to create a Container like experience
The description for containers or multi-containers in Firefox is this: Multi-Account Containers is a Firefox add-on that lets you separate your work, shopping or personal browsing without having to clear your history, log in and out, or use multiple browsers. It's an improved version of the Containers feature built into Firefox Nightly and the completed Firefox Containers Test Pilot experiment. What are Containers? Container tabs are like normal tabs except that the sites you visit will have access to a separate slice of the browser's storage. This means your site preferences, logged in sessions, and advertising tracking data won't carry over to the new container. Likewise, any browsing you do within the new container will not affect your logged in sessions, or tracking data of your other containers. Back to the Microsoft, in Edge browser, we have profiles, we can create multiple profiles and give them custom names we can create offline profiles or we can connect those profiles to online Microsoft accounts (free or work accounts) Edge also has other features (in Canary and Dev channels at the moment of writing this) Automatic profile switching Multiple profile preferences the description text says: Automatic profile switching feature detects links being opened in incorrect Microsoft account profiles and guides users to correct work, school or personal profile by showing a prompt that lets user switch to correct profile. So, now consider all that's been said above, there is an opportunity here. Microsoft Edge already has the base and fundamental features to have a container experience, the only things left to be done are some tweaking. How? Container/multi-container in Firefox is basically an add-on. I've been testing Firefox nightly in the past few months as my default browser and used containers extensively, I've also been using Edge browser and multiple profiles and I'm 100% sure this can happen. Microsoft (i.e Edge browser team) kindly need to improve the Automatic profile switching. so what I mean is, this feature that can already detect links and switch/open them in a different/correct profile, now it needs to Also be able to switch/open links that the user manually specifies. Edge team need to simplify the profiles that are going to be used for container. the profiles used for containers need to share the same installed extensions, favorites, history etc but when it comes to cookies, site cache etc they should be isolated. So for Example, I want all of the links coming from domain to be opened in a profile that's named "Facebook". I want all of the links coming from domain to be opened in a profile called "Twitter" and so on. this is Exactly how multi-container in Firefox works, users specifies a list of addresses and websites and they are automatically opened in their own container, separate from the other containers and the main browsing session, but still in the same window. each container is opened as a tab, next to other tabs, Not in a separate window. so one of the tweaks that I mentioned that need to happen is that Edge should let us open links from different profiles in the same window. currently it can't and each profile is opened in a separate window. so once Edge is able to open Tabs belonging to different profiles in the same window (next to other tabs), those tabs can be colored and marked with a feature that is already available in Edge, called "Tab Groups", the job of which is to put different tabs together and give them a specific color and name. in the screenshot above, I'm showing the end goal and what I hope to happen. so the group "Facebook" with the Cyan color means those tabs belong to a Different profile in Edge that is called "Facebook, but are in the same Edge window next to other tabs that belong to other profiles. I really believe this is totally possible and achievable. let me know what you think and if there is something that can improve this in case I missed it, please comment down below. thank you Deleted MissyQ please review and let the team know? 🙏16KViews15likes15Commentsazure iot devices
Hi Guys, I'm new to azure and trying to figure out the process. Is it possible to add things such as google home , alexa or any smart devices to azure iot hub? I want to be able to maintain, manage and host over 200 various smart devices. Will there be in coding required or development of skills?1.6KViews0likes1CommentSS43: new buttons overlay to go to the right/left - toolbar in firefox style
Suggestion (SS): 43 Classification: BUTTON AND TOOLBAR PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 2-3 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) About go to next tabs i already reported you different other alternatives (example via smart <> buttons), and yes i know the ctrl tab way too. I know about km and bbt combination in macos too, like i know about a similar option in macos for trackpad (which i hate at all). About the <> i want to ask edge devs to add ability to move such buttons on the right (where i have my extension). So extensions and buttons should be available on both left and right, like we can do in Firefox. This especially once you implemented my suggestion of smart button, where reload, home, <, > are able to do a lot more compared to what they do now. If you don't implement smart buttons, i don't have the need to move such buttons to the right. Now about go next tabs, Edge could think to implement something like few extensions are able to do (but doesn't work really good) and google offers too (google search, not chrome). This means once we move the mouse to the right, you show us the same like google does (this small button <>). Same for the left part. Do you want to add smart features to such buttons too? Perfect, add a way to click cmd + > and we go to the last tab to the right. Same for cmd + <. Or other combination, if users don't like cmd...1KViews0likes1CommentSS40: save files, rename, add tags, send to terminal, etc. faster for datahoarders and not
Suggestion (SS): 40 Classification: DATAHOARDING On Vivaldi i see different people posting other suggestions related to hoarding, so i decided to post here my other suggestions too (part 1, even if i know not all users will use it. I know that such suggestions can be reached (or at least in some parts) via scripts, extensions, terminal or macapps and are not the main focus of browsers. Said that, if you are interested read the post, otherwise skip it. I give you simply ideas, and such ideas are really hoarding focused. I know that this is maybe not legal for all websites too. those are just ideas. First we start with a feature that i never discovered before and after trying it i discovered in opera for mac we need to use option. i tried on edge and is not supported 2) i already talked about overlay button with both integration to mac or to onedrive as destination, or save to different folders in right menu, or drag drop download, or other another option would be to add a download button below each video and photo, no matter where. 3) about a smart select feature i already reported you before. Implemented on datahoarding activities means select 20 links and download all pdf at the same time (or other files). 4) a feature to detect images, document, movies, pdf in the site and download all that at once, or download only pdf for example. About images, would be better to download the full image, and not small pictures. 5) maybe add both option save to mac and open pdf in tab and maybe using a different destination, so download to /user/blabla/pdf and maybe sorted by source website. in such way we can directly read the paper too, and if needed we can copy that to other clouds directly once you implement the suggestion of importing in onedrive or you can directly integrate an option save to onedrive and to mac at the same time. 6) a way to copy a single link to a list and then copy the whole url in this list (this doesn't mean to use edge collections). once we are done we could use such lists to download files via other web apps, or mac app or terminal 7) a way to submit url to terminal directly, by adding specific terms (example so we can manually add terms for wget, youtubedl, etc.. once we visit a page, we click right click or on the menu bar and select send to terminal and then we select wget or ytdl, or other. 😎integration of 7 for 6) 9) if i select 10 tabs an option to copy urls and maybe add support for 7) or 4) 10) a way to save such things to favorite without need to use bookmarks. in such way we know exactly where we get such files if someone ask us where we get that. the problem is that files show such metadata, but a lot of times is missing. 11) about 10) the feature of yesterday can help too. 12) a way to autorename all downloaded files, example if i use macuser A edge profile B i want on all my files a name like " xxx - macA edgeB" 13) renaming can be used for other goals too, like add the title of the post to the pdf, the url, or other information. 14) smart macos auto tags: we configure specific rules "like from website xx add tag xx" and add tag macA and edgeB too (related to 12.) 15) optionally add comments, but tags are much more useful. 16) like 5) an option to download files by source urls in specific folders. 17) torrent support like coccoc (i already reported that as comment in another post) 18) integrated vpn (same here) I copy the wish of another user here too3.2KViews1like5CommentsSS27: smart switch setting and smart + button (for open new tab)
Suggestion (SS): 27 Classification: TAB - SETTING PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 7 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) First add a quick way to switch between download / extension / bookmarks / history in the style of brave but maybe more compact Maybe add custom option too, so that i can add edge://settings/searchEngines?search=google to this list too, or edge://settings/downloads or ... or easy access to flags <<<<<<<<<<<< Second you should improve this mean if i click cmd, alt or ctrl you do specific things: example: open in incognito with ctrl and + open home page with alt show a list of top pages if i click cmd + (example pubmed, google images and then i can choose which of these three. this is like having 4 different home webpages. or you can even add the way "if i click alt you open a new tab with the edge profile xxx" (even if i'm using yyy now). Or the same, but you show us the list of accounts (like i wrote in 3), so we can choose and we don't configure "open new tab in edge account xx with alt and +" here an example of what i mean, from czech devs. now i haven't checked all other browser. i just tried some random browser on my mac to see if someone integrate it, and the first random browser that i launched has this feature available (just a bit limited) <<<<< another option is to open a tab to the left if we click shift and + other example for smart +: open in new group open next to the current tab (but is better to integrate a whole option for this) open in new window duplicate all tabs from the current group you use to another group open a group of tabs at the same time (same like 3. but by using specific groups that we can configure). maybe without need to add a specific setting where we define the links, but just an option in bookmarks. so an option "add this folder in new tab smart group". then we can add 5-10 folders. reopen last closed tab <<<<< just another thing i noticed now seznam home button is cool, is not the classical home button like all other browser have.... PS: not important for me (at the end there is no improvement in my workflow), but maybe for someone else such smart features with cmd etc. can be applied to too, where you show us different websites (like i wrote in 3. ) <<<<<< NEW SUGGESTION: you can even add this smart button to so with ctrl (or other keys) and < we go back to the first page we opened (not only the previous). or you can use cmd < to go to the tab to the left and cmd > to go to the tab to the right.2.2KViews0likes6Commentssmart selection manager (even with collections support) - right menu
here an example, if i select this i should see option like: 1) add to collection (available) but option to drag drop to google to paste the text is not available (once the text is in collections). 2) add links to collection (not available) 3) copy all urls (not available) 4) open all urls (not available) 5) add links to bookmark (not available) same if i select different images with an url, etc. You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome.1.1KViews0likes1CommentSS7: smart bookmark / history and smart search - new shortcut - launch page, open tab, random pages
Suggestion (SS): 7 Classification: SEARCH PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6-7 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) PS: i use $ as shortcut, because i never use such symbol. obviously american need to find another way xD To launch website much faster you could add a new option when we add it to bookmark (and obviously for previous links on bookmarks too). last time i told you to add description, now it's time for shortcut. for example if i want to visit missy profile i don't type missy microsoft or microsoft missy or missy. i would simply write <eimis this features should be available for history too. so i don't need to add a link to bookmark if i want to create such shortcut. next about open random pages on a website. if i want to open page 1,2,3,4...10 i could type $1-10 (you can choose what you prefer) and you open page 1-10. if i type $$ you open random page like 4, 8, 20, 6, 2 this mean .5 is the amount of tabs and 1-40 the intervall. similar shortcuts should work even when a current link is opened, in such case i would write for example $-10 and you are smart enough to open next 10 tabs based on current url now we merge this with the option of %s to search inside a website. before i start to talk, i want to remember that 1) you need to avoid to create random %s. i want to see only my created %s 2) you need to add option to delete all %s 3) since the problem of 1) you need to add a way to multi select all auto generated %s, by keeping my %s 4) you need add groups, this mean i can create social, science, ... groups and i put %s inside this 5) import export !!!! the most important feature you need to add ok, back to suggestion. for each %s we have a shortcut. this mean if i have i can create a shortcut <ed now we can merge this to what i told you before i could write "banana AND bere <ed" and you open edge website with banana and bere if i write "banana AND bere $1-10 <ed" you open edge website with banana and bere, and both have page 1-10 active (= you open 20 tabs). if i write "banana, bere, cola, drink, ciao, bellaitalia $$0.3" you open edge with random search (for example cola, ciao, bere). 3 tabs because i wrote .3 $$0. means random mode, but i don't set an interval 1-40, so i use 0 banana,bere, ... are the terms that need to be used for search i could even write "banana <edge <ama <fb" and you open banana in edge, amazon, fb. if i use the group suggestion that i sent you before, i could set a shortcut for the group like g1 and i would replace "banana <edge <ama <fb" to "banana <g1" to make it more interesting you could even add multiple %s, this mean a website with search=xtext+yword+zdate1+wdate2 would be converted in =%s1+%s2+%s3+%s4 and during a search i would write for example " apple + mac + 03 + 05 <pubmed" to search apple title AND mac word AND 03-05 pubblication date. the shortcut i used are just an example, you need to understand why we need such smart search option in edge. ---- other type of shortcuts are for example <bk to return back to original page (example i visit a, b c, then z--> you show us page a) <sl5 = select 5 tabs to the left <sr5 = select 5 tabs to the right <rr5 = reload the next 5 tabs to the right <br5 = add to bookmark next 5 tabs to the right <cr5 = add to collections next 5 tabs to the right <wr5 = move next 5 tabs to the right in a new window <pr5 = save pdf next 5 tabs to the right i think now you understand the concept. a quick way to add, save, open, go next, go back, random tab, etc. and thanks to the bookmark shortcut that i wrote at the beginning with <<s i could access setting <<e extension <<% my %s .... This would be a jump in productivity. no one is offering this. LAST POINT i already wrote you that a lot of feature are missing like reload to left right and similar, move tab to left to bookmark or to a new windows, close tabs to left, mute tabs to the right, mute other, merge windows, etc (check other post).. if you don't want to add it to right click (which is normal, because having 1000 options is not the best way too, this is why i suggested a manager for right click), add it at least as optional option in menu bar, because in such case we can use such menu bar options with keyboard maestro and bbt. then we can enable touch gesture to use such shortcut too. if you don't add it to menu bar, we cannot do it. here some example of shortcut (skip the duplications...) You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.1.6KViews0likes1CommentSS1 smart keyboard - tabs - collections drag drop management + smart download / bookmarks / history
Suggestion (SS): 1 Classification: DATAHOARDING - MANAGEMENT - BACKUP PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) If we open x image on x tabs and then we select all such x tab, edge should: 1) download image to desktop if for example i drag the tabs (not single image!) to desktop with option clicked 2) create alias if i do the same with cmd option activate 3) allow to move such tabs inside another tabs with ctrl clicked. this mean i select 100 tabs with photos, i click ctrl i move to a tab google drive and you upload all photos to google drive once i drop to their website. 4) you could even implement something similar if i click for example cmd and i move these tab to collections, in such case you add it. 5) if for example i copy cmd c 50 links on apple note, and then i paste it with a specific shortcut like alt cmd v or even other shortcuts... you should open 50 tabs with all urls. 6) if you detect a link for example, you automatically download the jpg (if the option auto download file type is active). same for pdf, etc. to avoid chaos i think you should only allow such feature for specific website. otherwise you download all image; in such case you could use a script or extension to download all new images opened in tab, which is not the goal of the suggestion. you should maybe download all pdf, but only specific jpeg or png. 7) smart download all image if i add x images in collections. 😎same like 7) to download all links inside a folder in bookmarks (if for example this folder contains 100x imgur photo links). now i always talk about imgur, but is just an example. so we just select the folder, right click and download 9) another option is that if i select the all 3 tabs with imgur photos and then i select the image on tab 3 and drag drop this to desktop, you should export all 3 photos and not only the last (because at the end all 3 tabs are selected and contains only 1 photo). 10) export bookmark to desktop with drag drop like safari 11) same for my history - check SS2 at the moment if i click cmd, ctrl, option you simply revert the action, so you bring the tab to the original position. You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.997Views0likes0Commentssmart overlay for photos/video - smart reverse search - smart download
you probably know pinterest the same overlay button should be available inside edge. this means reverse search of a frame inside a video or a photo happens immediately, without need to right click or other. you maybe could implement this with: 1) add part of the picture in collections 2) download image (like suggested previously) 3) open image in full size 4) search only part of the image (like pinterest) 5) upload to imgur or other service 6) send to reddit or other social 7) save to onedrive (like suggested previously) 😎add to bookmark 9) search inside a specific site with personalized %s (like adobe stock, shutterstock, google reverse, etc.) 10) ... 11) you can even do it better (but maybe more complex too), by telling me this is xxxx and check social account xxxx or linkedin/.. account yyy, maybe even showing related video, photos (that are not similar to the original photo). you can even show 2+ button (better solution), 1 only for download (available for files/pdf etc too), 1 for reverse search (where we find 1-9 options too) the reverse search should include: 1) search same image with other dimension 2) search similar images PRIORITY 8-9 of 10 You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome.1.3KViews1like1Comment