EitanBlumin: Thanks for the note! Formatting comments is a frequent ask on UserVoice and something we’re going to look into, so stay tuned.
Frankjonassen: Great feedback about comments in a task card. We’re currently working on @mentions in comments, which is one of the top asks on UserVoice. We’ll be looking into other comment enhancements, like formatting and images, too. Regarding your second comment about task publishing: this is a top priority for us and we’ll have more news to share during the early part of 2021.
antvii: Thanks for the idea about bots. These are not on our short-term roadmap because of other priorities, but please submit this idea to UserVoice so we can consider it for the future.
ScoutRob: Planner tasks can be assigned to multiple people and completed by anyone on the team, even if that task isn't assigned to them. Does this address your ask or are you referring to something else?
Dean_Gross: You’re welcome! We’ll continue to post about government cloud releases on our Planner Tech Community Blogs site to keep all that information in one place.
Telebear: Thanks for the kind words! Planner tasks in Tasks in Teams allow for start dates, but only in the task card/detail view (i.e., clicking on the task name). To Do tasks do not include start dates because To Do itself does not support them; however, this is a frequent ask on the To Do UserVoice, so it’s on that team’s radar. Regarding tasks from a Teams chat—stay tuned! This feature is on our public roadmap and we’ll have more news about it very soon.
bart_vermeersch: The My tasks section in Tasks in Teams is powered by To Do, so Exchange on-premises users who don't have access to To Do won’t be able to access any To Do lists or the Planned and Important smart lists; however, Assigned to me may contain tasks assigned from Planner. But if you’re on Exchange Online and can use To Do, then you'll have the full experience of the My tasks section in Tasks in Teams.
GNightingaleTP: Good news indeed! Thanks for your support. Here’s our answer to your question about Project for the web integration from our recent Ignite FAQ post: “Planner and Project for the web integration is one of the top requests from our users. We hear you. Our goal is to provide more concrete visibility to you next year through the Microsoft 365 Public Roadmap and Tech Community. Speaking of Tech Community, please be sure to visit the Project Blog page for the latest news, including the upcoming rollout of Project for the web in Teams.”
Strattos: Thanks for the kind words about our progress! Unfortunately, there are no plans for a checklist flow through Power Automate; however, our development team is actively collecting integration and flow ideas for Planner and Power Automate. Can you add your checklist idea to UserVoice so we can track it easier?
Luis Rodrigues: Greater flexibility with comments is a frequent ask on UserVoice. We’ll be working on enhancements to comments soon, so stay tuned.
Philip Worrell: Really appreciate your support and kind words! While flagging an email in Outlook creates a task in To Do, those tasks still don’t show up in Tasks in Teams. But we’re absolutely working on this and will update everyone when there’s more news to share
FabioBielli: Thanks so much! You should be seeing the mobile app very, very soon.
Robin Nilsson: If your tenant is 100% Exchange on-premises, we do not expect that you would be able to access any To Do lists or the Planned and Important smart lists; however, Assigned to me may contain tasks assigned from Planner. It seems likely that there’s some hybrid implementation at your organization and/or your data is stored locally and does not sync online. We suggest checking with your account team about your Exchange set-up before hyping Tasks in Teams further across your teams
cgarcia2694: We’re currently working on @mentions in comments (i.e., tagging a user), which is one of the top asks on UserVoice. You must have a crystal ball: more color-coded labels are on our short-term roadmap, and we should have an update for you soon. Unfortunately, we don’t have plans for sorting buckets by date of completion, but we encourage you to add this to UserVoice for future consideration.
Jeffrey Allen: Good asks! We actually answered both of these in our recent Ignite FAQ post. Here’s the answer about My Day: “We definitely have plans to bring the My Day list into Tasks in Teams, but there's currently no timeline for its release.” And here’s the answer about flagged emails: “Currently, tasks created from flagged emails do not appear in Tasks in Teams by default—but we’re working on it and will share more information when it’s available."
ArefHalmstrand: Thank you!
Kraig Dingwell: Glad to hear we’re making task management easier for you! We’re excited about the direction of this effort, too. Unfortunately, there are no concrete plans to bring Azure DevOps into Tasks in Teams at this time. But we encourage you to submit this idea to UserVoice for future consideration.
Myrna Müller: We’re currently working on bringing tasks created from flagged Outlook emails into Tasks in Teams. We’ll update everyone when there’s more news to share.