Microsoft Purview Information Barriers v2 (IB v2) is now generally available for all new onboarding customers. IB v2 has enhanced architecture which enables the following new features:
present conflicting information, even years after they were first publicly described here. What's the catch?
Allow-Policies don't work as expected. They need explicit concurring (opposite) block polices to work as described above. That renders them more or less useless as they are not really breaking down the complexity of the topic. I am a bit frustrated to be honest.
Now, with the new feature of multi segments, still several questions are left unanswered and even more conflicting documentary comes along. Let's take a look at the example from the official doc for multi segment mode:
North School District's IB policies
The North School District has two schools, School 1 and School 2. The district policy is to allow students and teachers to communicate with each other only if they are both in the same school. For example, a student and teacher that are both in School 1 can communicate, but a student in School 1 cannot communicate with a teacher in School 2. For this scenario, multiple segments are configured to support the following district policy scenarios:
North School District's schools and plan
North School District's has two schools:
Segment Allowed communication Prevented communication
School 1
Students and teachers in School 1
Students and teachers in School 2
School 2
Students and teachers in School 2
Students and teachers in School 1
North School District's defined segments
North School District will use theDepartmentattribute in Azure Active Directory to define segments, as follows:
North School District defines three IB policies, as described in the following table:
Policy Policy Definition
Policy 1: Students and teachers in School 1 can communicate with each other
New-InformationBarrierPolicy -Name School1Policy -SegmentsAllowed 'School1' -AssignedSegment 'School1' -State Active
In this example, the IB policy is calledSchool1Policy. When this policy is active and applied, it will enable students and teachers in School 1 to communicate with each other. This policy is a one-way policy; it won't prevent students and teachers in School 1 from communicating with School 2. For that, Policy 2 is needed.
Policy 2: Students and teachers in School 2 can communicate with each other
New-InformationBarrierPolicy -Name School2Policy -SegmentsAllowed 'School2' -AssignedSegment 'School2' -State Active
In this example, the IB policy is calledSchool2Policy. When this policy is active and applied, it will enable students and teachers in School 2 to communicate with each other.
Policy 3: Teachers in different schools can communicate with each other
New-InformationBarrierPolicy -Name AllTeachersPolicy -SegmentsAllowed 'AllTeachers' -AssignedSegment 'AllTeachers' -State Active
In this case, the IB policy is calledAllTeachersPolicy. When this policy is active and applied, teachers in School 1 and School 2 can communicate with each other.
There's obvioulsy missing the most important part, which is "[...] to allow students and teachers to communicate with each other only if they are both in the same school"
Since I was not sure if I was overseeing something, I fed all the information about IBs I could gather (per official doc) and the example above to ChatGPT and asked if it see's any conflicts here.
That is the answer: "Given these policies, the stated goal of preventing students and teachers in School 1 from communicating with students and teachers from School 2 is not explicitly achieved by the policies provided.
In fact, the policies seem to allow communication between students and teachers within their respective schools (School 1 and School 2) and also allow communication between teachers from different schools (School 1 and School 2). The policies don't explicitly restrict communication between students and teachers of different schools.
To achieve the goal of preventing communication between students and teachers from different schools, additional policies or rules would need to be defined to enforce those restrictions explicitly. As described, the provided policies focus on enabling communication within specific segments but do not impose cross-segment restrictions as per the stated goal."
Sooo... what now? I am confused. The official doc shows clearly, that even the writers of the official doc get confused about the whole configuration concepts of information barriers. We need a clearer documentation about this. I would be happy to help dive into the concept with the developers and fix the documentation for good if possible. This feature is so powerful and highly appreciated- but as of now it's in a pretty messy state and, even more frustrating, no one seems to care.