video quality
3 TopicsTeams Live Events- Bitrate woes for Live Event and recording
I've been trying to find ways to improve the Teams Live events performance, mainly video quality / bitrate. However, I fear that there's a limit above which the quality cannot be improved. I even tested with an eCDN provider but viewers can never get more that 720p@1.5Mbit/s. I am puzzled. How can 720p@1.5MBit/s ever be enough? Even on a 14" Notebook it's almost impossible to read Excel table data let alone viewing it on a 27" or above screen. Moreoever, the Live Event recording suffers even worse. It's usually around 600KBit/s with 66Kbit/s for audio. This is way from being contemporary. I feel there's something fundamentally wrong and was wondering if it's still something wrong in our configuration or if you have the same experiences. Would love to hear your feedback.9KViews1like3CommentsLarge gallery video quality problems
Every week we have an internal IT Jour Fixe and as long as having the small gallery the image quality was ok. Not great, but ok. But with the large gallery and the possibility to view all colleagues (around 40 people) together the video quality is so bad, that individual people are mostly not recognizeable. I'm sure this is not standard, but i still wanted to ask you what is your experience with image quality in large gallery or together mode? By the way, the bandwidth is not used to full capacity.2.4KViews0likes1CommentTeams video quality around 1 Mbps in the EMEA region
Since Corona we have noticed very poor video quality (1Mbps). We understand you had a capacity issue and had to set this limit. The limit has been lifted in other regions but not in EMEA. We are paying for this service and use it a lot. We have large meeting rooms based on this and we are getting a lot of negative feedback from our users because if the low video quality. People are now pushing us towards Cisco Webex and we will be installing the first couple of Webex meeting rooms next month. You owe your customers a deadline and some more details about this. And no this is not an issue in our end, we have had support cases with Microsoft and have had this verified.1.4KViews0likes2Comments