Forum Discussion

Pavithvishnu's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 30, 2023


Hi, I have a query on Azure iot Hub, Will Azure iot Hub get deprecated sooner? Because i could see the some post related to depreciation of Azure iot Hub. 1)
  • Stefan-Wick's avatar
    Aug 31, 2023

    Hi Pavithvishnu,


    thank you for posting your question. I can assure you that Azure IoT Hub is not being deprecated. Our team continues to be invested in supporting and improving this service. For example, we have the GA announcement of the Cosmos DB routing integration coming up in the next couple of weeks (stay tuned for the announcement on this forum).

    With respect to the links you provided:
    1) The preview of "IoT Hub on Azure Stack Hub" was deprecated for technical reasons. Some of the key dependencies of IoT Hub could not be enabled on Azure Stack Hub. Without them we could not guarantee production-level performance and reliability for IoT Hub. Therefore we decided to not move forward with the preview to GA.


    2) The second link is about an outdated SDK that didn't follow modern SDK design guidelines. It has been replaced with a new version that follows the current Azure SDK guidelines:
    Microsoft Azure IoT Hub management client library for .NET - Azure for .NET Developers | Microsoft Learn 



    Stefan Wick
    Product Lead Azure IoT Hub
