53 TopicsCSS Properties being stripped from Teams Chat messages from Bot
Hi Team, We've noticed that certain CSS properties are no longer appearing in HTML messages when sent to Teams Chat. Previously, our bot styled messages using display and border properties, but now these properties are missing from the HTML when we inspect the page. Steps to Reproduce: Start the Echo bot from the sample templates (I used Teams Toolkit to deploy it to Teams or run it in the Test tool). In the TeamsBot.ts file, modify the onMessage function by replacing await context.sendActivity(...) with the following code. This example adds styling to an echo message. const a: Partial<Activity> = { text: `<span style="display: block; color: red; border-radius: 4px; padding: 4px; border: 1px solid red; ">Echoo:</span> <span style="display: block;">${txt}</span>`, textFormat: TextFormatTypes.Xml }; await context.sendActivity(a); Note: I also tried sending the HTML directly with context.sendActivity(...) without setting the textFormat property in the Activity, and observed the same result. Run the bot in the Test tool and Teams to compare behavior. Observed behavior: In the Test tool: All styles are applied as expected. In Teams: Only the color property is applied, while display, padding, and border properties are ignored (stripped out of the HTML). Here’s an example of the HTML output in Teams: <div dir="auto" id="content-1730973548675" aria-label="Echoo: test styles properties" class="fui-Primitive ___16zla5h f1oy3dpc fqtknz5 fyvcxda"> <span style="color: red;">Echoo:</span> <span>test styles properties</span> </div> Could you provide insights on whether this change is intended, and if there are any workarounds for preserving these CSS properties in Teams messages? Thank you!481Views11likes3CommentsIncoming Webhooks Emojis stopped working
Edit: It seems that emojis are working again since 28.04.2023 --- Until 25th of April 2023 I was able to send AdaptiveCards to the Teams Incoming Webhook that contained (unicode) emojis in TextBlock text. E.g.: { "type": "message", "attachments": [ { "contentType": "application/", "contentUrl": null, "content": { "type": "AdaptiveCard", "$schema": "", "version": "1.4", "body": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "wrap": true, "text": "🕵️ Hello" } ] } } ] } However this stopped working and the Webhook-endpoint responds with status code 200 and following text: Webhook message delivery failed with error: Microsoft Teams endpoint returned HTTP error 400 with ContextId MS-CV=6VuKZ6LzJEy0rlogGwBLyg.0.. When sending the same message without the emoji it works as before... What has changed? How can I fix it?5.4KViews5likes9CommentsMutliple Time Zones in Calendar - copy outlook?
When is the multiple time zone functionality of Outlook going to be extended to the Teams calendar? We mange groups across multiple time zones, and are forced to prefer outlook's Calendar due to the multiple time zone view/option. any will need this multiple time zone functionality to fully integrate Teams.3.1KViews2likes3CommentsBot unable to receive start and end meeting events for app published in organization
Hi, We recently integrated Azure Bot into our Teams App to receive meeting start and end events. When we side load this app on Teams we can receive meeting start and end events. When the same app is published to org and added to a meeting then this app cannot receive the meeting start and end events. This is how our current manifest looks { "$schema": "", "manifestVersion": "1.12", "version": "[MS_TEAMS_APP_BUILD_NUMBER]", "id": "[MS_TEAMS_APP_ID]", "developer": { "name": "[NAME]", "websiteUrl": "[URL]", "privacyUrl": "[PRIVACY_URL]", "termsOfUseUrl": "[TOS_URL]" }, "name": { "short": "[MS_TEAMS_APP_NAME]" }, "description": { "short": "Teams", "full": "[MS_TEAMS_APP_LONG_DESC]" }, "icons": { "color": "color.png", "outline": "outline.png" }, "accentColor": "#FFFFFF", "bots": [ { "botId": "[MS_BOT_ID]", "scopes": ["groupchat"], "isNotificationOnly": false } ], "webApplicationInfo": { "id": "[MS_BOT_ID]", "resource": "https://RscPermission" }, "configurableTabs": [ { "configurationUrl": "[CLIENT_BASE_URL]/config", "scopes": ["groupchat"], "context": [ "meetingSidePanel", "meetingStage", "meetingChatTab", "meetingDetailsTab" ] } ], "authorization": { "permissions": { "resourceSpecific": [ { "type": "Application", "name": "OnlineMeeting.ReadBasic.Chat" }, { "type": "Delegated", "name": "MeetingStage.Write.Chat" } ] } } }2.8KViews1like8CommentsDeveloper Portal app - blank
I went to use the Developer Portal app within Teams this morning and it's missing, as in the text within tabs Home, Apps, & Tools are all blank. App Studio, Chat & About are all still there and function. I've tried on multiple PCs, within the Teams desktop app and web app with the same results. Anyone getting the same?Solved2.5KViews1like7CommentsSend personal messages to Teams from daemon service.
Hello, I need to send notifications to my colleagues using Teams in case of emergency which is detected by monitoring system. These messages must be sent on behalf of background service which cannot follow interactive user authentication flow and therefore cannot get Authorization Code to authenticate on behalf of user. I can connect to Azure AD using Graph SDK for Golang and get all users of my organization. But I cannot use Chat API because it's not allowed in "application only context". Is there a way to send personal user messages from daemon service?Solved3.7KViews1like7CommentsMultiple Timezones in Teams Calendar
Has Microsoft given additional consideration to the request to add multiple timezones to the Teams Calendar, similar to the functionality to show multiple timezones in Outlook Calendar? This feature is critical to the user experience in Teams.Solved14KViews1like1CommentTeams Meeting Extension - Side Panel App - How to get attendees emails list
Hi Community, We are developing a Microsoft Teams meeting extension. In order to embedded details related to our system info, we need to get the emails list of attendees of the specific meeting. Tried many ways including graph API but it couldn't identify the meeting ID returning from the teams SDK microsoftTeams.getContext((context) => { const meetingID = context.meetingId; }) This returned a meeting id which a format of MCMxOTptZWV0aW5nX01UbG1Zams0WW1ZdFpESXdaUzAwWmpFeUxUbGhaVGd0TW1Ga01XVTVPV05sTnpGaUB0aHJlYWQudjIjMA== but it does not identify by graph API Also, we tried microsoftTeams.meeting.getMeetingDetails((context) => { console.log(context) }) this method returns errorCode: 1000, message: "App doesn't have sufficient permission to use this API" Is there any simple way to get a meeting attendees list from teams meeting optimized tab apps? or is this feature not yet released to third-party developers?Solved4.6KViews1like8Comments