Ok, this may not be the correct forum for posts about the "Home user" version of Onedrive, but ...
I am "organiser" for a family subscription of microsoft 365 - so me + 5 others with 1TB of storage each.
I have advised all to use the facility for backups, or data sharing rather than a "sync" of their OS partition, so there is no delay at startup.
A few weeks ago I cot a notification that the app version I used was no longer supported,, and I should install the new version.
At first look it seemed to be a substantial improvement - with the full filenames being shown, rather than just the start of the name
( really not helpful to get a message indicating that the file "Johns system backup jun" was not uploaded as the user did not have permission to access he storage -
that when the session had uploaded the other 25 (4GB) files with names in the form of "Johns system backup june 2023June20 10 of 25" that made up the backup of his system. and looking at the files with the EDGE based App shows a list of 22 files
well I had paged down too fast for the app to notice all the files in the OneDrive folder - page up slowly, and the list gets to 24 files - all shown as being "Johns system backup jun" - have to select "Rename" on each file in turn to get to see the part numbers of the files that did get uploaded -
That being an additional annoyance to a session to upload 25 files having access for most of, but not all of them ?
OK - back to the new app -
Installed, and starts setting up a list of the folders and files on my PC - in a Folder that would appear under File Explorer as part of the MFT -
Then - it starts - apparently - updating the entries in the MFT with details of the files on the cloud .
At that point my I7 system that had become sluggish in response reverted to a blank (black) display for 30 minutes
The backup system - an old mini-tower with DDR2RAM and a 2 core CPU was probably having similar problems - just not responding to any keyboard or mouse input for over a day - but still showing the desktop and sessions active.
OK - got past the panic mode re the I7 - the hardware is not broken !
Just seems to have a new folder under my used area - name is OneDrive, and it contains over 200,000 entries as someone has set their system to "SYNC"
Panic now mode on the tower - but eventually I managed to get a response - ALT+F4 was recognised, and the system closed down
Restar- drive light glows for over 5 minutes before I get shown the login screen and I note the bright glow of the CPU active led with the hard drive flickering off occassionally
2 days later - I can get a response and pause the linking, then Disable the start of the app
contact support and get told to terminate the linking process -
OK - start the app and go to it
CANNOT DO THAT as in the NEW DESIGN the "STOP" selection is not present if the linking has been paused
So - HAVE to get the linking process running and then actually get enough response to select "STOP" it.
Settings - UNINSTALL the APP
when CPU usage back to not-a-lot
select UNINSTALL AGAIN - and after a long while the app is no longer shown in the "Start" list.
BUT the OneDrive folder is still present, and deleting a file from that gets it deleted from the Onedrive store -
So - as "Organiser" it seems that my MFT has been massively expanded and file lists made ver r r r RR y slow as the MFT access means lots of Pagefile use.
and If I delete the unwanted folder, then all the files on the Onedrive will probably be deleted too -
my backups, system, and data, the family members backups and data, plus the files that are in the SYNC - presumably with the files on the SYNC'd PC's being adjusted to match the set on the OneDrive store
And - that is with the App uninstalled.
So - can I ask that -
1) The App install with the build of tthe file lists not activated so the user can get the system to notice that they are using the keyboard to specialise the installed app.
2) So the used does not get the impression that their PC is malfunctioning -
warn the user (requiring their selection of ABORT, or Continue), of the expected download of ALL files they can access under the logged in ID,
and then any other ID's that they login with !
3) Give users the ability to have that process paused, and while paused, to stop it!
4) Point the users at the list of files to be added to their MFT and ask for confirmation that is acceptable.
5) Advise the user of the expected time needed to integrate (link) the files now linked into the MFT with the OneDrive store -
Maybe allowing it to be run in stages, with the user entering the number of files that should be processed in the stage to be started.
6) Give users the ability to remove entries from that folder WITHOUT having the associated action taken on the actual file on the OneDrive storage.
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I am hoping to be able to remove my access to a users files,
and then see if deleting a file from my PC will no longer cause the file to be deleted from the OneDrive store
when that "organiser" access is restored.
If NOT - then maybe
Remove my access to one of the users files,
and with a user session on another system where that user has the ability to COPY, or MOVE
the files from another family members storage into their storage,
Then delete the file entries from my PC,
have the the original owner MOVE their files back to their OneDrive storage.
Then, repeat for the other 5 users!, finally ending up with the OneDrive folder on my system empty !
And Certainly not setup any "Organiser" access if I am to install the OneDrive App.
That seems to me to be a far too dangerous setup for me to knowingly put myself in !