Forum Discussion
Nov 18, 2022Brass Contributor
Access freezes when I copy a record
Windows 11 Office 365 Access
Suddenly, when I copied a record in the database Access froze as if it didn't have enough memory. I tried compact and repair, repairing Office, uninstalling and reinstalling Office 365, exporting the database into CSV and importing back as text into a new table in a clean database, after that didn't work, I reduced the number of entries by 80% and imported as text into a fresh table. It still froze as soon as I control-C for 45 to 50 seconds each time.
A completely different Access database is experiencing a shorter delay after each control-C
Has anyone encountered this error or know a reputable contractor who specializes in such file specific issues?
- I also did that and saw the problem remained
Info for and question to all who are affected by this problem:
Since a few days the Windows 11 version 24H2 is available, which should contain a fix for this problem.
If any of you could test it and report your experience here, it would be interesting for many.
Perhaps we can finally tick this age-old bug off as ‘Fixed’ in our documenting AFo article.
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Access-Entwickler-Konferenz AEK - 19./20.10. Nürnberg- jtbworldCopper Contributor
Karl_Donaubauer , I have previously turned off Suggested Actions to work around this problem. After updating to Windows 11 version 24H2 I turned on Suggested Action and tried to copy a few records and Access froze. Unfortunately this is not fixed.
jtbworld wrote:
...After updating to Windows 11 version 24H2 I turned on Suggested Action and tried to copy a few records and Access froze. Unfortunately this is not fixed.
Thanks for the report! Pity. In February, Shane Groff from the Access team was still confident in this thread that the fix would come with 24H2. I'll report your test result to him in case he's not reading this.
Access Forever News DevCon
Access-Entwickler-Konferenz AEK - 19./20.10. Nürnberg
- Jeff1620Copper Contributor
I am a Win 11 Pro user (possibly 11.5) and want to upgrade to 24H2 NOW since I have a grueling trip ahead (I'm a reporter). How can I get it NOW?
Such big Windows updates are rolled out in waves over weeks. I think you can't really force it but just set the “Get the latest updates as soon as they’re available" switch. See also this Microsoft info page about 24H2.
Access Forever, News, DevCon
Access-Entwickler-Konferenz AEK - 19./20.10. Nürnberg
- LaithoronCopper ContributorDid a hardware refresh for a user that took them from Win 10 to Win 11 and they began having this issue. Turning off Suggested Actions in Clipboard Setting has allowed copy/paste from Access to Excel to work as-expected once more.
Thanks ScottAlber for the fix -- I've shared it with my team. - mirahsan245Copper ContributorAt least for me disabling the dde feature within excel and access where excel looks for data within an access database constantly helps at times.
I do realize thread is mainly about access but the dde option may be at play here. - ScottAlberCopper Contributor
Art_Menius Not sure this is the solution for you but for me it was to go into Settings in Windows 11 > System > Clipboard and turn off "Suggested actions" for when you copy a date, time or phone number. I've been copying and pasting records from Access 2016 to Excel 2016 for years and never had a problem until recently. It appeared that both were locking up each time I tried to copy multiple records from Access to Excel. I tried several setting under options in both and nothing worked. I found this tip of turning off the "Suggested actions" option for clipboard in Windows 11 and that solved the problem.
- Ahsan22Copper Contributor
It worked for me too.. much appreciated. Thanks mate!
- Pete_PolcaroCopper ContributorThank you Scott, this worked for me!
- Jeff_BergerCopper Contributor
Someone said go to SETTINGS and turn off Suggested Actions. Where exactly is SETTINGS? I see no SETTING icon and no column heading SETTINGS.
FYI I have Win 11 and use as Administrator, which works unless I forget to do it... Infuriating that Msoft has not fixed this OLD SOFTWARE MESS!
- VBA_CoderCopper Contributor
Same issue here, and this has been around for well over a year and half, and they still have not fixed it. It's annoying because if I forget to start Access as Administrator, the problem happens, whereas if I start Access as Administrator, this problem does not happen.
- Paul_BockmannCopper Contributor
Click "Start" and type "settings" then press Enter
Click "System" and scroll to almost bottom and select "Clipboard"
Turn Off the "Selected Actions"
> Where exactly is SETTINGS?
Click the Windows logo or the magnifying glass in your task bar and type "Settings" into the search field. This should bring up the Settings. The rest of the path is explained in Workaround 4 at the end of our bug documenting article.
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Access-Entwickler-Konferenz AEK
- PacoP1971Copper Contributor
I have same problems... I upgraded my wife's laptop running WIN10 to new laptop with WIN11.
the database runs perfect on W10 but now has this freezing problem on W11. tried all the fixes you tried but to no avail. thanks
- Dfsulliv3599Copper Contributor
This has been happening for 6 months, you would think that a patch of Win11 or Access would address the issue at some point
- Shane Groff
The Windows team does have a fix for this issue, but it has not been delivered to a public release yet. Have you tried turning all the options mentioned here: Access gets slow or freezes on Win11 when you copy records ( ?
I'd specifically suggest turning off Use suggested actions on your PC - Microsoft Support, as potentially the least intrusive workaround.
- Jeff_BergerCopper Contributor
Only method I found to avoid these Access crashes is "Run as administrator" -- annoying to have to do that, but it works.
To: Art_Menius
- Mildred99Copper Contributor
Any updates or work-arounds on this other than Run as Administrator? Our organization won't let users have Admin privileges 😞
No news. The status and workarounds described in our documenting article are still the current ones. i.e. waiting on the release of the Windows fix and providing the users with datasheet forms for the copy action if you can't use the admin workaround.
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Access DevCon- creinke3Copper ContributorThanks for working on this. I have been able to use the admin fix, which I appreciate the group letting me know about.
- PrinceCorwinCopper ContributorRunning as administrator, as others suggested (thank you!) worked for me
- jtbworldCopper ContributorI found using ProcMon that by just copying 1 row, Access reads a lot of registry keys looking for "Count" thousands of times causing the long delay.
Example of key read: HKCR\CLSID\{00000323-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Workaround for me is running Access as Administrator.