7 TopicsLire le texte sélectionné dans Google Docs sur EDGE
Bonjour, la lecture automatique de Windows ne fonctionne pas dans les documents texte 'Google Docs' ouverts dans le navigateur Edge. Idem dans Google Chrome, à moins d’ajouter l'extension payante "Text to Speech" spéciale pour Chrome. Mais il existe bien une extension gratuite, pour lire du texte sélectionné dans un Google Docs sous Edge. Installez : "Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader" Je viens de la tester Dans les options de l'extension, pensez à saisir la voix selon la langue désirée ainsi que le mode d'affichage. La lecture ne se fait pas directement via le document. Le mode d'affichage du texte à lire s'ouvre dans une fenêtre à part (2 choix possible de fenêtre). > Ouvrez un Google Docs, > Clic DROIT sur l'icone de l'extension "Read..." > Clic sur "Cette opération peut lire et modifier les données du site" > Clic sur "Lorsque vous cliquez sur l'extension". > Sélectionnez votre texte à lire puis > Cliquez sur l'icone pour lire. Le texte à lire dans la fenêtre n'a aucun format et les phrases se touchent. Mais quel importance .. On demande de lire, pas d'afficher 😉 J'ai sélectionné 2 pages, je n'ai pas tenu compte du message (.. trop long ..) et cela à lu tout le texte. Attention ! la voix ne s'arrête pas aux points ni aux changements de ligne, ce qui est peu compréhensible si il y a trop de texte sélectionné. Conseil : Sélectionnez par paragraphe pour que ce soit plus compréhensible. En attente d'une vraie extention Edge spéciale Google Docs, celle-ci pourra vous dépanner. Surtout pour les utilisateurs de Windows 7/8, car Google a arrêté ses mises à jour du navigateur Chrome à partir de ces 2 OS (il les reprend à partir de Windows 10). Heureusement, Edge récupère vos favoris et extensions Chrome et est aussi (voire +) performant que Chrome...1.6KViews0likes0CommentsPDF text deformed
Deleted Sometimes like in this pic the text appears disfigured and when it is selected it appears fine. Here is this pic after o of or, I had selected text using mouse and then the text became clear. See the difference between left and right of o in or. Pass the feedback to appropriate team to fix it.Solved14KViews10likes21CommentsEdge adds ClearType text rendering | Microsoft's own font rendering technology
Microsoft Edge Version 91.0.862.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) comes with this new feature flag: Enhance text contrast Renders text using the same contrast and gamma settings that are used elsewhere in Windows. Run the ClearType Text Tuner to adjust the contrast and gamma settings for your monitor. – Windows #edge-enhance-text-contrast edge://flags/#edge-enhance-text-contrast12KViews6likes18CommentsText highlighting
Hello, I've noticed an issue using MS Edge regarding the highlighting (or selection?) of text for copying & pasting - using either the mouse or shift+cursor keys - in particular that the browser has a real problem allowing 'reverse' highlighting - i.e. placing the cursor at the end of a portion of text and then trying to highlight the characters/words prior to it. 'Forward' highlighting works much better, but this is a problem I've not seen in IE, Firefox or even Chrome to the best of my knowledge. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Thanks, Jonathan893Views1like1CommentBug: Selecting Text Causing Other Lines to Render as Random Characters (in Edge v81.0.403.1)
Since updating to Edge v81.0.403.1 (as well as KB4528760 and KB4532938 at the same time in my case), I (and several others) are often encountering a major text rendering issue where nearly whole lines of text end up completely scrambled with seemingly random symbols appearing in place of letters, with different random symbols occurring ever time re-rendering of the text is triggered. You can see the issue in the screenshot below of this page on Microsoft.com (for example, out of the dozens of sites it's occurred on). This issue occurs frequently (up to dozens of times per day), always after selecting text, but not ever time text is selected. This issue has occurred with dozens of different websites, and regardless of whether browsing in InPrivate mode with all extensions disabled. This issue only began occurring around 1/30/2020 after I updated to Edge Chromium Dev v81.0.403.1 (64-bit) and also installed KB4528760 and KB4532938 for Windows 10 Pro 1909 x64 (18363.592) at the same time, and I haven't encountered with any other browsers or Windows apps or UI. This often (but not always) affects nearly a whole line (after word-wrap) of text, often (but not always) in the paragraph following the one where text had been selected. Any action which causes the text to be rendered again – such as Alt-Tab (to a window on top of the browser) and back again, or selecting the affected text (to highlight it), or Win+Shift+S (causing screen to be tinted gray for screenshot selection), etc. – causes different random symbols to appear for the exact same portion of text that was affected. In some cases, deselecting all text will cause the rendering issues to temporarily cease, and in other cases, it just causes the random symbols to change to different random symbols instead. This is an intermittent issue. At times I can reproduce it dozens of times in a row, and other times I can go 20 minutes without being able to reproduce it even when trying intentionally to do so. Refreshing a page can cause this issue to go away temporarily. However, once it starts occurring it seems to occur more often for various pages or every time text is selected on a page. I also reported this issue with steps to reproduce via Send Feedback in Edge Dev, along with my email address. However, as I, unfortunately, have no way to reference that report here or reply to it or know it will be noticed (as can't flag as a bug or critical issue), I'm reporting it here as well. I'd appreciate it if this bug report could be passed along to the development team, especially as others have confirmed this issue here in this forums. I'm reporting the issue here with further details in case it may prove helpful, and also so that it may be easier for others encountering the same issue to find here so don't have to take the time to write up their own details reports regarding it. After, my initial report, I also found others, such as josh_bodner, jbart007 and Heath Bates, in this reply to the Edge v81.0.403.1 release announcement thread. My Configuration Edge Chromium Dev v81.0.403.1 (64-bit) Windows 10 Pro 1909 x64 (18363.592) KB4528760 and KB4532938 just installed at same time as the Edge Dev update For about:flags, I have Disabled #calculate-native-win-occlusion, #web-contents-occlusion and Enabled #edge-autoplay-user-setting-block-option, #dns-over-https, #quiet-notification-prompts. Multiple Edge Dev instances open with different profiles and 3 screens in use. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (Driver 441.66 installed 12/10/19) 32GB RAM Intel i9-9900K. Issues only began after updating Edge Dev and Windows, not any adjustment of flags, drivers or other configuration or browser usage changes. Additional Screenshots of the Issue As seen in these screenshots, this issue results in different random symbols showing each time re-rendering is triggered for text which occurs in close proximity to where different text had been selected. Sometimes different lines end up affected, sometimes the issue temporarily disappears after deselecting text, and sometimes different symbols appear for the exact same portion of text when triggering re-rendering or when changing what, if any, other text is selected.Solved4KViews3likes4Comments[New Feature] How to enable LINE FOCUS in Edge insider browser + Video tutorial
Latest version of Edge browser Version 81.0.396.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) has been shipped with another piece of puzzle for its Immersive Reading mode and now the new Edge browser almost has all of the features that the legacy version of Edge had in terms of Reading View mode/Immersive Reader mode, except for the Inline Definitions or Definitions inline. Introducing: Line Focus View the attached MP4 video file below for more info. How to enable it: go to edge://flags/ and enable these flags Link I used to demonstrate Immersive Reader mode in the video. Video tutorial: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/gxcuf89792/attachments/gxcuf89792/EdgeInsiderDiscussions/22216/1/tutorial.mp43.6KViews0likes3Comments