Forum Discussion

JKruat's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 13, 2020

Vision DevKit sending to IoT Hub, now how do I get Images?

I have successfully have setup the Vision DevKit, in which is connected and currently sending data (assuming images of camera feed) to IoT Hub, yay!  Here is what I'm looking to do next: Label ima...
  • OlivierBloch's avatar
    Sep 17, 2020

    Hi JKruat,

    Sending images themselves as telemetry to IoT Hub might not be the most efficient and cost effective (depending on the size and frequency of the images). You might want to consider using IoT Hub connection to send telemetry such as alerts and other sensors data as well a manage your IoT Edge device and have the images synced up to a blob storage leveraging the Edge Storage module

    The Edge blob module will allow you to delete local images once they are uploaded to the Cloud so this way you don't lose data, you can support offline scenarios and you can manage your device storage.

    Uploading to blob storage directly from the device also allows you not to have to extract the image from the body of the IoT Hub message (like it is the case if you use the IoT Hub telemetry and routing path).
