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Intune Customer Success

Transforming the iOS/iPadOS ADE experience in Microsoft Intune

Intune_Support_Team's avatar
Dec 20, 2023

In July of 2021, we announced that Running the Company Portal in Single App Mode until authentication is not a supported flow by Apple for iOS/iPadOS automated device enrollment (ADE). Since then, we’ve been hard at work to improve the ADE experience through the release of Setup Assistant with modern authentication, Just in Time (JIT) registration and compliance remediation, and the "Await until configuration" setting.


Later in the calendar year 2024, we’re removing the ability and functionality for the “Run Company Portal in Single App Mode until authentication” setting. Devices will not be able to enroll through this method and you will not be able to save new enrollment profiles with this setting configured. If you haven’t already, we recommend moving your authentication method to Setup Assistant with modern authentication and leverage the new capabilities.


Stay tuned to this blog for updates on the timing of this change.

Improved and more secure iOS/iPadOS ADE experience

To replace this flow, we’ve been working on three new features to improve the iOS/iPadOS ADE experience for new and existing enrolled devices. Our focus has been on prioritizing security and enhancing both the user and admin experience.


Now that these features are all generally available, we recommend configuring them for the most secure and updated experience for ADE with user device affinity:

  1. Select Setup Assistant with modern authentication as the authentication method in your enrollment profiles for enrolling devices with user affinity.
    1. This authentication method allows your organization to require authentication with Entra ID as part of the out-of-box experience (OOBE) during enrollment with Setup Assistant, prior to users accessing the home screen. You’ll also have the option to require multi-factor authentication (MFA) depending on the settings in your Conditional Access policy.

      Example of the "Management Settings" profile and User Affinity & Authentication Method settings in the Microsoft Intune admin center.


  2. Ensure that the Await final configuration setting is set to Yes within your enrollment profiles.
    1. Enable a more secure and locked experience at the end of Setup Assistant to ensure your most critical device configuration policies are installed on the device. Before the home screen loads, Setup Assistant pauses and lets Intune check in with the device. The device user experience locks while users await final configurations so that when they land on the home screen, the device is configured based on your organization’s policies.

      Example of the "Await final configuration" toggle in the Microsoft Intune admin center.


  3. Configure JIT registration and compliance remediation for your ADE devices.
    1. With JIT (just in time) registration, the Company Portal requirement for Entra ID registration or compliance checking is no longer needed. By removing the Company Portal requirement, we eliminated extraneous steps, removed required app downloads that can’t be changed, and put an end to switching between apps to get the device compliant, thereby streamlining the user flow.

      Any SSO-enabled (single sign-on) app can be used to complete Entra ID registration now, while seamlessly establishing SSO throughout the device. Additionally, JIT compliance remediation is the new embedded flow for users to see their compliance status and action steps right within the app that they’re completing JIT registration within. Check out the two demos showcasing this in the JIT blog post.

      Example of the "Device features" settings for iOS/iPadOS in the Microsoft Intune admin center.


Combining these features provides the following benefits:

  • The device fully enrolls within Setup Assistant with optional MFA.
  • Critical device configuration policies are already preloaded on the device, so users can immediately access the home screen and become productive without any delays or interruptions.
  • Users can quickly start working by opening any single sign-on (SSO)-enabled app, which most users intuitively go to these apps to authenticate. This will complete both Microsoft Entra registration and establish SSO throughout the device. For the best experience, we recommend using the Microsoft Teams app.
  • Users can also become compliant with any necessary remediation steps embedded within the app they're using to authenticate. There's no need to switch between apps to complete compliance steps.


Profiles using Company Portal authentication method

As mentioned earlier, with the upcoming change, devices assigned to an existing enrollment profile with the Company Portal authentication method and the “Run Company Portal in Single App Mode until authentication” setting is set to Yes will fail to enroll or re-enroll. They must be assigned an enrollment profile with a supported authentication method.


Example of the "Management Settings" profile settings with the "Run Company Portal in Single App Mode until authentication" in the Microsoft Intune admin center.


If the authentication method is Company Portal and the “Run Company Portal in Single App Mode until authentication” setting is set to No, the Company Portal won’t automatically download from the profile. To use this method, you will need to target the Company Portal app as required for ADE devices with the correct app configuration policy attached. Additionally, users will need to manually run the Company Portal and complete the enrollment and Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure Active Directory) registration steps.


For new profiles you won’t be able to save the enrollment profile if the “Run Company Portal in Single App Mode until authentication” setting is set to Yes. Although not recommended, new profiles can use the Company Portal authentication method by targeting ADE devices with the Company Portal app and an app configuration policy. Note: After support has ended, this setting will eventually be removed from the user interface.


If you have any questions, let us know by leaving a comment below or reaching out to us on X @IntuneSuppTeam.


Post updates:

12/21/23: Updated URLs.

03/07/24: We previously mentioned that the "Run Company Portal in Single App Mode until authentication" setting would be removed in the first half of calendar year 2024. We've since updated the post to indicate that this change is expected to occur this year, and we will continue to keep this post updated with any new developments.

Updated Mar 07, 2024
Version 3.0
  • Hi Intune_Support_Team and AnyaNovicheva - From the below image, I understand that the app store version of Company Portal app is not compatible with Apple ADE. Hence, we need to deploy the app config policy for Intune Company Portal app to support Apple ADE.


    In our case, we are deploying the iOS VPP-based Company Portal app. Do we still need to deploy the app configuration policy for Company Portal app? Please clarify.

    My concern is the below highlighted Note from Microsoft

    Today, there are thousands of iOS device enrolled through Apple ADE program and all of them are received the app configuration policy for Company Portal app as part of initial ADE enrollment process. When Microsoft stop pushing the Company Portal app (which is fine for us as we already deploying the VPP based Company Portal even though it gets installed automatically via ADE enrollment profile) and the app configuration policy for Company Portal, we will go ahead and deploy the app config policy for Company Portal app to an Azure AD dynamic device group based on enrollment profile name (which is going to include existing enrolled ADE devices). Will it cause any impact on the existing enrolled ADE devices that has received the app config for Comp Portal as part of initial ADE enrollment.

  • Hi Nick_Knight, we’ve recently tested this on our end, and can confirm that the mentioned Microsoft apps are compatible with JIT registration and SSO. We recommend reviewing and validating your current configuration to ensure that all settings are correctly applied. Should you continue to encounter further issues with this after-configuration, we suggest reaching out to our support team for a more thorough review and investigation. Please open a support request from within the Microsoft Intune admin center, or any of the methods here. Once created, feel free to message us with your support case number so we can have an eye on the case. Thanks!

  • zoosoon115 Hi, thank you for your comment! If you continue to use the Company Portal authentication method after these changes are released, then yes, you will need to target the Company Portal app as a required app for your ADE devices with the correct app configuration policy attached. Additionally, users will need to manually run the Company Portal and complete the enrollment and Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure Active Directory) registration steps. This will only work if the “Run Company Portal in Single App Mode until authentication” setting within the profile is set to No

  • zoosoon115's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi, If we continue to use the authentication method is Company Portal, could we need deploy application configuration policy manually or not? 

    Title: Configure the Company Portal app to support iOS and iPadOS devices enrolled with Automated Device Enrollment

  • Nick_Knight's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi, there is an issue with JIT SSO currently. Some MS apps do not work with the SSO:

    Powerpoint, Excel, Word, Office and Company Portal do not automatically sign in after launch, and require either the user entering the email, or in the case of Company Portal, another entire authentication event.

    Can you please confirm that JIT SSO works with all first-party MS apps before deprecating the existing method?