16 TopicsAssignmentanswers in Teams can be read by everyone
It turns out that the Excel-file that is generated for me to view the results of a Forms-test, given as an assignment in Teams, is placed in the Teams-library where Teams-members are granted editing rights by default. This, not only makes it possible for every Team-member, my students, to see everyone's result, but also to edit the answers. I know it is possible to alter the rights given to this library, but I don't like the idea of instructing every teacher in our school to do this. This Excel-file should NOT be placed in this library, but rather in my personal OneDrive as it is if I don't use the assignement-tool in Teams. Is there a way someone in Microsoft can fix this? Please? Best regards OddgeirMicrosoft Sync and Canvas
We recently enabled Microsoft Sync in our Canvas (LMS) environment. The sync works great but I have a couple questions about it. In looking at this resource it appears there is course navigation link that should be available in Canvas. I am not seeing that in our environment. Is that not released yet? Some of our Instructors copy previously used Teams when creating new Teams for their courses/term. Is it possible to export/import previous Team content? It doesn't appear this is possible when going the Canvas/Sync route. Thanks!As a presenter, I want attendees to see me only, not other attendees in the session
Imagine students, perhaps not wanting to share their video with the rest of the class, maybe because they are shy. For whatever reason, they are averse to putting on their video. I need to see their face, they need to see mine. They don't want the rest of the class seeing their face or room. How can I set Teams so they only share their video with me (the presenter\teacher) only? Just imagine the teachers across the world wanting this right now. If this doesn't exist, can you please update and have this facility?857Views0likes0CommentsGuest access- suffix label
We need to keep guest access turned on to run meetings with external individuals/organisations, but as a school we're experiencing people trying to access lessons that are not theirs, and causing problems. When the (guest) suffix label appears, we can easily identify and deny admittance, but some guests area appearing without that suffix label, and are mimicking our usernames, making it impossible to identify without hovering over each potential participant to see their card. Anyone know why the guest suffix has disappeared, and how we can ensure it is always there?1.2KViews0likes3CommentsMicrosoft Teams does not allow entry codes from organizations
Microsoft Team does not allow entry codes from organizations. The school has even sent me a code (5zs5abh) to join a group, however, the program version starts a looping with a code sent by my own email. I cannot log in. Please fix this. You guys are getting behind. Sorry.914Views0likes1CommentAvatar instead shared screen in teams
Hi, We have a class with 16 people. Some of them can not see the shared screen. They sas just teacher avatar instead of it. After the lesson we tried to show the screen only to people who had this problem. And screen was shared perfectly! Did somebody have this problem? And how you solved it? Thx! Alex620Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Teams
Ich habe im Microsoft Teams folgendes Problem: Alle 2 bis 3 Sekunden kommt bei mir die Meldung: Sie wurden aus der Besprechung entfernt. Bitte Verbinden Sie sich erneut. Leider muss ich meine Schule wegen dem Corona über das Teams abhalten, was so unmöglich ist.. Im voraus, keiner von den andere Teilnehmern entfernt mich, wir sind eine Erwachsenenbildung. Sehr viele von unserer Klasse haben das selbe Problem. Kann mir jemand so schnell wie möglich weiterhelfen?735Views0likes0CommentsCannot Log onto Meetings
I have a student who has been able to join meetings with no problems. That changed yesterday and no matter how I try to pull them into a meeting they cannot join. They are also unable to join meetings put on by their other teachers. Our IT person can see nothing from the student's device that would be causing this issue. This is the only device the student has access to. Why can they no longer join meetings?1.3KViews0likes2CommentsGrades sorted decending by end date
Hello all, our teachers facing the issue that in the Grades tab the sort order is decending. So, the Assingment whch is ending soo is the last one not the first one. On the Assingments tab its all fine. All is sorted chron. by the end date. here is the one which si ending soon the first one. D someone facing the same or is it just an setting which we have to find? Regards626Views0likes0Comments