14 TopicsNew feature | Edge PWAs are getting Hubs
This an example of Spotify web player and YouTube installed as a PWA in Edge Version 91.0.862.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) in this version, which is the first time this is appearing in a installed PWA, only the downloads button/hub appears there. I hope in the future the Global Media Controls button also become available there, that will make the most sense. we'll have to wait and see whether favorites, history or collections icons will be there too or not.833Views1like0CommentsSS47: resize toolbar / search bar
Suggestion (SS): 47 Classification: TOOLBAR PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 2-3 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) If we want to move it to the left is not possible (if we don't have 40 extensions for example). instead you should show me in such way where the extension is visible more to the left and after that i see a white space.2.9KViews0likes7CommentsSS43: new buttons overlay to go to the right/left - toolbar in firefox style
Suggestion (SS): 43 Classification: BUTTON AND TOOLBAR PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 2-3 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) About go to next tabs i already reported you different other alternatives (example via smart <> buttons), and yes i know the ctrl tab way too. I know about km and bbt combination in macos too, like i know about a similar option in macos for trackpad (which i hate at all). About the <> i want to ask edge devs to add ability to move such buttons on the right (where i have my extension). So extensions and buttons should be available on both left and right, like we can do in Firefox. This especially once you implemented my suggestion of smart button, where reload, home, <, > are able to do a lot more compared to what they do now. If you don't implement smart buttons, i don't have the need to move such buttons to the right. Now about go next tabs, Edge could think to implement something like few extensions are able to do (but doesn't work really good) and google offers too (google search, not chrome). This means once we move the mouse to the right, you show us the same like google does (this small button <>). Same for the left part. Do you want to add smart features to such buttons too? Perfect, add a way to click cmd + > and we go to the last tab to the right. Same for cmd + <. Or other combination, if users don't like cmd...1KViews0likes1CommentSS21: Extension Box Menu: search, pin, size and chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu topic
Suggestion (SS): 21 Classification: EXTENSION PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6-8 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) About this topic i already reported you some points before: PS: for (+) and * see comment at the end. box in 10-12x Y size less space between extensions (this even inside the box, so you can reach a 10-12x 20 box like all other chromium browsers) avoid to follow opera, chrome canary trend (again about chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu). If some devs have no idea of what i'm talking, search it on google, since they express that 3. links should not be posted anymore, or check chromium discussion directly. If you have some idea to implement that, then remember to allow user to choose, so it depends if they want to use it or not. Don't force pro user to follow a downgrade feature (+). Users should always have the ability to choose how to configure different settings. If needed they activate such setting, otherwise they keep it disabled. Now about the box, would be cool if you can implement a search on the top, this would more helpful to search inside 200-400 extensions, compared to what google did with the 1x400 list. There was no search function at all last time too. Now i don't know, because i skip new version of canary and opera at all. Obviously user with 20 extensions don't use such feature at all, they see all extensions on the toolbar. This means that the extension box should be identical to old chrome, brave, etc. with an additional search box. if you want to allow to pin 10-12 extension on the top*, would be useful too. this means these 10-12 extension are always on top, no matter the size of the window, display or screen resolution. If no enough space is available on the toolbar, you put the other extensions just under the first pinned row (like you do now). But i think search function is much more important. *this is a bit the same like firefox allow us to do, but we all know firefox extension manager works totally in a different way. (+) especially because a lot of chrome extension are able to do the same job much better, so this is just a bad copy of available extensions. PS: i know you can still order all extensions, even those in the box, but it's a painful process, and still doesn't resolve the problem with a lot of extensions. I think even with just 100 extensions (like with a lot of my accounts) it would help us to quick open extension without need to use shortcuts. I need to say that reorder extensions inside the box is still easier compared to few other browser, so thanks for that edge.2.2KViews0likes1CommentFeature request - PDF toolbar should be floating
Deleted The pdf toolbar should be floating as in the legacy edge browser, however in the chromium edge browser it remains in the same position whether pinned or not. Only content position is changed. It would be awesome if it is made floating.1.2KViews3likes2Comments