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Intelligent Math Quiz suggestions coming to Microsoft Forms!

Mina Spasic's avatar
Mina Spasic
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Sep 17, 2018

Back in June, we talked about creating a Math quiz in Microsoft Forms. Today, we are making this process easier and faster by introducing intelligent suggestions for answers and questions. These features are being rolled out to users this week.


Answers suggestions

When you create a Math multiple choice question and enter your equation, you will be offered both the correct and incorrect solutions that you can add as answer options for your students. You can click on the individual suggestion or use Add all to add these suggestions. 


Question suggestions

 When you create a Math choice question and press + to add the next one, Forms will show you question suggestions similar to your previous question. You can choose to add all or some of them to your quiz by selecting and clicking on Add all or Add selected



We hope you enjoy using Microsoft Forms, and if you have any questions or feedback, we would love to hear from you at

Updated Sep 17, 2018
Version 1.0
  • Naveen Karla's avatar
    Naveen Karla
    Iron Contributor

    Hello Colin


    Thank you for the response. I'm aware of this option. Instead of providing users score after they submit the form we would also  like our users to check whether their response is correct or incorrect for each question while filling the form itself . 

  • Naveen Karla when you create the quiz, in the Settings, select Show Results Automatically. As long as you've marked the correct answers when you designed the quiz, the participant will see the results as soon as they submit.


    Laurent Veys very soon! Forms in Assignments is in beta now. we'll announce when it's ready to go. 

  • Laurent Veys's avatar
    Laurent Veys
    Copper Contributor

    When will it be able to use a Microsoft Form as an assignment in microsoft Teams? Would be great!

  • Naveen Karla's avatar
    Naveen Karla
    Iron Contributor

    Is there any plan to add Live Validation to Microsoft forms in future? Like when we send a trivia quiz to users we want users to know correct answers right away when they choose wrong option instead of assigning scores and sending them an email later.