Stay on top of your tasks with Board view, designed as a quick, visual way to help you track and manage tasks.
Updated Feb 03, 2025
Version 1.0Love the new board view, however the inability to edit due dates on premium tasks in the my tasks view makes the Premium Planner less functional than a basic plan. This is a critical mistake that is causing my team members headaches and reducing the functionality of the entire Planner app. Are there any updates you can provide on when this restriction will be removed.
There's an inherent issue with allowing team member to update tasks in a Premium plan. Premium plans are schedules (think: WBS) in and of their nature. Those tasks have a 'flow' to them - they may have predecessors, successors, different relationships with tasks throughout the schedule. These relationships and the staging of tasks are carefully setup by a Project manager in the tool. This includes setting dates. Think about it as you've got a task with a 10 day duration, that's driven by two tasks before it. If those delay, the 10 day task could delay in your schedule as well. Now if I allow a team member to update the finish date on that task, they create a 'constraint' on that task that may not allow it to move as it needs to, based upon the delay created by the two tasks before it. It's really a project scheduling challenge that is best left to the Project manager to deal with.
If you suddenly allow team members to update dates, and those change auto-apply to the schedule (as they do today with % complete/progress), you can imagine coming in and seeing the carefully built schedule you have, suddently completely destroyed due to updates.
I believe this is one of the reasons Microsoft is allowing only for progress on tasks from team members (how far along and I on the task % wise), to ensure good schedule controls. One of the nice new features is the ability to have a 'Conversation' in a task via Teams. We're finding many of our clients are now using this and training their team members to share details such as 'I updated my progress but think we may be finishing 5 days late' to the Project manager, who can then have the discussion and model out the 'what if' on that change, without it just happening and them having to reverse engineer changes.
Hope this helps. I know it's not the idea answer but there's logic behind it related to managing project schedules in the tool and who has control over what data.