Forum Discussion

hellotechie's avatar
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Feb 08, 2019

Brand New Series on IoT Show! IoT Deep Dive is a new technical streaming event starting Feb 20th!

Hi everyone! Mark your calendars! IoT Show is expanding to a new series of technical videos (live and on-demand) called IoT Deep Dive twice a month. Come to learn and ask questions about how to build IoT solutions and deep dive into scenarios like intelligent edge, DevOps, security, asset tracking, and other top requested technical deep dives. Perfect for developers, architects, or anyone who is building IoT solutions.

Level 300 | All videos will live on CH9 & YouTube after the event


Upcoming events:

IoT Deep Dive Live: Building End to End industrial Solutions with PTC ThingWorx and AzureFeb 20th, 9:00am-9:45am PST - You can setup a reminder and go here [] when the live event happens. 

  • Learn about: ThingWorx, Vuforia Studio, Azure IoT, Dynamics
  • Special Guests:
    • Joseph Biron - PTC - CTO of IoT
    • Neal Hagermoser - Global ThingWorx COE Lead
    • Chafia Aouissi - Microsoft, Azure IoT
    • Host: Pamela Cortez - Microsoft, Azure IoT 
  • Industries and use cases: Smart connected product manufactures in the verticals of:  Automotive, Industrial Equipment, Aerospace, Electronics and High Tech
  • Description: PTC ThingWorx and Microsoft Azure IoT— proven industrial innovation solutions with a market-leading IoT cloud infrastructure.  Sitting on top of Azure IoT, ThingWorx delivers a robust and rapid creation of IoT applications and solutions that maximizes Azure services such as IoT Hub. Join the event to learn how to build an E2E industrial solution.


Location Intelligence for Transportation with Azure Maps – March 6th, 9:00am-9:45am PST

[Link to be posted shortly]

  • Learn about: Azure Maps, Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT Central, Azure Event Grid 
  • Guest Speakers:
    • Ricky Brundritt - Microsoft, Azure IoT 
    • Pamela Cortez - Microsoft, Azure IoT
  • Industries and use cases: Fleet Management, Logistics, Asset Management, IoT
  • Description: Come learn how to use Azure Maps to provide location intelligence in different areas of transportation such as fleet management, asset tracking, and logistics. 


  • Hi everyone!

    9 more days before the first IoT Deep Dive Building End to End industrial Solutions with PTC ThingWorx and AzureFeb 20th, 9:00am-9:45am PST  


    Building an IoT solution and have a technical (or business) question about PTC ThingWorx and Azure? Post below or tweet with hashtags #IoTShow #IoTDeepDive. I will pick a bunch to ask during the event!


    Stream is all set up, so you are now able to set a reminder on YouTube Here. 





