97 TopicsUpdate content package Metadata
Hello Sentinel community and Microsoft. Ive been working on a script where i use this command: Ive managed to successfully create everything from retrieving whats installed, uninstalling, reinstalling and lastly updating (updating needed to be "list, delete, install" however :'), there was no flag for "update available"). However, now to my issue. As this work like a charm through powershell, the metadata and hyperlinking is not being deployed - at all. So i have my 40 content packages successfully installed through the REST-api, but then i have to visit the content hub in sentinel in the GUI, filter for "installed" and mark them all, then press "install". When i do this the metadata and hyperlinking is created. (Its most noticeable that the analytic rules for the content hubs are not available under analytic rules -> Rule templates after installing through the rest api). But once you press install button in the GUI, they appear. So i looked in to the request that is made when pressing the button. It uses another API version, fine, i can add that to my script. But it also uses 2 variables that are not documented and encrypted-data. they are called c and t: Im also located in EU and it makes a request to SentinelUS. im OK with that, also as mentioned, another API version (2020-06-01) while the REST APi to install content packages above has 2024-09-01. NP. But i can not simulate this last request as the variables are encrypted and not available through the install rest api. They are also not possible to simulate. it ONLY works in the GUI when pressing install. Lastly i get another API version back when it successfully ran through install in GUI, so in total its 3 api versions. Here is my code snippet i tried (it is basically a mimic of the post request in the network tab of the browser then pressing "install" on the package in content hub, after i successfully installed it through the official rest api). function Refresh-WorkspaceMetadata { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$SubscriptionId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ResourceGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$WorkspaceName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$AccessToken ) # Use the API version from the portal sample $apiVeri = "?api-version=" $RefreshapiVersion = "2020-06-01" # Build the batch endpoint URL with the query string on the batch URI $batchUri = "\$batch$apiVeri$RefreshapiVersion" # Construct a relative URL for the workspace resource. # Append dummy t and c parameters to mimic the portal's request. $workspaceUrl = "/subscriptions/$SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/$WorkspaceName$apiVeri$RefreshapiVersion&t=123456789&c=dummy" # Create a batch payload with several GET requests $requests = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) { $requests += @{ httpMethod = "GET" name = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString() requestHeaderDetails = @{ commandName = "Microsoft_Azure_SentinelUS.ContenthubWorkspaceClient/get" } url = $workspaceUrl } } $body = @{ requests = $requests } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $batchUri -Method Post -Headers @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $AccessToken" "Content-Type" = "application/json" } -Body $body Write-Host "[+] Workspace metadata refresh triggered successfully." -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "[!] Failed to trigger workspace metadata refresh. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } Refresh-WorkspaceMetadata -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId -ResourceGroup $resourceGroup -WorkspaceName $workspaceName -AccessToken $accessToken (note: i have variables higher up in my script for subscriptionid, resourcegroup, workspacename and token etc). Ive tried with and without mimicing the T and C variable. none works. So for me, currently, installing content hub packages for sentinel is always: Install through script to get all 40 packages Visit webpage, filter for 'Installed', mark them and press 'Install' You now have all metadata and hyperlinking available to you in your Sentinel (such as hunting rules, analytic rules, workbooks, playbooks -templates). Anyone else manage to get around this or is it "GUI" gated ? Greatly appreciated.4Views0likes0CommentsAMPLS Restrictions Preventing Outbound API Calls in Logic Apps – Any Workarounds?
Hi everyone, I’m encountering an issue where Azure Monitor Private Link Scope (AMPLS) restrictions are preventing Azure Logic Apps from making any outbound API calls, even to Microsoft-owned outbound IP addresses. One specific problem is that when running KQL queries inside a Logic App, the Azure Monitor connector fails because it attempts to access Microsoft outbound IPs, which are blocked by AMPLS restrictions. Since this is happening within Logic Apps itself, I don’t have direct control over these outbound calls. Has anyone found a workaround to allow Logic Apps to function correctly while keeping AMPLS in place? Would Private Endpoints, VNET Integration, or any other configuration help resolve this? Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated!50Views0likes3CommentsCreate a report that contains Alerts and raw events
Hello, is there a way to autoamtically create a report in sentinel that contains security incidents and alerts as well as the raw events that triggered these alerts and be able to send it somewhere for archival purposes? Any help is much appreciated !127Views0likes7CommentsSentinel Integration with Teams: This bot is disabled
Hello, I've integrated Sentinel to sent an Adaptive card (automation playbook template) to Teams every time an incident is triggered. After receiving the event in Teams, if I try to click on "Submit Response" I got the following message in teams 'This bot is disabled. Contact your IT admin for more information. See attached Screenshot Any idea ?? Regards, HA45Views0likes1CommentMicrosoft Power BI connector for Microsoft Sentinel
Since the Microsoft Power BI connector for Microsoft Sentinel currently does not support data collection rules (DCRs), how can we transform or filter the data and monitor the logs? Is there any documentation available on this?32Views0likes0CommentsLogic app to close adminstrative tasks
I am trying to create a logic app that closes adminstrative tasks in sentinel after checking Userprincipalname and IPaddress. It will also check if the userprincipalname exists in a watchlist at the same time. But this didn't seem to work, can i get any help here?245Views0likes1CommentAzure Sentinel - Run Antivirus Scan using Logic App
Hello, I have to integrate antivirus run scan into azure sentinel using playbook (template Run MDE Antivirus - Incident Trigger). According to the prerequisites, I need to grant some permissions using powershell command. "Run the following code replacing the managed identity object id. You find the managed identity object id on the Identity blade under Settings for the Logic App." From the powershell, I enter the following command: $MIGuid = '0fff8f4e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx' $MI = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -ObjectId $MIGuid I receive the following error message Get-AzureADServicePrincipal: You must call the Connect-AzureAD cmdlet before calling any other cmdlets. Any idea ? PS: I'm not a developper... Regards, HASolved3.4KViews0likes9CommentsWorkspace Manager - Importing analytics to parent for children
Greetings, I have a Central workspace manager Sentinel (no data is ingested). However we have some Sentinel workspaces that have data connectors and data being ingested and are monitored by a SOC. We would like to be able to save analytics to this central workspace and deploy the analytics to the child workspaces. However we cannot save the rule in the central workspace as the table does not exist. For example I have an Okta analytic in a child workspace, where the query will query the Okta_CL table and some of the fields. I have exported it from the child and wish to import to the parent workspace so I can distribute to other children using Workspace manager. However I get an error because the Okta_CL table does not exist and does not have the fields. Does anyone have any ideas of how we can work around this to "force" the analytic to be present in the parent tenant? The children tenant CANNOT be linked in workspace manager. EDIT - Example error below. Status Message: Error in EntityMappings: The given column 'column_name' does not exist. (Code:BadRequest) Regards152Views0likes0CommentsFeed data location to run against Sentinel's KQL function
Hi, We have a feed consisting of around 250,000-300,000 entries and will be imported daily. We do not intend to store this data in Sentinel as a table and would like to store it somewhere else (Cosmos, storage, etc.) from where we can grab this data and run it against one of our Sentinel's KQL functions to generate Alerts. Planning to use Logic Apps/Functions to do the above actions. But would like to know what would be the right solution here so that comparing the feed data against KQL function results would be fast and not of high cost Thank you !!291Views0likes1Comment