11 TopicsExternal Access Policy - CsExternalAccessPolicy e CsTenantFederationConfiguration (PowerShell)
Hello, community. We are trying to enable functionality regarding the creation of external access policies using the New-CsExternalAccessPolicy (CommunicationWithExternalOrgs) and Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration (CustomizeFederation) commands. However, we are receiving the following error: Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration : Customize Federation is not allowed to enable in your tenant. In line:1 character:1 + Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration -CustomizeFederation $true + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ ConfigType = ...Configuration }:<>f__AnonymousType104`5) [Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration], Exception + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ClientError,Microsoft.Teams.ConfigApi.Cmdlets.SetCsTenantFederationConfiguration Is it necessary to do something first? We are following the documentation below: TKS!35Views0likes1CommentAdding External Users in-bulk to: Microsoft Teams & Private Channel(s) within the Team
We have a customer who requires over 350 external users (their customers) to be added / invited into a Team which has been created. "Half" of the users need to be added into "private channel a", and the other "Half" need to be added into "private channel b". We have attempted to add the users via various PowerShell scripts, however none of these scripts that we have been provided with have worked for various reasons. I have been unable to locate any native methods for this within the MS 365 admin centre, therefore believe that the only way to achieve this is by PowerShell scripting. Example of the most recent script we have is as follows, omitting the creation of the private channel(s) as they have already been created - see below: We require assistance with the actual script itself to: Add users into the team from a CSV of their email addresses. Assign the users to the correct private channel. Note - users will be added in 2 batches - 1 per private channel, so we just require scripting that can be modified to achieve this. # Install the Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -AllowClobber # Connect to Microsoft Teams Connect-MicrosoftTeams # Define the team name and path to the CSV file $teamName = "Your Team Name" $csvPath = "C:\path\to\your\users.csv" # Get the GroupId of the team $team = Get-Team -DisplayName $teamName $groupId = $team.GroupId # Import users from the CSV file $users = Import-Csv $csvPath # Add external users to the team foreach ($user in $users) { Add-TeamUser -GroupId $groupId -User $user.Email } # Define the private channel name $privateChannelName = "Private Channel Name" # Create the private channel New-TeamChannel -GroupId $groupId -DisplayName $privateChannelName -MembershipType Private # Get the ChannelId of the private channel $channel = Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $groupId -DisplayName $privateChannelName $channelId = $channel.Id # Add users to the private channel foreach ($user in $users) { Add-TeamChannelUser -GroupId $groupId -User $user.Email -ChannelId $channelId }70Views0likes0CommentsAdd parent team in a shared channel with powershell
Hello, I'm trying to add the team, where my shared channel is, as a member oh this channel but I can't find the good command. The last one I used is : $TeamGrouId = "000-000-000-000" #ID de l'équipe concernée $Channel = "Mon canal partagé" $channelID = (Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $TeamGroupId | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -Like $Channel}).Id $paramstest = @{ "@odata.type" = "microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember" roles = @("member") "*** Adresse électronique supprimée pour cause de confidentialité ***" = "$TeamGroupId" } Add-MgTeamChannelMember -TeamId $TeamGroupId -ChannelId $channelId -BodyParameter $paramstest The error message I'm encoutering is : Add-MgTeamChannelMember : Bind requests not expected for action payload. Status: 400 (BadRequest) ErrorCode: BadRequest If anyone have a solution :-) Best regards P.S. : I'm french so my english may be a little bad.24Views0likes0Commentsscript to use PowerShell to Report Teams Status, Presence and Reset After Time
I would like to create a powershell script to run against my tenant to report where people have got a Reset Status After time coded in Teams Any suggestions - greatfully received. I can only find commands to show presence.Solved587Views0likes5CommentsScript for Teams-Chat backup
Sometimes it is necessary to save the chat history of a Teams-Channel. I wrote a simple script, where you can select the needed Team(s) and outputting the Chat-Content to a html File. If there are any comments, I'm open for suggestions. Here is the Script: #Install-Module -Name SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline $SecurityScope = @("Group.Read.All") Connect-PnPOnline -Scopes $SecurityScope $PnPGraphAccessToken = Get-PnPGraphAccessToken ,$Headers = @{ "Content-Type" = "application/json" Authorization = "Bearer $PnPGraphAccessToken" } $Date = Get-Date -Format "dd.MM.yyyy, HH:mm" $DOCTYPE = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN' ''><html xmlns=''>" $Style ="<style>table {border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;} table th {text-align:left; background-color: #004C99; color:#fff; padding: 4px 30px 4px 8px;} table td {border: 1px solid #004C99; padding: 4px 8px;} td {background-color: #DDE5FF}</style>" $Head = "<head><title>Backup: Teams-Chat</title></head>" $Body = "<body><div style='width: 100%;'><table><tr><th style='text-align:center'><h1>Backup: Teams-Chat from $Date</h1></th></tr></table>" $Table_body = "<div style='width: 100%;'><table><tr><th>TimeStamp</th><th>User Name</th><th>Message</th></tr>" $Content ="" $Footer = "</body>" $response_teams = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Get -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing $response_teams.value | Where-Object {$_.groupTypes -eq "Unified"} | Select-Object -Property displayName, ID | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Which Team-Chat do you want to backup?' | ForEach-Object { $Team_ID = $_.ID $Team_displayName = $_.displayName Write-Progress -Activity "Bckup Team Chat Mesasages" -Status "Get Team: $($Team_displayName)" Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 $Content += "</br></br><hr><h2>Team: " + $Team_displayName + "</h2>" $response_channels = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$Team_ID/channels" -Method Get -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing $response_channels.value | Select-Object -Property ID, displayName | ForEach-Object { $Channel_ID = $_.ID $Channel_displayName = $_.displayName Write-Progress -Activity "Bckup Team Chat Mesasages" -Status "Get Channel: $($Channel_displayName)" Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 $Content += "<h3>Channel: " + $Channel_displayName + "</h3>" $response_messages = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$Team_ID/channels/$Channel_ID/messages" -Method Get -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing $response_messages.value | Select-Object -Property ID, createdDateTime, from | ForEach-Object { $Message_ID = $_.ID $Message_TimeStamp = $_.createdDateTime $Message_from = $_.from $response_content = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$Team_ID/channels/$Channel_ID/messages/$Message_ID" -Method Get -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing Write-Progress -Activity "Bckup Team Chat Mesasages" -Status "Get Team: $($Team_displayName), Gett Message-ID: $($Message_ID), from Channel: $($Channel_displayName)" Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 $Content += $Table_body + "<td>" + $Message_TimeStamp + "</td><td style='width: 10%;'>" + $Message_from.user.displayName + "</td><td style='width: 75%;'>" + $response_content.body.content + $ + "</td></table></div>" $response_Reply = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$Team_ID/channels/$Channel_ID/messages/$Message_ID/replies" -Method Get -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing $response_Reply.value | Select-Object -Property ID, createdDateTime, from | ForEach-Object { $Reply_ID = $_.ID $Reply_TimeStamp= $_.createdDateTime $Reply_from = $_.from $response_Reply = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$Team_ID/channels/$Channel_ID/messages/$Message_ID/replies/$Reply_ID" -Method Get -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing Write-Progress -Activity "Bckup Team Chat Mesasages" -Status "Gett Reply-Message-ID: $($Reply_ID)" Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 ForEach-Object { $Content += $Table_body + "<td>" + $Reply_TimeStamp + "</td><td style='width: 10%;'>" + $Reply_from.user.displayName + "</td><td style='width: 75%;'>" + $response_Reply.body.content + $ + $ + "</td></table></div>" } } } } } $DOCTYPE + $Style + $Head + $Body + $Content + $Footer | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Backup.html" & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" "C:\Backup.html"17KViews1like4CommentsHow to automate adding tags to multiple team members at once using PowerShell
I see that there is no way to ease the job of adding a tag to multiple users at the same time without having to look for the user in the edit tag window, so if you have a large list of team members and you want to add the tag to a lot of them or all, it is a little tedious, so exploring the API we can do this, sharing here in case anyone needs this user to teams chat
Hi, I want to add an exising user to a team chat with PowerShell, but I can't find a working solution in the documentation or on google, hopefulle someone can help here: I found following commands, but non of them I get to work: New-MgUserChatMember --> Throws error when using Add-MgUserChatMember --> Throws error when using Add-MgChatMember --> I don't know how to build BODYPARAMETERS To my script: first I installed all modules of Microsoft-Graph: Install-Module Microsoft.Graph Find-Module Microsoft.Graph.* | Install-Module Then I connected to MS-Graph: Connect-MgGraph Here I get the user which should be added to the chat(s): $user = Get-MgUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'email address removed for privacy reasons'" Now get the chat groups where to add the user, and add it with the commands above $groups = Get-MgChat -Filter "ChatType eq 'group'" | Where-Object Topic -in $chatgroups foreach ($group in $groups) { New-MgUserChatMember -UserId $user.Id -ChatId $group.Id Add-MgUserChatMember -UserId $user.Id -ChatId $group.Id } But when I run this I get following error messages: New-MgUserChatMember : Requested API is not supported. Please check the path. At N:\Administration\IT\60 Tools\PowerShell\MS-Teams\SyncMSTeamsChatGroupMembers.ps1:93 char:25 + ... New-MgUserChatMember -UserId $user.Id -ChatId $group.Id + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ UserId = 1fe3...rsationMember }:<>f__AnonymousType197`3) [New-MgUserChatMember_CreateExpanded], RestException` 1 + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NotFound,Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Cmdlets.NewMgUserChatMember_CreateExpanded Add-MgUserChatMember : 404 page not found At N:\Administration\IT\60 Tools\PowerShell\MS-Teams\SyncMSTeamsChatGroupMembers.ps1:94 char:25 + ... Add-MgUserChatMember -UserId $user.Id -ChatId $group.Id + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ UserId = 1fe3...ionJsonSchema }:<>f__AnonymousType0`3) [Add-MgUserChatMember_AddExpanded1], RestException`1 + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnknownError,Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Cmdlets.AddMgUserChatMember_AddExpanded1 I also tried to get the command Add-MgChatMember to work, but I don't know how to prepare the BODYPARAMS-Attribute, I tried different settings, but always got: AclCheckFailed-Error, seams missing permissions, but I can access the chat and the user info, but can't update it? Is there a special authentication needed. How to implement this? I would appreciate any help, thanks in advance. Rainer3.2KViews0likes1CommentEWS API - For-Each using User Impersonation
Could someone show me how I would take this script and run it against a list of users? Currently it is only designed to run against the user which is authenticated. I understand the on behalf permissions in Office 365 has to be granted, I just want to know how can I run this against a list of users, perhaps in a text file? function Get-TeamsMeetingsFolder{ param( [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$MailboxName, [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $false)] [string]$url, [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$useImpersonation, [Parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$basicAuth, [Parameter(Position = 6, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credentials, [Parameter(Position =7, Mandatory = $false) ] [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService]$service ) Process { if($service -eq $null){ if ($basicAuth.IsPresent) { if (!$Credentials) { $Credentials = Get-Credential } $service = Connect-Exchange -MailboxName $MailboxName -url $url -basicAuth -Credentials $Credentials } else { $service = Connect-EXCExchange -MailboxName $MailboxName -ModernAuth #-AccessToken $AccessToken } $service.HttpHeaders.Add("X-AnchorMailbox", $MailboxName); if ($useImpersonation.IsPresent) { $service.ImpersonatedUserId = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ImpersonatedUserId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ConnectingIdType]::SmtpAddress, $MailboxName) } } $folderid= new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::Root,$MailboxName) $TeamMeetingsFolderEntryId = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExtendedPropertyDefinition([System.Guid]::Parse("{07857F3C-AC6C-426B-8A8D-D1F7EA59F3C8}"), "TeamsMeetingsFolderEntryId", [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.MapiPropertyType]::Binary); $psPropset= new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.BasePropertySet]::FirstClassProperties) $psPropset.Add($TeamMeetingsFolderEntryId) $RootFolder = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Folder]::Bind($service,$folderid,$psPropset) $FolderIdVal = $null $TeamsMeetingFolder = $null if ($RootFolder.TryGetProperty($TeamMeetingsFolderEntryId,[ref]$FolderIdVal)) { $TeamMeetingFolderId= new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderId((ConvertId -HexId ([System.BitConverter]::ToString($FolderIdVal).Replace("-","")) -service $service)) $TeamsMeetingFolder = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Folder]::Bind($service,$TeamMeetingFolderId); } return $TeamsMeetingFolder } }2.2KViews0likes1CommentMove Channels between teams via Powershell Graph API
Yes, I asked this in the teams forum then realized thats probably not the place to ask. So I'm asking here IS there a way to do this via the powershell graph (or any other) api? Or do I have to use C# (.net) thanks for your time brad1.3KViews0likes0Comments