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Microsoft 365 Education updates

JillArmour's avatar
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Aug 01, 2023

What is changing?

Microsoft is introducing changes to our storage offerings across our Microsoft 365 suite. Beginning at customers' next contract renewal, but no sooner than August 1, 2024, all schools will receive 100 TB ​of free pooled storage – where storage is shared across OneDrive, SharePoint, and Exchange, plus customers get additional 50GB-100GB pooled storage per paid user, depending on the paid license type (not including student use benefits). With pooled storage, the total storage limit is the maximum amount of storage combined a customer can use.  In addition, effective February 2024, users of Office 365 A1 (free SKU) will be limited to a maximum of 100GB for OneDrive storage, within the 100TB of pooled storage for the institution. Customers will have the option to purchase incremental storage based on needs. Some of the benefits we expect to see include helping schools reduce some of the security risks associated with legacy storage and data sprawl, a top concern for most chief risk officers, while also benefiting our shared environmental footprint. Learn more in the Storage FAQ


Additionally, on August 1, 2024, Microsoft will retire the Office 365 A1 Plus program, a free Office subscription that includes Office desktop apps for qualified schools that purchased Office institution-wide for faculty and staff. This program was introduced in 2015 to ease the provisioning burden for IT of moving users to the cloud. While the intent was to help schools with their transition, it also introduced a level of complexity leading to compliance issues for customers, with many inadvertently becoming non-compliant. Today, Microsoft 365 A3 and A5 licenses are easier to provision, both addressing customer requirements and the need for a transitional program. All existing Office 365 A1 Plus licenses will expire as of August 1, 2024. Note: A1 will continue to be available to customers for free when accessing web apps. Learn more in the A1 Plus Retirement FAQ.


Why is Microsoft Making this Change?

With the move to the cloud, stored files, data, and unused accounts have increased significantly over time, as more and more stored files and data have proliferated without a plan for end-of-life. From a cost perspective this is not sustainable, and it puts education institutions and their students at risk for a data breach. Today, education is the most affected industry by cybercrime, with K12 receiving over 80% of workplace malware attacks alone.


In addition, stored files no longer in use have an impact on our carbon footprint with over half of all data stored by organizations not serving a useful purpose. Because of this "dark data” over 6.4 million tons of CO2 was unnecessarily released in the atmosphere in 2020 alone. That equates to one car driving around the earth 575,000 times. Microsoft is committed to both the security and privacy of school and student data as well as reducing our collective carbon footprint. Already, our datacenters are built with the highest environmental standards in mind. With this change, education customers can help do their part. 


Finally, Microsoft’s mission in Education is to empower students, faculty and institutions to achieve more. To achieve this mission, Microsoft continues to innovate on new technology, tools and services for educators, such as the new learning accelerators introduced earlier this year to help students with reading and other essential skills. Today, Microsoft provides Microsoft Office and Microsoft 365 for Education suites built for education through free software grants or at significant discounts off commercial pricing. With these new updates we are able to continue to invest in meaningful innovation while offering those services to more institutions around the world.


What does this mean for schools?

In order to help schools with this transition Microsoft is delivering a set of free tools to help customers manage the process end-to-end including tools to visualize current storage allocation and usage across OneDrive, SharePoint and Exchange and tools to more easily manage stored data or end-of-life stored files that are no longer needed. Today, most schools (99.6%) are well below their storage allotment. With new tools, all schools can now better manage their information and set thoughtful policies for governance. Customers can see their current storage profile and access the new storage management tools through the M365 Admin Center. For storage guidance download the Microsoft 365 Storage Guidance ebook.  


Learn more

Download the Partner Readiness Kit with assets like a guided partner pitch deck, Storage FAQ and A1 Plus Retirement FAQ to learn how to assist customers through this transition, provide value, and maximize the benefits of Microsoft 365 in Education.


Published Aug 01, 2023
Version 1.0
  • Mitch_Ravitz's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    While I agree that the storage of student files can be a carbon hazard and placing an "end date" of 1 or 2 (or more) years after graduation makes sense, calling this stored data a hazard because of outside data predators makes no sense. Why would the security of the data change if there is no activity?


    How will this affect a school's ability to control data persistence? Is this just about student data?  (What if a teacher has left the school district? They are no longer a paid user, but will have stored data.)


    For colleges, transcript data and graduation documents, including dissertations, need storage for long periods of time. How will this be handled?


    Also, what will become the actual storage limit for students (40 per paid user.)  This will be very important for larger school districts and many public colleges.


    Glad that this does not take affect until August of 2024, there is a lot of work to be done to get this right.

  • tommalt's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Do you know how this applies to sub-tenancies? We're a sub-tenancy on a University account and need to know if the 100TB storage limit per school applies at the top level or do we get a 100TB allowance for our sub-tenancy?





  • Regarding questions around accessing FAQs, apologies for the inconvenience. We've tested the links multiple times and is working on our end but looking into this. In the meantime, you should be able to access the customer facing Storage FAQ and A1 Plus Retirement FAQ.  You should also be able to navigate to these assets by downloading the Partner Readiness Kit.

  • Hi Duncan - please see the below which I've pulled from the storage FAQ: "Every school has a 100TB base storage capacity. Microsoft 365 and Office 365 A3 and A5 paid user licenses add 50GB or 100GB respectively to the pool of storage. In addition, schools can purchase additional pooled storage in 10TB increments for $300 estimated retail USD to add to the tenant pool. To find customer capacity, use this calculation: 100TB + (#A3 paid users x 50GB) + (#A5 paid users x 100 GB) + (additional storage purchased) = capacity/limit." Please review the Storage Guidance document and Storage FAQ for more detail. Hope this helps!

  • NeedsCoffee's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    The A1 Plus Retirement FAQ link gives us Access Denied. Please post the doc somewhere we can get to.

  • Duncan Cooper's avatar
    Duncan Cooper
    Brass Contributor



    The 100TB storage per 'school' severely disadvantages the larger institutes over the small ones.


    A large university (e.g. 20,000 M365 A5 FAC licenses) will have to spread the 100TB much thinner than a school with just 100 M365 A5 FAC licenses.


    Can anything be done to address this disparity?