Forum Discussion
Mar 08, 2022Copper Contributor
Map, search tab,center marker and geolocation are perfect, but location markers are not displayed
//The maximum zoom level to cluster data point data on the map.
var maxClusterZoomLevel = 11;
//The URL to the store location data.
var storeLocationDataUrl = 'data/ContosoCoffee.txt';
//The URL to the icon image.
var iconImageUrl = 'images/CoffeeIcon.png';
//An array of country region ISO2 values to limit searches to.
var countrySet = ['US', 'CA', 'GB', 'FR','DE','IT','ES','NL','DK' ,'IN'];
var map, popup, datasource, iconLayer, centerMarker, searchURL;
var listItemTemplate = '<div class="listItem" onclick="itemSelected(\'{id}\')"><div class="listItem-title">{title}</div>{city}<br />Open until {closes}<br />{distance} miles away</div>';
function initialize() {
//Initialize a map instance.
map = new atlas.Map('myMap', {
center: [-90, 40],
zoom: 2,
view: 'Auto',
//Add authentication details for connecting to Azure Maps.
authOptions: {
//Alternatively, use an Azure Maps key. Get an Azure Maps key at NOTE: The primary key should be used as the key.
authType: 'subscriptionKey',
subscriptionKey: '<key>'
//Create a popup but leave it closed so we can update it and display it later.
popup = new atlas.Popup();
//Use MapControlCredential to share authentication between a map control and the service module.
var pipeline = atlas.service.MapsURL.newPipeline(new atlas.service.MapControlCredential(map));
//Create an instance of the SearchURL client.
searchURL = new atlas.service.SearchURL(pipeline);
//If the user presses the search button, geocode the value they passed in.
document.getElementById('searchBtn').onclick = performSearch;
//If the user presses enter in the search textbox, perform a search.
document.getElementById('searchTbx').onkeyup = function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
//If the user presses the My Location button, use the geolocation API to get the users location and center/zoom the map to that location.
document.getElementById('myLocationBtn').onclick = setMapToUserLocation;
//Wait until the map resources are ready.'ready', function () {
//Add the zoom control to the map.
map.controls.add(new atlas.control.ZoomControl(), {
position: 'top-right'
//Add an HTML marker to the map to indicate the center used for searching.
centerMarker = new atlas.HtmlMarker({
htmlContent: '<div class="mapCenterIcon"></div>',
position: map.getCamera().center
//Create a data source and add it to the map and enable clustering.
datasource = new atlas.source.DataSource(null, {
cluster: true,
clusterMaxZoom: maxClusterZoomLevel - 1
//Load all the store data now that the data source has been defined.
//Create a bubble layer for rendering clustered data points.
var clusterBubbleLayer = new atlas.layer.BubbleLayer(datasource, null, {
radius: 12,
color: '#2d00aa',
strokeColor: 'white',
strokeWidth: 2,
filter: ['has', 'point_count'] //Only render data points which have a point_count property, which clusters do.
//Create a symbol layer to render the count of locations in a cluster.
var clusterLabelLayer = new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(datasource, null, {
iconOptions: {
image: 'none' //Hide the icon image.
textOptions: {
textField: ['get', 'point_count_abbreviated'],
size: 12,
font: ['StandardFont-Bold'],
offset: [0, 0.4],
color: 'white'
map.layers.add([clusterBubbleLayer, clusterLabelLayer]);
//Load a custom image icon into the map resources.
map.imageSprite.add('myCustomIcon', iconImageUrl).then(function () {
//Create a layer to render a coffe cup symbol above each bubble for an individual location.
iconLayer = new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(datasource, null, {
iconOptions: {
//Pass in the id of the custom icon that was loaded into the map resources.
image: 'myCustomIcon',
//Optionally scale the size of the icon.
font: ['SegoeUi-Bold'],
//Anchor the center of the icon image to the coordinate.
anchor: 'center',
//Allow the icons to overlap.
allowOverlap: true
filter: ['!', ['has', 'point_count']] //Filter out clustered points from this layer.
//When the mouse is over the cluster and icon layers, change the cursor to be a pointer.'mouseover', [clusterBubbleLayer, iconLayer], function () {
map.getCanvasContainer().style.cursor = 'pointer';
//When the mouse leaves the item on the cluster and icon layers, change the cursor back to the default which is grab.'mouseout', [clusterBubbleLayer, iconLayer], function () {
map.getCanvasContainer().style.cursor = 'grab';
//Add a click event to the cluster layer. When someone clicks on a cluster, zoom into it by 2 levels.'click', clusterBubbleLayer, function (e) {
center: e.position,
zoom: map.getCamera().zoom + 2
//Add a click event to the icon layer and show the shape that was clicked.'click', iconLayer, function (e) {
//Add an event to monitor when the map has finished moving.'render', function () {
//Give the map a chance to move and render data before updating the list.
function loadStoreData() {
//Download the store location data.
.then(response => response.text())
.then(function (text) {
//Parse the Tab delimited file data into GeoJSON features.
var features = [];
//Split the lines of the file.
var lines = text.split('\n');
//Grab the header row.
var row = lines[0].split('\t');
//Parse the header row and index each column, so that when our code for parsing each row is easier to follow.
var header = {};
var numColumns = row.length;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
header[row[i]] = i;
//Skip the header row and then parse each row into a GeoJSON feature.
for (i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
row = lines[i].split('\t');
//Ensure that the row has the right number of columns.
if (row.length >= numColumns) {
features.push(new[parseFloat(row[header['Longitude']]), parseFloat(row[header['Latitude']])]), {
AddressLine: row[header['AddressLine']],
City: row[header['City']],
Municipality: row[header['Municipality']],
AdminDivision: row[header['AdminDivision']],
Country: row[header['Country']],
PostCode: row[header['PostCode']],
Phone: row[header['Phone']],
StoreType: row[header['StoreType']],
IsWiFiHotSpot: (row[header['IsWiFiHotSpot']].toLowerCase() === 'true') ? true : false,
IsWheelchairAccessible: (row[header['IsWheelchairAccessible']].toLowerCase() === 'true') ? true : false,
Opens: parseInt(row[header['Opens']]),
Closes: parseInt(row[header['Closes']])
//Add the features to the data source.
//Initially update the list items.
function performSearch() {
var query = document.getElementById('searchTbx').value;
//Perform a fuzzy search on the users query.
searchURL.searchFuzzy(atlas.service.Aborter.timeout(3000), query, {
//Pass in the array of country ISO2 for which we want to limit the search to.
countrySet: countrySet,
view: 'Auto'
}).then(results => {
//Parse the response into GeoJSON so that the map can understand.
var data = results.geojson.getFeatures();
if (data.features.length > 0) {
//Set the camera to the bounds of the results.
bounds: data.features[0].bbox,
padding: 40
} else {
document.getElementById('listPanel').innerHTML = '<div class="statusMessage">Unable to find the location you searched for.</div>';
function setMapToUserLocation() {
//Request the user's location.
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
//Convert the geolocation API position into a longitude/latitude position value the map can understand and center the map over it.
center: [position.coords.longitude, position.coords.latitude],
zoom: maxClusterZoomLevel + 1
}, function (error) {
//If an error occurs when trying to access the users position information, display an error message.
switch (error.code) {
alert('User denied the request for Geolocation.');
alert('Position information is unavailable.');
case error.TIMEOUT:
alert('The request to get user position timed out.');
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
alert('An unknown error occurred.');
function updateListItems() {
//Hide the center marker.
visible: false
//Get the current camera/view information for the map.
var camera = map.getCamera();
var listPanel = document.getElementById('listPanel');
//Check to see if the user is zoomed out a lot. If they are, tell them to zoom in closer, perform a search or press the My Location button.
if (camera.zoom < maxClusterZoomLevel) {
//Close the popup as clusters may be displayed on the map.
listPanel.innerHTML = '<div class="statusMessage">Search for a location, zoom the map, or press the "My Location" button to see individual locations.</div>';
} else {
//Update the location of the centerMarker.
visible: true
//List the ten closest locations in the side panel.
var html = [], properties;
Generating HTML for each item that looks like this:
<div class="listItem" onclick="itemSelected('id')">
<div class="listItem-title">1 Microsoft Way</div>
Redmond, WA 98052<br />
Open until 9:00 PM<br />
0.7 miles away
//Get all the shapes that have been rendered in the bubble layer.
var data = map.layers.getRenderedShapes(map.getCamera().bounds, [iconLayer]);
//Create an index of the distances of each shape.
var distances = {};
data.forEach(function (shape) {
if (shape instanceof atlas.Shape) {
//Calculate the distance from the center of the map to each shape and store in the index. Round to 2 decimals.
distances[shape.getId()] = Math.round(atlas.math.getDistanceTo(, shape.getCoordinates(), 'miles') * 100) / 100;
//Sort the data by distance.
data.sort(function (x, y) {
return distances[x.getId()] - distances[y.getId()];
data.forEach(function (shape) {
properties = shape.getProperties();
html.push('<div class="listItem" onclick="itemSelected(\'', shape.getId(), '\')"><div class="listItem-title">',
//Get a formatted address line 2 value that consists of City, Municipality, AdminDivision, and PostCode.
'<br />',
//Convert the closing time into a nicely formated time.
'<br />',
//Get the distance of the shape.
' miles away</div>');
listPanel.innerHTML = html.join('');
//Scroll to the top of the list panel incase the user has scrolled down.
listPanel.scrollTop = 0;
//This converts a time in 2400 format into an AM/PM time or noon/midnight string.
function getOpenTillTime(properties) {
var time = properties['Closes'];
var t = time / 100;
var sTime;
if (time === 1200) {
sTime = 'noon';
} else if (time === 0 || time === 2400) {
sTime = 'midnight';
} else {
sTime = Math.round(t) + ':';
//Get the minutes.
t = (t - Math.round(t)) * 100;
if (t === 0) {
sTime += '00';
} else if (t < 10) {
sTime += '0' + t;
} else {
sTime += Math.round(t);
if (time < 1200) {
sTime += ' AM';
} else {
sTime += ' PM';
return 'Open until ' + sTime;
//When a user clicks on a result in the side panel, look up the shape by its id value and show popup.
function itemSelected(id) {
//Get the shape from the data source using it's id.
var shape = datasource.getShapeById(id);
//Center the map over the shape on the map.
var center = shape.getCoordinates();
var offset;
//If the map is less than 700 pixels wide, then the layout is set for small screens.
if (map.getCanvas().width < 700) {
//When the map is small, offset the center of the map relative to the shape so that there is room for the popup to appear.
offset = [0, -80];
center: center,
centerOffset: offset
function showPopup(shape) {
var properties = shape.getProperties();
Generating HTML for the popup that looks like this:
<div class="storePopup">
<div class="popupTitle">
3159 Tongass Avenue
<div class="popupSubTitle">Ketchikan, AK 99901</div>
<div class="popupContent">
Open until 22:00 PM<br/>
<img title="Phone Icon" src="images/PhoneIcon.png">
<a href="tel:1-800-XXX-XXXX">1-800-XXX-XXXX</a>
<img title="Wi-Fi Hotspot" src="images/WiFiIcon.png">
<img title="Wheelchair Accessible" src="images/WheelChair-small.png">
//Calculate the distance from the center of the map to the shape in miles, round to 2 decimals.
var distance = Math.round(atlas.math.getDistanceTo(map.getCamera().center, shape.getCoordinates(), 'miles') * 100)/100;
var html = ['<div class="storePopup">'];
html.push('<div class="popupTitle">',
'<div class="popupSubTitle">',
'</div></div><div class="popupContent">',
//Convert the closing time into a nicely formated time.
//Add the distance information.
'<br/>', distance,
' miles away',
'<br /><img src="images/PhoneIcon.png" title="Phone Icon"/><a href="tel:',
if (properties['IsWiFiHotSpot'] || properties['IsWheelchairAccessible']) {
html.push('<br/>Amenities: ');
if (properties['IsWiFiHotSpot']) {
html.push('<img src="images/WiFiIcon.png" title="Wi-Fi Hotspot"/>');
if (properties['IsWheelchairAccessible']) {
html.push('<img src="images/WheelChair-small.png" title="Wheelchair Accessible"/>');
//Update the content and position of the popup for the specified shape information.
//Create a table from the properties in the feature.
content: html.join(''),
position: shape.getCoordinates()
//Open the popup.;
//Creates an addressLine2 string consisting of City, Municipality, AdminDivision, and PostCode.
function getAddressLine2(properties) {
var html = [properties['City']];
if (properties['Municipality']) {
html.push(', ', properties['Municipality']);
if (properties['AdminDivision']) {
html.push(', ', properties['AdminDivision']);
if (properties['PostCode']) {
html.push(' ', properties['PostCode']);
return html.join('');
//Initialize the application when the page is loaded.
window.onload = initialize;
- Denise_Chen
We will look into the issue and get back to you next couple days.